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Turkish Soldiers following the steps of ancestors in battlefield

Cabatali you have to admit, Your ancestors looked more mean lean and tough than your existing warriors. Your ancestors had those true warrior looks. Look at those facial structure, beard, intense stare, Jaw line. Rough and tough personality. Each looked like they have been to multiple wars yet ready to go to next one

There is a reason Mustafa Kamal was able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and won Gallipoli Battle as well
This is just the beginning for this video-game playing generation raised in much ease and comfort!!! Anyway, they'll evolve into tougher warriors as the maps are being redrawn - albeit by the local folks after 100 years of Zionists' absolute grip....

A Turkish soldier is touching the Ay-Yildiz (Hilal ve Sitara) on his forehead in Afrin to commemorate the Gallipoli Naval victory.....

*A Turkish folk touches his forehead (i) during Sejde toward Allah-u Azimushshan, (ii) on the Kuran-i Kerim (iii) on the flag and (iv) hands of the elderly......
This is illegal Occupation of neighboring country.
Also Afrin is Kurdish and nobody forget that like nobody forget Armanian genocide.
This is illegal Occupation of neighboring country.
Also Afrin is Kurdish and nobody forget that like nobody forget Armanian genocide.

Some sources estimate between 250.000 - 1.5 Million deaths, there is a f..king difference from over 1 Million!
What kind of estimation is that?

We care, We are not like European and American to care about human rights when they benefit from it. Iran is with All oppressed people of the world.

:omghaha: Then start with the oppressed people in Iran...
This is illegal Occupation of neighboring country.
Also Afrin is Kurdish and nobody forget that like nobody forget Armanian genocide.

The US-Israel backed Kurdish-Armenian terrorist organization Pkk-Ypg occupied 30% of Syrian territory under the mask of fighting against DEASH to create garrison state in Syria for the US and Israel to attack on Turkey and Iran

This time Kurdish genocide by neo osmani army of erDOGan.

keep crying pathetic loser ,,, in reality Turkey saved over 350.000 Syrian Kurds from Pkk-Ypg-Isis terrorists

btw criminal killer ( Iran , Syrian Regime ) is talking about human rights who killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Syria with heavy weapons , barrel bombs even chemical weapons
time Kurdish genocide by neo osmani army of erDOGan.
I know you guys arent happy about Turkeys success but the list of people who arent happy is long, the question is, will this stop Turkey from following its interests?
I dont think so buddy.
This time Kurdish genocide by neo osmani army of erDOGan.

We care, We are not like European and American to care about human rights when they benefit from it. Iran is with All oppressed people of the world.
Sadly I wish people cared but life is such
This is illegal Occupation of neighboring country.
Also Afrin is Kurdish and nobody forget that like nobody forget Armanian genocide.

If you say so... It is not about Iran since Relations between Iran and Turkey is in good condition. I think It is about yourself. I bet you are a PKK/PYD supporter Kurd living in Iran. It must be the reason of your pain. Otherwise, Kurds escaped from Syria who objects to PYD activities, are safely living in Turkey.
If you say so... It is not about Iran since Relations between Iran and Turkey is in good condition. I think It is about yourself. I bet you are a PKK/PYD supporter Kurd living in Iran. It must be the reason of your pain. Otherwise, Kurds escaped from Syria who objects to PYD activities, are safely living in Turkey.

Forum has been filled with so many false flaggers recently - 2015+ accounts are comical.

If you say so... It is not about Iran since Relations between Iran and Turkey is in good condition. I think It is about yourself. I bet you are a PKK/PYD supporter Kurd living in Iran. It must be the reason of your pain. Otherwise, Kurds escaped from Syria who objects to PYD activities, are safely living in Turkey.

I would not like to join in feeding the troll.

That said, Do you honestly believe for a second Turkey have had good relation with ethno-sectarian Mullahs?

P.S: I would not like to see your precious existance in this forum be drained in this way for trolls.
In Afrin the YPG terrorists have super powers assisting them but in East Ghouta the rebels have only themselves. Your mission is to play down Turkey's success while glorifying genocidal despot assad's victory against the rag tag rebels. Assad with his tyranny has already destroyed Syria so he can never be the victor as you claim.
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