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Where are you ? What are you doing here ? Why do you have BND signature ?
Why people with foreign names - independent from the fact that they are non Turks but EU foreigners-
with strange names; non agreeing to german Policy and status quo
are pursued from german Police and accused later with fake " Evidences" ?

I am not an AFD follower, they are disgusting.
But who leaked Ms. Weigels e-mails from 2011 and claims her to be a "Reichsbürger- Anarchist" just NOW before the VOTING ( Russians / Putin / Anonymous or you BND ?)
why my friends are continuosly pursued by your finance authorities every 2 - years cause they have foreign names ?
Why this happens not to German Business Companies ?
Why do you blackmail ethnic German immigrants from Russia, Kasachstan and others to change their name,
to get immidiate german citizenship and ID ?

This is your Democracy , this is your Justice ? ASSIMILATION and HUMILIATION nothing else.

Do you wanna teach us DEMOCRACY, Freedom or only want to press your terrorist agents FREE ?



Rassismus und Justiz geht über Racial Profiling hinaus

Racial Profiling ist nur ein Teil von dem, was Rassismus und Justiz ausmacht. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die Polizei, sondern um einen Kreis, der im englischsprachigem Raum mit dem Wort „criminal justice system“ beschrieben wird. Es umfasst das gesamte System von Polizei – der sogenannten Ordnungsbehörde – zur Ermittlungsbehörde über die Staatsanwaltschaft bis hin zur Gerichtbarkeit.

In diesem Kreis stützt jeder der beteiligten Pfeiler sich gegenseitig. So unterstützt die Polizei die Vorstellung von Kriminalität und Hautfarbe, die Staatsanwaltschaft unterstützt die Arbeit der Polizei, und die Gerichtsbarkeit unterstützt die Handlungen der Polizei und die Arbeit der Staatsanwaltschaft durch die sogenannte Verwissenschaftlichung.

Der Fakt, dass alle zusammenarbeiten, bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass sie sich miteinander absprechen und entsprechend handeln. Es bedarf keiner Vorabsprache, denn es herrscht bereits ein Konsens. Derselbe wird mit einem Zitat Richard Dyers auf den Punkt gebracht: „Racial imagery and racial representation are central to the organization of the contemporary world[…]“1. Diese Gesellschaft und ihr Verständnis von der Welt ist durch Rassismus organisiert; und weder die Polizei, noch Staatsanwaltschaft, noch Gerichtsbarkeit sind frei davon: auch sie leben und atmen in dieser rassistisch organisierten Gesellschaft.



Ne mutlu TÜRKÜM diyene. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

I am interested in Turkish Defence industry, which is not forbidden and the rest are suggestive questions.
. .
Most imported goods from Germany

- MR (Tomograhpy) (Siemens)
- Wind Turbines (Siemens)
- High Speed Trains Sets (Siemens)
- Business kitchen machines (Bosch, Siemens)
- Many Components (ABB)
- Automotive
- Submarines
- Ship Engines
- Transmission groups and engines

How long ? Think about Germany .


Thanks Sabri for statistics
. . .
The opposition CHP is being used by the outlawed PKK to do their dirty work


Turkey's homemade unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are playing a key role in the effective fight against secessionist PKK terrorism…

In the past few days, with the help of UAVs, Turkish security forces have killed dozens of PKK terrorists and have dealt a serious blow to the secessionist militants. This has been going on for months. The ranks of the PKK are being depleted and there is panic in the northern Iraqi mountains of Qandil, where PKK leadership is held up…

Especially after the July 15, 2016 failed coup attempt, Turkey has been carrying out a much more effective fight against PKK terrorism. There are two reasons for this.

One is that Fetullah Gülen's gang members have been weeded out of the police force and the military. It has now become apparent that Gülen's gang members who were embedded in the security forces were cooperating with the PKK and helping them escape anti-terrorist operations… Thus, now security forces have become much more effective in dealing with the PKK terrorists…

The second is the fact that Turkey has now acquired its own UAVs that have started to pinpoint and attack terrorists. It is now clear that UAVs hired from Israel for intelligence gathering and American assistance to provide intelligence through their own UAVs was extremely ineffective… Whether this was done on purpose or not remains to be seen…

At first the UAVs were deployed to monitor the movements of PKK terrorists and thus help Turkish jets and attack helicopters raid their hideouts. Then Turkey developed its own armed UAVs and the fight against the PKK started in earnest. The PKK now dreads the UAVs as they are silent and can catch the PKK murderers with no trouble.

