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Turkish secret agents snatch Fethullah Gulen's nephew in Kenya


Dec 14, 2017
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Turkish secret agents snatch Fethullah Gulen's nephew in Kenya


Turkish spies have snatched in Kenya a nephew of a longtime foe of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and have brought him back to Turkey, media and family said on Monday.

Ankara accuses US-based Muslim preacher Fethullah Gulen of masterminding a failed coup in 2016 that left hundreds dead and thousands more injured. Since 2016, Turkey has arrested tens of thousands of people suspected to have links to Gulen.

Turkish state news agency Anadolu reported that Selahaddin Gulen was brought back to Turkey by agents from Turkey's National Intelligence Organisation (MIT), quoting unnamed security sources, but did not say which country he was arrested in.

In a video posted on social media on May 20, Selahaddin's wife confirmed the couple lived in Kenya and that she had not heard from her husband, who taught at a school in Nairobi, since May 3.

Individuals and media linked to Gulen's movement said on social media that Selahaddin had been "kidnapped" in Kenya, as they launched a campaign calling for his release.

Selahaddin Gulen is accused of belonging to the "FETO terrorist organisation", the description used by Ankara for Fethullah Gulen's movement.

"We will soon announce the capture of a very important FETO member. He is in our hands," Erdogan said on May 19, a likely reference to Selahaddin Gülen.

The preacher, who lives in Pennsylvania, insists he is the head of a peaceful network of charities and companies, and denies any links to the 2016 coup bid.

But Erdogan, who once was allied with Gulen, describes him today as the leader of a "terrorist" group which seeks to infiltrate and overthrow his government.

Since the failed coup, Turkey has "repatriated" dozens of people accused of belonging to Gulen's network, regardless of the repercussions such actions may cause abroad.

The kidnapping of six Turkish nationals in Kosovo by MIT agents in 2018 sparked a political crisis in the Balkan country, leading to the sacking of its interior minister and intelligence chief.

Ankara has also put pressure on many countries, especially in the Balkans, Central Asia and Africa, to close schools linked to the "Gulenist" movement.

Kenya refused in 2016 to close six establishments despite Ankara's insistence.

It was not immediately clear if Selahaddin Gulen was seized with the agreement of the Kenyan authorities.

In 1999, Turkish services arrested the leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), Abdullah Ocalan, in Kenya. Ocalan remains imprisoned in Turkey.

The PKK has waged an insurgency against Turkey since 1984 and is blacklisted by Ankara's Western allies.

The raids continue against alleged Gulen members, with almost daily police operations to arrest suspects across the country.

Since 2016, more than 140,000 public sector workers including teachers and judges have also been sacked or suspended over suspected Gulen ties.

MIT will get to anything which is why Sedat peker has few days his claiming his in places his not in.. Nothing can outrun MIT and they are everywhere the only reason Fethullah Gulan is safe is because of US diplomatic protection but they can easily get to anyone in the US or Canada
MIT will get to anything which is why Sedat peker has few days his claiming his in places his not in.. Nothing can outrun MIT and they are everywhere the only reason Fethullah Gulan is safe is because of US diplomatic protection but they can easily get to anyone in the US or Canada

This reminds me about a hilarious incident when that time the Saudi Intelligence agency (GIP) during 2012-18 went on a random campaign of Sporadic assassinations of dissidents across Canada and the US and they over did that and went overboard with it killed to many and including jamal khashoggi but people only heard of Khashoggi due to the outcries but he was initially just one amongst a streak of sporadic assassinations against dissidents and most of them had been assassinated in North America and Saudi Arabia got into diplomatic crisis with both the US and Canadian gov't and they immediately stopped the sporadic assassinations on North American soil and the Jamal Khashoggi incident pressure ended GIP's streak of murderous row
MIT will get to anything which is why Sedat peker has few days his claiming his in places his not in.. Nothing can outrun MIT and they are everywhere the only reason Fethullah Gulan is safe is because of US diplomatic protection but they can easily get to anyone in the US or Canada

still not sure who is behind this coup attempt .

