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Turkish shepherd shot dead by Armenian border guards

Not funny. It's not a funny claim. Just just just... humanity.

It's not that hard, believe me.

If the peace-wanting looks me like idiot, yeah i am.
Not funny. It's not a funny claim. Just just just... humanity.

It's not that hard, believe me.

If the peace-wanting looks me like idiot, yeah i am.
Your not an idiot,who doesnt want peace?
But under these circumstances,for now there cant be peace.
Humanity has to come from all sides,why the Armenians dont want peace with the Azeris?
Problem solved isnt it?
Then we all have peace.
See to say you want peace and making peace possible are to very different things.

Baykuş;4589100 said:
Seems like your coffee is stronger than mine :cheesy:

No coffee,real strong tea.:)
Those stupid Armenians. The more they attempt to provoke us, the more assistance we're going to be able to justify giving Azerbaijan on the ground.

If they push their luck too hard, there might just be Altay tanks rolling into Yerevan at some point ;).
One Armenian, is not all Armenians. Don't forget!
Not funny. It's not a funny claim. Just just just... humanity.

It's not that hard, believe me.

If the peace-wanting looks me like idiot, yeah i am.

You got to be tough buddy..Thats all i am saying...While others throwing rocks at you, you cant just chant love songs in the name of humanity...You said our grand grand grand parents lived in harmony, i say there was no other choice as we were the Conquerors; but remember what happened when Ottoman Empire started to lose grip
One Armenian, is not all Armenians. Don't forget!

Right, because all Armenians are busy with turcophobia and islamophobia, so it's nice that perhaps one or two Armenians living in that country are perhaps sane.

Note that the unarmed Turkish shepherd was killed by an Armenian government employee - a border guard. There was no need to kill, absolutely no need - they could have easily detained him, like is done in all civilized countries.

Before WW1, 50% of Armenia was Muslim and there were Mosques. Today's there is not one mosque and there is not one Muslim alive in Armenia but some of our niave friends still talk about rainbows and unicorns. It is so sad. Only Christian death get rememberd.

That's true, majority of what is today Armenia were Muslim until WWI. There were several hundred mosques - today only one (!) survives, and even that was renamed from Azerbaijani Goy Mescit (Blue Mosque) into a Persian mosque, to pretend that it was built by strategic allies Persians, not the hated Azerbaijani Turks.
@gr8vision,may i ask your profession?
You seem to know alot about certain things,specialy history.
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Right, because all Armenians are busy with turcophobia and islamophobia, so it's nice that perhaps one or two Armenians living in that country are perhaps sane.

Note that the unarmed Turkish shepherd was killed by an Armenian government employee - a border guard. There was no need to kill, absolutely no need - they could have easily detained him, like is done in all civilized countries.

That's true, majority of what is today Armenia were Muslim until WWI. There were several hundred mosques - today only one (!) survives, and even that was renamed from Azerbaijani Goy Mescit (Blue Mosque) into a Persian mosque, to pretend that it was built by strategic allies Persians, not the hated Azerbaijani Turks.

What are you talking about? It's the first Christian country, how were they Muslim ?

This is from wikipedia, I can't post links yet

"Armenians did not convert to Islam in large numbers. During the Arabic conquest, Islam came to the Armenians; however, almost all Armenians never converted to Islam, since Christians were not required to convert by Muslim law, and the absence of heavy taxation also hindered this. The story was similar in the Ottoman Empire.

Armenia continues to be one of the most ethnically homogeneous countries in Europe. Armenian 97.9%, Russian 0.5%, Kurds 1.3%, other 0.3% (2001)

On the incident itself, the border guard should have just arrested the sheperd, and depending on circumstances should be prosecuted with manslaughter
In our homeland there are now terrorist Armenians who said they will fight us if we go back.
What are you talking about? It's the first Christian country, how were they Muslim ?

This is from wikipedia, I can't post links yet

"Armenians did not convert to Islam in large numbers. During the Arabic conquest, Islam came to the Armenians; however, almost all Armenians never converted to Islam, since Christians were not required to convert by Muslim law, and the absence of heavy taxation also hindered this. The story was similar in the Ottoman Empire.

Armenia continues to be one of the most ethnically homogeneous countries in Europe. Armenian 97.9%, Russian 0.5%, Kurds 1.3%, other 0.3% (2001)

On the incident itself, the border guard should have just arrested the sheperd, and depending on circumstances should be prosecuted with manslaughter

Friend, no one says Armenia/Armenians are/were Muslims. Instead, we are saying that on the land of today's Armenia there were hundreds of Muslim (Azerbaijani Turkic) mosques, both Sunni and Shia, that were destroyed by Armenians after Russia invaded Caucasus, subjugated Georgians and Azerbaijani Turks, and made the former Irevan Khanate (an Azerbaijani Turkic kingdom) part of its empire. After that, a massive inmigration of Armenians started there, but still, until about 1901, the majority of population of what today is Yerevan (the capital of Armenia) was Turkic - Azerbaijani Turks.

According to media and official Armenian government sources, there is only one functioning mosque, Blue Mosque (Goy Mescit),
remaining in entire Armenia today, which is in Yerevan (it was reclassified by Armenians as Persian, despite being built in 1766 by
the Azerbaijani Turkic khan of the Yerevan Khanate), and one semi-destroyed non-functioning one, also in Yerevan, built in 19th
century. Both of these mosques are on the "protection" list of the Armenian Ministry of Culture. All other mosques have been
destroyed -- the last one was literally bulldozered in 1990 (see below for references). Here's the link to the official Armenian
government website that claims the Blue Mosque is "Persian": www.gov.am/u_files/file/kron/G1043746.pdf

Meanwhile, according to the official Russian Imperial archival source, Caucasus Calendar (Kavkazskiy Kalendar, Кавказский
календарь) published in 1870 in Tbilisi (Тифлис) and covering the year 1869, page 392, there were this many Shia Muslim
mosques (doesn't include Sunni mosques): Erivan Guberniya (nearly entirely in today's Armenia): 269, Tiflis Gubernia (mostly
today's Georgia): 7 and Elizavetpol Guberniya (Azerbaijan): 156. So there used to be at least over 200 Shia mosques in today's
Armenia in the second half of the 19th century. Today, only 1.5 remain. What happened to the rest 200 or so is a rhetorical question.

And by the way, Armenia was NOT the "first Christian country"!!! This is a lie that Armenians shamelessly spread to gain more sympathy from Christians. The very first nation to become officially Christian was Osroene (Syrian people): "It was around 200 c.e. that Abgar IX adopted Christianity, thus enabling Edessa to become the first Christian state in history whose ruler was officially and openly a Christian." (David Frankfurter. Pilgrimage and Holy Space in Late Antique Egypt. Irfan Shahid. Arab Christian Pilgrimages. — BRILL, 1998 — p. 383 — ISBN 9789004111271)

Here's another link: Osroene

@gr8vision,may i ask your profession?
You seem to know alot about certain things,specialy history.

I am a teacher.
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Not funny. It's not a funny claim. Just just just... humanity.

It's not that hard, believe me.

If the peace-wanting looks me like idiot, yeah i am.

Don't be naive,in the end it's a shark eat shark world,"humanity' is for weaklings.As much as we like to think we've evolved in the end is the muscle behind you that brings justice,if you're weak you're going to be a pushover and that's a life fact.;)
The armenians are doing this b'cause they have Rusia behind them.
Rest in peace you poor sheperd!...Disgracefull,flexing your muscles by murdering a poor guy scratching out his living...shame!
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