So the PKK realized that it has to do something to stall the UAV attacks… What is sad is that they chose to manipulate the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) to do this…

CHP Deputy Chairman Sezgin Tanrıkulu, a Kurdish advocate and the former bar president of Diyarbakır, claimed the UAVs had killed Kurdish civilians… He tried to make a big issue out of his claims, especially on social media…Later, it became apparent that the four "civilians" he said were killed by UAVs in fact were terrorists who were at a PKK meeting. CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who is famed for being an extremely naïve person, claimed the four were actually on a picnic and they were killed by a UAV attack… Later it became apparent that the four had violated a military zone which was off limits to civilians, they had slipped past barriers blocking the area and had met with four PKK terrorists. The UAV had spotted the four terrorists and their four collaborators and had attacked them, killing seven and wounding one of the collaborators…

So the CHP is being used by the PKK to do their dirty work… This is a meaningless effort to discredit the security forces and try to ground the UAVs. No wonder CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu is protested and booed when he attends the funerals of soldiers martyred by the PKK…


It's indeed not surprising to see headlines like these as just in the last general elections foreign-sponsored traitor parties CHP and HDP were allies against nationalist Turkish parties AKP+MHP.

It's indeed not surprising to see headlines like these as just in the last general elections foreign-sponsored traitor parties CHP and HDP were allies against nationalist Turkish parties AKP+MHP.

CHP will got oly 9% votes if a sudden poll would happen. That's what independent experts say.
They are for sure and with evidence GERMAN supported, with money and logistics.
Now in German NTV - RTL group they broadcast Turkish Coast Guard catching refugee boats triyng to pass sto LESBOS island and say " INHUMAN" action , AQ Germans.
Turkey keep rules they say INHUMAN Turks, if we let them go they say ERDOGAN blackmails the EU. Great idiots.

Raed please the book of MANIPULATION TECHNICS :

CHP has never been a nationalistic party (perhaps with the exception of the short Mustafa Kemal period). Most of it's history, CHP had been an elitist party, looking after the interests of a few industrialist/media families as well as foreign interest, at the expense of the lower and middle income families (regular Anadolu insani). Deniz Baykal period saw serious decline in CHP's character and merit and with Kilicdaroglu it has now hit the rock bottom working directly with the PKK terrorists, FETO putschists and foreign powers against Turkish national interests. And they're not even making a serious effort to hide it.

I find it absolutely insane that CHP still has the number of supporters they do. I guess we can blame that on our fellow people's tendency to support a political party like supporting a football club. Once you pick a "side" you don't ever change it; an example of past habits trumping logic and self-interest.
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This has no relation to football hooligan mentality. Show me a party which can be supported by general chp voter steorotype? Are they supposed to vote for AKP which is highly conservative and is hostile to every value they care for? Are they supposed to vote for MHP dictatorship under Bahçeli? A useless man who has turned into a servant for AKP?

Chp voters know that party isnt in good condition. But most of those "they supört terör" arguments are either totally bullshit or carefully picked out of context. You people forget that AKP control the media and they use it for this exact purpose.

If Akşener does a good propaganda campaign, gather around herself popular and capable people she will not only gather most MHP votes but she will also snatch a considerable AKP and CHP votes. Hers will become either third or second party.
CHP will got oly 9% votes if a sudden poll would happen. That's what independent experts say.
They are for sure and with evidence GERMAN supported, with money and logistics.
Now in German NTV - RTL group they broadcast Turkish Coast Guard catching refugee boats triyng to pass sto LESBOS island and say " INHUMAN" action , AQ Germans.
Turkey keep rules they say INHUMAN Turks, if we let them go they say ERDOGAN blackmails the EU. Great idiots.

Raed please the book of MANIPULATION TECHNICS :

chp was always a pawn of west.. those stinky puppets.. but it satisfy me to see them down on the bottom and how they really are..

but the reality is that erdogan is also a EU puppet.. for excample he makes the germans rich by giving them special jobs like the last siemens deal.. as if there were no other countries offering something similar..

we should not activly search for refugees who try to escape to EU who are we to jail them in turkey.. they are free to go..

ooking after the interests of a few industrialist/media families as well as foreign interest

absolutly right foreign interests as puppets.. they are that what we never wanted to be.. its like freeing your home from invaders and than jailing yourself at home.. its like our independece war was for nothing or just as a show for them to be like the ones who invaded us..
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