One thing is sure , Erdogan jumped at the chance to rid himself of all opposition and locked thousands in jail many of them without just reason.

One of the more disturbing part of the coup was the lynching of those young cadets on the bridge. Those young cadets had nothing to do with the coup . They where young soldiers , patriotic , who where told to guard the bridge from a terrorist's attack. They surrendered and posed no danger.

I see no reason to put those cadets on trial instead of finding those responsible for the lynch.

Family of military cadet lynched by mob on coup night ordered to pay compensation


The family of Murat Tekin, who was killed by a mob on the Bosporus Bridge on the night of a 2016 failed coup in Turkey, has been ordered by a court to pay compensation to the state for damages to public property, Turkish Minute reported, citing Tekin’s sister.

Murat Tekin, 25, was one of a group of cadets who were deployed to the Bosporus Bridge in İstanbul on the night of the coup attempt, which claimed the lives of 250 people and was suppressed overnight. His sister, Mehtap, has claimed his throat was slashed by an angry mob, backing up her allegation with an autopsy report that stated his body exhibited injuries caused by sharp objects.

His family was unable to claim Tekin’s body until 12 days after the coup attempt.

On Sunday Mehtap Tekin, who has been seeking justice for her brother for four years, announced on Twitter that her family is again in difficulty due to compensation demanded by the state for damage to public property caused by her brother on the night of the coup. The sister said the family’s automobile had been seized by the state.

Mehtap Tekin said while the perpetrators of the murder of her brother go unpunished and that it is they who should be demanding compensation from the state, the state is seeking compensation from them.

You massacred my brother with knives, you denigrated his dead body, his memory. Are you now demanding compensation from us, and even with interest?” tweeted Mehtap Tekin.

“You took the life of my brother. What more do you want? Let us live with our pain,” she added.

Military cadets who were taken to the Bosporus Bridge on the night of the coup attempt claim they did not have any idea about the coup unfolding as their superiors told them there was a terrorist attack on the bridge. Many of these cadets have been behind bars since the abortive putsch and have been given life sentences on coup charges.

In a unanimous decision, Turkey’s Constitutional Court in November found a government decree that granted immunity to civilians who were involved in criminal activities to suppress a military coup attempt in 2016 to be constitutional.

still not sure who is behind this coup attempt .

One thing is sure , Erdogan jumped at the chance to rid himself of all opposition and locked thousands in jail many of them without just reason.

One of the more disturbing part of the coup was the lynching of those young cadets on the bridge. Those young cadets had nothing to do with the coup . They where young soldiers , patriotic , who where told to guard the bridge from a terrorist's attack. They surrendered and posed no danger.

I see no reason to put those cadets on trial instead of finding those responsible for the lynch.

Family of military cadet lynched by mob on coup night ordered to pay compensation


The family of Murat Tekin, who was killed by a mob on the Bosporus Bridge on the night of a 2016 failed coup in Turkey, has been ordered by a court to pay compensation to the state for damages to public property, Turkish Minute reported, citing Tekin’s sister.

Murat Tekin, 25, was one of a group of cadets who were deployed to the Bosporus Bridge in İstanbul on the night of the coup attempt, which claimed the lives of 250 people and was suppressed overnight. His sister, Mehtap, has claimed his throat was slashed by an angry mob, backing up her allegation with an autopsy report that stated his body exhibited injuries caused by sharp objects.

His family was unable to claim Tekin’s body until 12 days after the coup attempt.

On Sunday Mehtap Tekin, who has been seeking justice for her brother for four years, announced on Twitter that her family is again in difficulty due to compensation demanded by the state for damage to public property caused by her brother on the night of the coup. The sister said the family’s automobile had been seized by the state.

