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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The Tweet I have posted a few posts above. Sources are reporting that the group that was hostile towards the Americans (after all the FSA is a group of different fractions) have been dismissed or told to go somewhere else and those Americans are back again.

we are such happy slaves
- Eastern freeman
- Regiment 55
- Al-Fatah (Conquest) Brigade
- First regiment
- Al-Sham legion
- Al-Zengī
decided not to continue the operation when they saw the U.S forces.
But as far as I know that happend before, then the Turkish forces escorted American's out of al-Rai with tanks. They don't want American's as they cooperate with PKK affiliated terror organization YPG/SDF in Syria.
As I told you before, Dabbiq is extremly important for DAESH.

Dabiq is a place in Syria that is supposed to be the location for one of the final battles according to certain Muslim myths about a final apocalypse. Choosing such a name for the magazine highlights the caliphate's goals.

The last and final fight with "Rome" will take place in Dabiq, according to DAESH ideology. In this case, Rome is a synonym for Europe/USA/Russia and/or Turkey - I'm not kidding you. DAESH members believe that Turks are
descendants of Byzanz (East Rome) therefore they do not consider us as "real" Moslems.

I know...:crazy:
As I told you before, Dabbiq is extremly important for DAESH.

Dabiq is a place in Syria that is supposed to be the location for one of the final battles according to certain Muslim myths about a final apocalypse. Choosing such a name for the magazine highlights the caliphate's goals.

The last and final fight with "Rome" will take place in Dabiq, according to DAESH ideology. In this case, Rome is a synonym for Europe/USA/Russia and/or Turkey - I'm not kidding you. DAESH members believe that Turks are
descendants of Byzanz (East Rome) therefore they do not consider us as "real" Moslems.

I know...:crazy:

I already read about that.
According to Daech, Turkey is kafir (secular state), so the prophecy about Constantinople being conquerer by muslim is not down yet...and they will be one to take the city.
I already read about that.
According to Daech, Turkey is kafir (secular state), so the prophecy about Constantinople being conquerer by muslim is not down yet...and they will be one to take the city.

Exactly. :|
The last and final fight with "Rome" will take place in Dabiq, according to DAESH ideology. In this case, Rome is a synonym for Europe/USA/Russia and/or Turkey - I'm not kidding you. DAESH members believe that Turks are
descendants of Byzanz (East Rome) therefore they do not consider us as "real" Moslems.

Well... we sort of become the successor of the Eastern Roman Empire as a political entity after 1453 but this has nothing to do with being muslim or not.
Another US Flag , Seems Like YPG went:jester:


You can thank Erdogan for this.
We need to really get out of NATO.

It is the truth. I am proud of our Byzantine DNA. lol

No we don't. Please think abit before you talk. We need to stay in NATO until the day we have an independent nuclear force, can make 80% of our weapons ourselves and then we can think about it.

What are we going to gain when we leave NATO? Nothing.
We can't leave NATO now, Russia is re-emerging and there is a possible nuclear Iran. We need the nuclear umbrella it provides, like it or not.
We can't leave NATO now, Russia is re-emerging and there is a possible nuclear Iran. We need the nuclear umbrella it provides, like it or not.
Like it or not, If we get attacked by ISIS/Russia or whatever, will NATO be there to help us??? See PKK for answer.
We will not get out of NATO anytime soon, but, we should work towards leaving this terrorist organization in the future. How and when, I don't know.....but that is what I'd like.
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