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it is said that Turkey has developed new assault rifle and security forces of Defence Minister has just sttarted using.
They havent recognized that we copied succesfuly HK 416:)

In fights and war you cant see your enemy and you cant aim your rifle( if you are not sniper!)
Only fire pressure.
For fire pressure 5.56mm is a great ammo.

Not this crap again. It's funny how some people keep saying we copied the HK 416 when the HK 416 was itself a "copy" of the M4 with a different cycling mechanism, and was originally called the HK M4. MPT-55 is in the same way a variant of the HK 416 with a different cycling mechanism, but somehow that one's a copy while HK's copy isn't a copy.

The worst kind of double-standard is one where you put yourself lower than everyone else.
Many sources claim that MKEK is only reseller and that subcontractors produce and suppyl weapons for them :

MKEK 40mm AGL ve 12.7 için de benzer bir yolu kullanıyor. Tüm işi başkası yapıyor -tasarım dahil, ama MKE bunun satışını yapıp üzerinden komisyonunu alıyor. Teknik resimler vs MKE olsa da, ürün hakkı onda olsa da heme tüm işi tedarikçileri yapıyor

Kalekalip prototype for possible exchange old MP-5 's ?


New design from Trabzon Silah Sanayii ( Zigana)

Kalekalip and Ünimetal developing TURKISH MINIGUN for SARP- L





  • Ağırlık: 39 kg
  • Uzunluk: 80.1 cm
  • Namlu uzunluğu: 55.9 cm
  • Kalibre: 7.62 mm
  • Atım hızı: 2000-6000 mermi/dakika
  • Mermi çıkış hızı: 853 metre/saniye
  • Etkili menzil: 1000 metre

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Not this crap again. It's funny how some people keep saying we copied the HK 416 when the HK 416 was itself a "copy" of the M4 with a different cycling mechanism, and was originally called the HK M4. MPT-55 is in the same way a variant of the HK 416 with a different cycling mechanism, but somehow that one's a copy while HK's copy isn't a copy.

The worst kind of double-standard is one where you put yourself lower than everyone else.
Hk416 and m4 are verry different rifle. They look similar but they have totally different mechanisms.
M4 is legendary gas system rifle.
Hk 416 has short stroke piston.

Hk engineers made new product.But Mkek engineers didnt. Mkek engineers just copied but great job.

I am proud of mpt55.
Hk416 and m4 are verry different rifle. They look similar but they have totally different mechanisms.
M4 is legendary gas system rifle.
Hk 416 has short stroke piston.

Hk engineers made new product.But Mkek engineers didnt. Mkek engineers just copied but great job.

I am proud of mpt55.

Stop repeating my own words back to me like a parrot. I already said the difference between them is they have a different cycling mechanism. Also, the HK 416 and M4 don't just "look similar" - the HK is based on the M4 design. Nor was the HK the first M4 pattern rifle with a short-stroke piston - the AR-18 also had a short-stroke piston mechanism and it was designed decades before the HK 416. Basically the HK 416 is just previous Eugene Stoner designs put together and refined, with the mechanism improved. And that's exactly what the MPT series is. So if anyone considers the HK 416 an original design, they must also consider the MPT an original design or they're an ignorant fool (or just a Turk brainwashed by a foreign culture into looking down on all things Turkish).

Also, MKEK didn't design the MPT series - Kale did. And the 4 years they spent developing it weren't spent belly dancing. Copying the HK 416 would've taken Kale only a few months, and they would've been sued already if they had done that.
Many sources claim that MKEK is only reseller and that subcontractors produce and suppyl weapons for them :

MKEK 40mm AGL ve 12.7 için de benzer bir yolu kullanıyor. Tüm işi başkası yapıyor -tasarım dahil, ama MKE bunun satışını yapıp üzerinden komisyonunu alıyor. Teknik resimler vs MKE olsa da, ürün hakkı onda olsa da heme tüm işi tedarikçileri yapıyor

Kalekalip prototype for possible exchange old MP-5 's ?