Mehtap Tekin said while the perpetrators of the murder of her brother go unpunished and that it is they who should be demanding compensation from the state, the state is seeking compensation from them.

You massacred my brother with knives, you denigrated his dead body, his memory. Are you now demanding compensation from us, and even with interest?” tweeted Mehtap Tekin.

“You took the life of my brother. What more do you want? Let us live with our pain,” she added.

Military cadets who were taken to the Bosporus Bridge on the night of the coup attempt claim they did not have any idea about the coup unfolding as their superiors told them there was a terrorist attack on the bridge. Many of these cadets have been behind bars since the abortive putsch and have been given life sentences on coup charges.

In a unanimous decision, Turkey’s Constitutional Court in November found a government decree that granted immunity to civilians who were involved in criminal activities to suppress a military coup attempt in 2016 to be constitutional.

This one is tricky but according to my understanding he stood on the wrong side without knowning.. But he may have not known what is going on but he stood on the wrong side in the turkish history because had the coup succeeded Turkey would have been in turmoil now.. I can understand why these civilians who prevented the coup were granted immunity but the damaged property fines is a bit over the top in my honest opinion..

@MMM-E Can you shade some light on this
still not sure who is behind this coup attempt .

USA is behind this coup attempt as like 1960 , 1971 , 1980 and 1997 coups

USA and İsrael could not destroy president ERDOGAN since 2013 Gezi park rebellion

Family of military cadet lynched by mob on coup night ordered to pay compensation

USA backed FETO Terrorists bombed Turkish Parliament , Turkish Police special Forces and killed 251 Turkish citizens including 41 police officers

including 15 year old Halil İbrahim Yıldırım

including Erol Olçak and his 16 year old son ( prominent figure in advertising business and renowned for campaigns he launched for the AK Party )

Olçak and his son went to the Bosporus Bridge to protest after it was shut down by pro coup soldiers

USA backed FETO Terrorists killed 37 civilians in the Bosporus Bridge on july 15 2016

real videos
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USA is behind this coup attempt as like 1960 , 1971 , 1980 and 1997 coups

USA and İsrael could not destroy president ERDOGAN since 2013 Gezi park rebellion

USA backed FETO Terrorists bombed Turkish Parliament , Turkish Police special Forces and killed 251 Turkish citizens including 41 police officers

including 15 year old Halil İbrahim Yıldırım
View attachment 749960

including Erol Olçak and his 16 year old son ( prominent figure in advertising business and renowned for campaigns he launched for the AK Party )

Olçak and his son went to the Bosporus Bridge to protest after it was shut down by pro coup soldiers
View attachment 749961

USA backed FETO Terrorists killed 37 civilians in the Bosporus Bridge on july 15 2016
View attachment 749963

real videos

I am asking specifically on those cadets who stood guard on the Bosphorus bridge.

First i want to say , that there is no justification for lynching under any circumstances. Those cadet laid down their weapons - if they did something wrong it is for the courts to decide.

I do not see any reason to exempt people that commit murder in cold blood.

Nor do I understand how is it that those cadets where given life sentences even though they where just following orders to protect the bridge with no knowledge of the coup/

At the end of the day the murderers walked free and the cadets ( most aged 18-21 ) got life in prison for an unclear reason.


“Seven-year [jail term] given to [coup-plotting] generals, but life sentences handed to conscripts and cadets,” main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) lawmaker Eren Erdem said, offering a sharp rebuke of the court rulings.

In a subsequent tweet, he slammed the judges: “Dear judges, fear from God. These are just students, students! What can privates, students have anything to do with the coup? Those who are responsible are free. Real coup plotters are freely wandering outside. By handing life sentences to cadets, fighting the July 15 coup fascism would be impossible. It is a sin! It is a shame!”

I am asking specifically on those cadets who stood guard on the Bosphorus bridge.

First i want to say , that there is no justification for lynching under any circumstances. Those cadet laid down their weapons - if they did something wrong it is for the courts to decide.

