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Turkish plane takes Israelis to Iran



New Recruit

Feb 27, 2014
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United Kingdom
A Turkish Airlines flight with some 20 Israelis on board, en route to Mumbai from Istanbul, made an unexpected stop in Tehran on Monday night after a passenger with a medical condition needed immediate treatment.

The Israeli passengers were disconcerted to find themselves present in an enemy state, but the Turkish flight crew assured them that their safety would be ensured.

The patient, not of Israeli nationality, was evacuated upon arrival in the Iranian capital.

The Israelis were not made to disembark from the aircraft, and after waiting for over an hour on the tarmac, the flight received the go-ahead to continue on its way to India, where it landed safely.

"There was no specific concern except for the delay that occurred. But other than that everything was alright," one Israeli passenger told Army Radio. "They came a took the ill passenger off the plane in a smooth manner."

Thank goodness the Iranians did not know who was on the plane. I dread to think what they would have done. Another hostage crisis no doubt.
Why so many Israelis going to India from Turkey?
Israelis hiding as turks to go in Iran and say "Look Iran secretly works with JEWS"
Yes, it's quite a while since I had my last human meal, we would eat them alive.

Stupid thread is stupid.

Umm, I'm not a knuckle-dragger who thinks all Iranians are evil. I have worked with Iranians and my ex-brother in law was Muslim Iranian.

But we know your country's history with kidnappings and hostage takings.

We also know the brutality of your jails.
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