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It would be interesting to see when Turks mention their shia fellows their enemy....I have read a lot from Turks posts....Don't remember when they considered Turks Shias their enemy
No Turk is a SHIA. lol

Go do your separatism elsewhere you scummy person. @cabatli_53 Bro, ban this turd from Turkish section, obviously here to troll.

Truth hurts you Shia? LOL. Armenian flag also???
I think Turkey has realised by now that it cannot become part of the intrinsically racist organisation called EU. Bosnia, Albania and Turkey; three countries not members of EU...guess what's common among them..they are all Muslim countries...while their neighbours with far worse human rights records and economies have been accepted, these countries are been denied the membership.
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There are not Many twelver or 7 shias.. if you mean the alevi who are different from them and different from alawi than don't be afraid they are not enemies of turkey..

They are normal ppl like Azeri, many of them alevi are turks and those are mostly patriotic.. Off curse wicked evil ppl exist everywhere

So wich shia do you mean?
U seems to be a bloody sectarian....I hate extremists whether they are SHIAS or SUNNIS but not ordinary peace loving common people....
I am sectarian? No. I am against these people that want to harm me i want peace.

There are not Many twelver or 7 shias.. if you mean the alevi who are different from them and different from alawi than don't be afraid they are not enemies of turkey..

They are normal ppl like Azeri, many of them alevi are turks and those are mostly patriotic.. Off curse wicked evil ppl exist everywhere

So wich shia do you mean?
I cannot believe I have to explain all this. The Shia from Iran HATE TURKS. And SUNNIS. Is this wrong???
So my ppl how does this look alike.. Like I said years before and what I always propagate..

It comes clearer and clearer the ones behind this coup are the ones responsible for gezi protest and pkk threat

And The Arab spring but not only this we saw how they tested it in ozbekistan.. Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh and some south Asian states..

They do it they are behind it and warmongers and Bloody wicked minds in our countries are with them
I cannot believe I have to explain all this. The Shia from Iran HATE TURKS. And SUNNIS. Is this wrong???

Now...you're being specific...Shias from Iran....yes....It can be possible as Turks, just like Pakistanis are close to Arabs and Iranians don't like Arabs..Rivalry is of nationalism and sometimes sectarian too....

It would be better to call Iranians hate Turkey than Shias hate Turkey.......
Not forgetting now these people are doing propaganda that Erdogan did this coup as a self inflicted wound! When the coup was happening they were celebrating yes we are getting rid of Erdogan and now they have entered this phase of counter narrative as their original script failed.

another thing is why are her panties in a twist? this in self is a serious question!
I am sectarian? No. I am against these people that want to harm me i want peace.

I cannot believe I have to explain all this. The Shia from Iran HATE TURKS. And SUNNIS. Is this wrong???

And where are they.. In turkey or Iran?

We know how Iran is but we also keep cool..

Just look at Azerbaijjan and Turkey it's not important to be sunni or shia
Now...you're being specific...Shias from Iran....yes....It can be possible as Turks, just like Pakistanis are close to Arabs and Iranians don't like Arabs..Rivalry is of nationalism and sometimes sectarian too....

It would be better to call Iranians hate Turkey than Shias hate Turkey.......
This is wrong bro. It is not just Iranians. But Shias from the whole Middle East.
They don't like Sunnis. why? I don't know, you ask them. I just know, they can not be trusted. Americans will use them for their games.

And where are they.. In turkey or Iran?

We know how Iran is but we also keep cool..

Just look at Azerbaijjan and Turkey it's not important to be sunni or shia

A lot of them are in Turkey now.

Azerbaijan has problems with Iran too. Explain why??? Oh, because they're Turks. Yes? So you want to pretend this doesn't exist? LOL
I think Turkey has realised by now that it cannot become part of the intrinsically racist organisation called EU. Bosnia, Bulgaria and Turkey; three countries not members of EU...guess what's common among them..they are all Muslim countries...while their neighbours with far worse human rights records and economies have been accepted, these countries are been denied the membership.

Bulgaria is in the EU since 2007 and is a majority Christian country with around 15% Muslims in it (Mostly Turks- around 700k and some smaller groups of Muslim Gypsies, Pomaks and Arabs who came in Bulgaria in the last decades. After 45 years of communism people in the country are not really religious though and there is hardly any tensions between regular people.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is not in the EU and it is a country where half of the population is Bosniak with 52% who are Muslim, Serbs- 31% who are Orthodox Christian and Croats who are 15% of the population and are Catholic. The rest are a small minorities of Albanians, Turks, Gypsies, Montenegrins and others. After the Yugoslav wars and all the ethnic clashes and killings they all hate each other. There is even cities which are divided in two and where people from the other ethnicity can't go because it's dangerous. There is still some UN Peace keeping units in the country and it is hardly a functioning country with tensions being high and the Serbian part looking for independence.

Turkey on the other hand is too big to be part of the EU. Nobody needs a new country which will instantly become a leader in the Union with it's demographics because the bigger the country is, the bigger it's influence in the EU Parliament and Institutions become. Add the enormous Turkish Diaspora already living in the EU (numbers around 4 million+ in Germany, from 800k to 1 million in France, from 400-500k in the Netherlands, around 500k in the UK, between 350 to 500k in Austria, between 200 and 300k in Belgium, around 200k in Greece, 300k in the Scandinavian countries, Plus all smaller Turkish communities in Romania, Italy, Spain and other countries in the EU. I didn't add the number of Turks from Bulgaria as you can see it above) and you will further see how big Turkish influence over the union can become. The EU and it's leaders need smaller countries that can become a better supply of a cheap workforce for their economies, a market for their products- easily controllable countries.