Those cadet laid down their weapons when they failed ,,,,
those cadets also were pro-coup and they shot down civilians until morning

Traitors tried to destroy Turkey for American-İsraeli interests
USA and İsrael used traitor FETO to turn Turkey into another Syria

USA backed FETO terrorists killed 251 Turkish citizens including 41 police officers .., dozens of civilians smashed under Tank pallets ... traitors bombed even Turkish parliament

Turkish People is so great that they did not killed all FETO Terorists .. even Turkish People was so angry , still they were prudent ....

Nor do I understand how is it that those cadets where given life sentences even though they where just following orders to protect the bridge with no knowledge of the coup/

that night 37 civilians were killed by USA backed FETO terrorists in the Bosporus Bridge

and I am saying again , those cadets also were pro-coup and they shot down civilians until morning

FETO terrorist group sought to wield influence in the Armed Forces , Police , the judiciary and the bureaucracy by secretly planting its members for decades

Total of 16,409 military cadets who were found to be linked to the FETO terrorist group were expelled
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Those cadet laid down their weapons when they failed ,,,,
those cadets also were pro-coup and they shot down civilians until morning

Sorry to have to state the obvious - but you don't lynch people once they lay down their weapons. You let the courts handle them. There can not be a justification for murder.

From what i read those cadets asked the court to bring in ballistic evidence to decide who actually shot but the court refused them. Now that cant be right :

" The soldiers on trial importunately demand the ballistic reports of the weapons used in the hearings. However, authorities reject these demands. "

still not sure who is behind this coup attempt .

One thing is sure , Erdogan jumped at the chance to rid himself of all opposition and locked thousands in jail many of them without just reason.

One of the more disturbing part of the coup was the lynching of those young cadets on the bridge. Those young cadets had nothing to do with the coup . They where young soldiers , patriotic , who where told to guard the bridge from a terrorist's attack. They surrendered and posed no danger.

I see no reason to put those cadets on trial instead of finding those responsible for the lynch.

Family of military cadet lynched by mob on coup night ordered to pay compensation


The family of Murat Tekin, who was killed by a mob on the Bosporus Bridge on the night of a 2016 failed coup in Turkey, has been ordered by a court to pay compensation to the state for damages to public property, Turkish Minute reported, citing Tekin’s sister.

Murat Tekin, 25, was one of a group of cadets who were deployed to the Bosporus Bridge in İstanbul on the night of the coup attempt, which claimed the lives of 250 people and was suppressed overnight. His sister, Mehtap, has claimed his throat was slashed by an angry mob, backing up her allegation with an autopsy report that stated his body exhibited injuries caused by sharp objects.

His family was unable to claim Tekin’s body until 12 days after the coup attempt.

On Sunday Mehtap Tekin, who has been seeking justice for her brother for four years, announced on Twitter that her family is again in difficulty due to compensation demanded by the state for damage to public property caused by her brother on the night of the coup. The sister said the family’s automobile had been seized by the state.

Mehtap Tekin said while the perpetrators of the murder of her brother go unpunished and that it is they who should be demanding compensation from the state, the state is seeking compensation from them.

You massacred my brother with knives, you denigrated his dead body, his memory. Are you now demanding compensation from us, and even with interest?” tweeted Mehtap Tekin.

“You took the life of my brother. What more do you want? Let us live with our pain,” she added.

Military cadets who were taken to the Bosporus Bridge on the night of the coup attempt claim they did not have any idea about the coup unfolding as their superiors told them there was a terrorist attack on the bridge. Many of these cadets have been behind bars since the abortive putsch and have been given life sentences on coup charges.

In a unanimous decision, Turkey’s Constitutional Court in November found a government decree that granted immunity to civilians who were involved in criminal activities to suppress a military coup attempt in 2016 to be constitutional.

LoL, some of the young cadets have killed people. It is tragic what happened but the mob are right to.
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