New design from Trabzon Silah Sanayii ( Zigana)

Kalekalip and Ünimetal developing TURKISH MINIGUN for SARP- L





  • Ağırlık: 39 kg
  • Uzunluk: 80.1 cm
  • Namlu uzunluğu: 55.9 cm
  • Kalibre: 7.62 mm
  • Atım hızı: 2000-6000 mermi/dakika
  • Mermi çıkış hızı: 853 metre/saniye
  • Etkili menzil: 1000 metre


Most from IDEF-2015. Any serial production or ordering?
Can somebody translate this? It's about the accuracy of the mpt-76

"Bu tüfeğin en büyük özelliği tek atışlı ve dağılım değeri 1,3 moa olmasıdır. En iyi değerlerimizden biri de 0,5 moadır. 0,5 moa, 100 metreden 1,5 santimetreye tekabül etmektedir. Yani 5 mermiden 4'ünü 100 metreden 1,5 santimetrenin içerisine atma kabiliyetine sahiptir. 4,6 kilogram ağırlığa sahiptir. Eşdeğerlerine göre çok daha hafif, etkili, vuruş kabiliyeti çok yüksek keskin nişancı tüfeğimizdir. Dünyadaki eşdeğerlerine göre çok daha üstün özellikleri sahiptir. Namlusu diğer sistemlere göre uzundur. 20 inç namlu boyuna sahiptir."
Can somebody translate this? It's about the accuracy of the mpt-76

"Bu tüfeğin en büyük özelliği tek atışlı ve dağılım değeri 1,3 moa olmasıdır. En iyi değerlerimizden biri de 0,5 moadır. 0,5 moa, 100 metreden 1,5 santimetreye tekabül etmektedir. Yani 5 mermiden 4'ünü 100 metreden 1,5 santimetrenin içerisine atma kabiliyetine sahiptir. 4,6 kilogram ağırlığa sahiptir. Eşdeğerlerine göre çok daha hafif, etkili, vuruş kabiliyeti çok yüksek keskin nişancı tüfeğimizdir. Dünyadaki eşdeğerlerine göre çok daha üstün özellikleri sahiptir. Namlusu diğer sistemlere göre uzundur. 20 inç namlu boyuna sahiptir."

Single shot moa value is 1.3 moa. best moa is 0.5 moa. 0.5 moa means 1,5 cm deviation at 100 m distance. that means from 5 bullets 4 bullets hit a target within 1.5cm. weight is 4.6 kg. It is lighter than comparable other models It is superiour than comparable models and our own sharp shooter rifle. Its barrel is 20 inch and longer than othe systems
Does somebody know if there is some interest from South America for the MPT-76 rifle? I saw in this video that MKEK took part in a defense show in Brazil recently (7:16 min)
Does somebody know if there is some interest from South America for the MPT-76 rifle? I saw in this video that MKEK took part in a defense show in Brazil recently (7:16 min)

Yes. There is great interest.
Also for COIN aircraft (Super Tucano) weapons and radar systems !

MPT-76. I'm looking for a nice rifle for hunting season and am thinking about trialing the MPT-76 (civ model obviously) against the MR762A1.


MEK wont sell direct, but I think I can get one through Zenith as a third-part importer.

Fingers crossed.

Can you get war weapons in NORWAY ? Do you wannna fake us ?

Here you can get HK33 from MKEK as hunting version



2095.00 EUR
Yes. Pistol and revolver ownership are permitted under license, but rifle and shotgun sales are regulated, but legal. Background checks, semi-auto only, restricted magazine, standard restrictions, but legal.

FYI, Norway is the 10th most heavily armed nation which 1 gun for every 3 people in private ownership:-).

I answered already.
I thought you are passivist nation and Switzerland is the most personal armed nation.:what:

Scandinavians are for non violence ? OR NOT ?



I hope you know that you can modify the rifles to full automatic very easy ?

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