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Can I infer from this that the only reason why CHP won in the past was because the state and the military suppressed the voters in the East (either directly, or indirectly by banning parties that they would have preferred... until AKP was allowed to run)? If so, doesn't that mean that the AKP will govern for the foreseeable future, since it appears to be the East that is driving the electoral outcomes?

If AKP is destined to rule for the medium-term, how do you see the contradictions you mentioned (the non-assimilation of the various regions) resolving themselves? Forcible dominance by the East over the rest? Federalism? Partition?

CHP won in the past because most people in living in remote kurdish villiages weren't participating the elections. Also as you've mentioned there were no political movement, before PKK emerged, that promotes a kurdish national identity in some sense. Such movements were crushed back in 20's and 30's.

Well economy is a factor that might cripple AKP votes. The growth rates are down, TRY is devaluating against dollar. However people also seek for alternative. I mean the day that AKP lost the majority in the parliament there should be a coalition among MHP, CHP and BDP (the kurdish part). Such a coalition will definitely not work, so people stand behind AKP.

That's why presidential system was actually a chance for CHP and I don't know why but they've rejected. Turkish people afraid of coalition (they had bad experience from 90's). However presidential system overcomes this phobia and the candidate of CHP might had a higher chance of success in an economic downturn.

Kurds are seeking for federation. They always publicly tell that. But this will hurt AKP's image among the right wing voters. From a geostrategical perspective I guess AKP is looking for something in return. There might be a federation but entire Kurdish region (Iraq + Syria) will be a part of Turkey. AKP promises federalism and international recognition, dignity, future EU membership maybe and also the most important thing is NATO shelter. If Kurds in Iraq and Syria joins Turkish kurds and forms a single federation under Turkey umbrella they will be untouchable in the Middle East.

AKP can easily sell this to it's own right wing voters because they'll say "we've made Turkey a bigger country, we've conquered". They will market neo-ottomanism to their voters. In such a scenario AKP will rule a very very long time.

Partition will not be on the table because Kurds are not ready for it. They are extremely underdeveloped in their regions and that would end up with destabilization. Besides they won't become a part of International Community so easily. They should wait at least 10 years to be able to enter WTO, it's a very big chance that they won't be able to make it in NATO, they should make regional politics and form their own strategies etc. which they think it's not the right time. I mean Syrian Kurdistan was a trial that showed them how hard it is.

Partitioning is the only option that can finish the AKP rule in the short term. Turkey puts a buffer state between itself and the Middle East. Turkey becomes a true nation-state and becomes ready for a real post-modern era. Unlike US, Turkey does not have the cultural attraction and economic resources to keep a group of people from different cultures all togather inside and grind them. If I should make an analogy from thermodynamics, it creates too much entropy for Turkey. Turkey can afford lower energy levels which is a true nation-state at first. If this happenes Turkish EU membership becomes easier because people living in the Western parts are culturally and ethnically close to Europe.
If Kurds in Iraq and Syria joins Turkish kurds and forms a single federation under Turkey umbrella they will be untouchable in the Middle East.
Dont you think this is a little bit far fetched? Kurds in Iraq and Syria would never accept a federation inside Turkey, what i think is North Iraq would get its independence if US supports them, North Syria probably would try it too in future once Isis is crushed, and again US support is needed here.

This on the other hand would make Turkey oppose such a support from NATO partners, Iraqi and Syrian Kurds are dependant on Turkeys goodwill, any trade will go throught Turkey or they would be isolated, the only way to get Turkeys goodwill is to do what KRG is doing right now, being autonomous with warm relations to Turkey.
you expanded nicely, bro. Speaking strictly about terms of religion, politics, economy and society related to Turkey, I think once wealth and well being increases, Turkey's population slowly will become more liberal, atheism/agnosticism and individualism will increase, religion will slowly start to become more nominal-ish, like in the west.

No, even though they are related and has a impact, the biggest factor into changing populations culture is media.
Dont you think this is a little bit far fetched? Kurds in Iraq and Syria would never accept a federation inside Turkey, what i think is North Iraq would get its independence if US supports them, North Syria probably would try it too in future once Isis is crushed, and again US support is needed here.

This on the other hand would make Turkey oppose such a support from NATO partners, Iraqi and Syrian Kurds are dependant on Turkeys goodwill, any trade will go throught Turkey or they would be isolated, the only way to get Turkeys goodwill is to do what KRG is doing right now, being autonomous with warm relations to Turkey.

I won't be able to speculate about whether or not they will accept the proposal. But I think that's what AKP asks to them to cover up the federation issue, that could cripple his votes.

There is one more thing, an official NATO umbrella is safer then having US as a temporary ally. If you are a part of NATO such crisis' are escalated quite rapidly and with much deeper, severe impacts. What I mean is, if you have a problem it becomes a problem of entire Northwestern Hemisphere of the Planet Earth.
Actors dressed in the military costumes of 16 states founded throughout history by Turks staged a dress show as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met with his counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Ankara


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Erdoğan meets Abbas with military dress show - DIPLOMACY
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UPDATE 3-Turkey takes over management control of Bank Asya| Reuters

Paralel yapıya yakınlığıyla bilinen ve 17-25 Aralık darbe girişimleriyle mali açıdan zora düşen Bank Asya'ya TMSF tarafından el konuldu.

Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurulu (BDDK), Bank Asya'nın yönetim kurulunu belirleyen imtiyazlı payın yüzde 63'ünün TMSF tarafından kullanılmasına karar verdi.

BDDK, Bankacılık Kanunu'nda bulunan 'kurumun etkin denetimini engellemeyecek şeffaf ve açık ortaklık yapısı ve organizasyon şemasına sahip olması' kuralını ihlal ettiği gerekçesiyle, Bank Asya'nın yönetimini belirleyen imtiyazlı payın yüzde 63'lük bölümünün Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu (TMSF) tarafından kullanılmasına karar verdi.

Öte yandan İstanbul olmak üzere banka merkezlerinde TMSF yetkililerinin inceleme yaptığı öğrenildi.

Yüzbinlerce kişiyi soydular - TIKLAYIN


Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumundan (BDDK), imtiyazlı pay sahipleri açısından Kurumun etkin denetimini engellemeyecek şeffaf ve açık bir ortaklık yapısının Bank Asya tarafından sunulamadığı, bu nedenle pay sahiplerinin kurucularda aranan nitelikleri taşıdığına ilişkin bilgi ve belgelerin Kuruma ibrazına ve yapılacak değerlendirmeler sonuçlanıncaya kadar ortakların paylarına ilişkin temettü dışındaki haklarının Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu (TMSF) tarafından kullanılmasına karar verildiği bildirildi.

BDDK'nın internet sitesinde yer alan açıklamada, Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurulunun, ilgili kararı ile yapılan denetimler neticesinde, imtiyazlı paya sahip bazı ortakların kurucularda aranan nitelikleri taşıdıklarını gösterir bilgi ve belgelerin verilen süreye rağmen Kuruma intikal ettirilmediği belirtildi. Açıklamada, şunlar kaydedildi:

"Söz konusu imtiyazlı pay sahipleri açısından Kurumun etkin denetimini engellemeyecek şeffaf ve açık bir ortaklık yapısının Banka tarafından sunulamadığı, bu itibarla imtiyazlı pay sahiplerinin kurucularda aranan nitelikleri taşıdığına ilişkin bilgi ve belgelerin Kuruma ibrazına ve Kurum tarafından yapılacak değerlendirmeler sonuçlanıncaya kadar, Kanunun 18. maddesi beşinci fıkrası hükmü uyarınca, mezkur ortakların paylarına ilişkin temettü dışındaki ortaklık haklarının Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu (TMSF) tarafından kullanılmasına karar verilmiştir."

Source: TMSF Bank Asya'ya el koydu - Ekonomi Haberleri
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turkey's salvation is in presidental system :cheers:
arkadaşlar kim bu çinli ?
tsmf taking control of interfaith-dialoguer fetos gulen's banka asya.

geçmiş olsun (translation: condolences) to all concerned.

darısı koç ailesinin başına (translation: the same to the koc family).
military manufacturers otokar, rmk marine, koç bilgi ve savunma, katron.

the same to the doğan ailesi & others.

; )
Here is the perfect exsample of a traitor, he wants the biggest companys of the country to go bankrupt, he only needs madrasas to live anyway so lets fvck up everthing.
Here is the perfect exsample of a traitor, he wants the biggest companys of the country to go bankrupt, he only needs madrasas to live anyway so lets fvck up everthing.
You know what, you're right. I now feel bad about upvoting him :/
Here is the perfect exsample of a traitor, he wants the biggest companys of the country to go bankrupt, he only needs madrasas to live anyway so lets fvck up everthing.

Confiscating the Assets from Koc and reallocating those wouldn't be a bad idea to be honest, since the way how Koc acquired the capital in the first place, to start his endeavor is quite of the scheming backstabbing kind. But unfortunately Turkiye isin't there yet.
Confiscating the Assets from Koc and reallocating those wouldn't be a bad idea to be honest, since the way how Koc acquired the capital in the first place, to start his endeavor is quite of the scheming backstabbing kind. But unfortunately Turkiye isin't there yet.
Having had same thoughts, and am also waiting for it.
Confiscating the Assets from Koc and reallocating those wouldn't be a bad idea to be honest, since the way how Koc acquired the capital in the first place, to start his endeavor is quite of the scheming backstabbing kind. But unfortunately Turkiye isin't there yet.
Then be fair and do the same to Erdogans children, relatives, friends and ministers.
Then be fair and do the same to Erdogans children, relatives, friends and ministers.

Yeah, why not if they gained the money by Embezzlement, then they should be ripped from every cent they gained from embezzlement.

Ow yeah, and lets not forget all the other political party's and its leaders.
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Yeah, why not if they gained the money by Embezzlement, then they should be ripped from every cent they gained from embezzlement.

Ow yeah, and lets not forget all the other political party's and its leaders.
If? You still have a question mark in your head? :disagree:

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