For smaller and poorer countries the EU is a good thing as it provides an easy option to go work abroad without any restrictions, it also provides funds to build infrastructure subsidize the agriculture and other sectors of the economy. If Turkey entered the Union with the pace building is going on, with the massive agriculture it already has the Union could go broke as it can't afford to give tens of billions of dollars to another country especially right now. Plus they know that millions of Turkish citizens can flood Western Europe. :D
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The leader of the Green-European Free Alliance group spoke to EurActiv’s partner Der Tagesspiegel about the EU’s refugee deal with Turkey and its current chances of EU membership in the aftermath of the attempted coup.

Rebecca Harms MEP is the president of the Green-European Free Alliance group and a member of the Alliance ‘90/The Greens at national level.

Harms spoke to Der Tagesspiegel’s Albrecht Meier.

After the attempted coup, the Turkish government has cracked down on its opponents. Is President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan still a viable partner for the EU?

Since the coup attempt, Erdoğan has disregarded the rule of law. As far as I can tell, he’s persecuting thousands of people that he wants to make responsible for the failed coup. More than ever, he is looking to keep his political opponents and critics in check, while consolidating his own power. As a result, the EU’s existing policy towards Turkey has to be called into question.

The EU’s March deal on refugees with Turkey was signed long before the coup. Now, Ankara is saying that the current upheaval will not affect the agreement. Will the EU go along with Turkey out of fear that the refugee deal would otherwise collapse?

The European Union cannot kowtow on this. The EU is going to have to be prepared to take in more refugees from the crisis region around Syria, Turkey included. We must expect more Turkish refugees. I have always been of the opinion that the agreement with Ankara is important in order to improve the situation of refugees in Turkey as well. But, I have also advocated that the EU member states should directly take more refugees from Turkey and other countries that neighbour Syria, like the United Nations has called for. Dependence on Turkey when it comes to dealing with refugees is as a result of EU states refusing to take more war refugees directly from Syria.

Many thousands of Turks massed Sunday (24 July) for the first cross-party rally to condemn the coup attempt against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, amid a purge of suspected state enemies.


Should Turkey’s EU membership talks be called off?

It’s not exactly a strong signal, when the accession talks have stagnated for a long time anyway. At the moment, it seems completely pointless for the EU and Turkey to negotiate anything. But before everything is just thrown away, the European Commission and the member states governments should work out what the relationship with Turkey should look like in the future.

So should Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker submit an alternative plan to EU membership?

I wouldn’t say so. Now is not the time for far-reaching strategic questions about future links with Turkey. The EU has to deal with the most pressing matters first. How can we protect people being unjustly victimised in Turkey, for alleged involvement with the coup, denied constitutional protection and threatened with torture? And can we prevent the death penalty being reintroduced?

How can the EU actively come to the aid of people affected by human rights violations?

Juncker and his foreign affairs representative, Federica Mogherini, must enter into direct talks with Ankara about the human rights and rule of law situation in Turkey. It is not enough for them to just issue statements from Brussels. They have to enter into a direct dialogue with Ankara.

But what happens if this dialogue does not yield results?

I don’t know if talks with Ankara would lead to better situation, but I do know, from news coing out of Turkey from friends, that it has to be at least tried. We should remember that Angela Merkel and other leaders only recently brokered the refugee deal with Turkey’s government, where visa liberalisation was discussed and prepared. Another important point is that it is not just us that have an interest in Turkey, they have interests in the EU.

Turkey will follow France’s example in suspending temporarily the European Convention on Human Rights following its declaration of a state of emergency, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said on Thursday (21 July), according to broadcaster NTV.


On visa liberalisation: Ankara will have to satisfy certain criteria in order to qualify. Is Turkey ever going to meet the requirements set down by the EU, now Erdoğan is cracking down on his opponents?

Even before the mass arrests and dismissals, before the closure of universities and schools, Turkey did not fulfill the criteria needed for visa liberalisation. Erdoğan’s current approach is incompatible with it.

The leader of the German Greens, Cem Özdemir, has called for EU sanctions against Turkey if Erdoğan continues on this bearing. He also called for the accounts and assets of his inner circle to be frozen. Do you agree with this?

There are mass arrests and mass forced dismissals going on. Suspected political opponents have submitted confessions, which one has to worry were extracted under torture. Passports have been confiscated. There’s no press freedom anymore. In the south-east, the situation was already reminiscent of civil war before the coup was launched. Given these developments, the possibility of sanctions has to be considered. But the urgent priority right now should be for Juncker, Mogherini and Enlargement Commissioner Hahn, with support from the member states, to use diplomacy and dialogue in order to try to protect the thousands at risk in Turkey.

:rofl::rofl: by all means go ahead. Give us en excuse to destroy all of your influence in the Middle East and Eastern Med. Dumbfucks
for what prevailing democracy .........
This is wrong bro. It is not just Iranians. But Shias from the whole Middle East.
They don't like Sunnis. why? I don't know, you ask them. I just know, they can not be trusted. Americans will use them for their games.

A lot of them are in Turkey now.

Azerbaijan has problems with Iran too. Explain why??? Oh, because they're Turks. Yes? So you want to pretend this doesn't exist? LOL

look , whats wrong with you.. first you talk about shia, than you talk about iran.. but you cannot see what I tried to present you.. there is no shia problem in turkey because there are not many shia in turkey.. and iran is a threat to the whole region.. why? because they are planted there for this reasons..

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