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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Where ever the Turks fight you always have an armenian filth fighting against the Turks.

You have idiots saying we should do reconciliation with them.

No reconcilation and no forgivesness. Only thing they deserve is an iron fist.
Listen Turk, Nobody cares about doing ANTI TURKISH PROPAGANDA sitting in Pakistan when both countries have such close and friendly ties. And Neither Iran-Turkey-Syria Tensions our problem at all. Do whatever you people want to do to secure your interests. Go Bomb Cyprus and Damascus with your air force who cares.
We have our own problems to deal with. If you care to read international news, their is an AFGHANISTAN bordering Pakistan which is in much worse state then Syria, and home to all the Jihadi fighters from all over the world you name it. With a Government under full control of our arch rival India and of course USA.
And We are one of the most effected countries from Jihadist Terrorist on the scale you cannot even dream of sitting in security of your homes. We have lost more then 4000 soldiers and more then 10,000 civilian lives Fighting Al-Qaeda,Taliban,Islamic State etc on OUR HOMELAND. Anyone giving space to Al-Qaeda like ideologies in Middle East is a direct threat to Pakistan, We have been fighting these groups for two decades now. Uzbeks, Arabs, Afghans, All kinds of Central Asian and our own traitor Pakistanis. Courtesy to the same foolish policies of our own Pakistani government in the past that your President is adopting today. encouraging these ideologies to become your foot soldiers for your interests. Your president is making the same mistake our Governments made in 80s and 90s.
Suppose these HTS Nusra whatever make a strong hold in any region in middle east, that becomes breeding ground for more menace Crackhead Jihadis. Trained foreign fighters home that will then be exported to any region where they are needed. Use your armed forces and do what ever you want not Jihadis

When those shia militias come back you will know what kind of problens they will make.

Most of the so called Jihadis are actually pro Turkish rebels. A lot of them even lost their families to jihadists you dumb prick.

It seems your a closest assad supporter. Let me guess assad is a moderate secular leader hahahaha he leads one of the most secratarian regimes in the world.
When those shia militias come back you will know what kind of problens they will make.

Most of the so called Jihadis are actually pro Turkish rebels. A lot of them even lost their families to jihadists you dumb prick.

It seems your a closest assad supporter.
I am not going to Reply you in your abusive tone. Tells a lot about your upbringing and culture. Neither is what you seem about me supporting whom is any of my concern.
Only reason i replied to your mindless rant is that when you report a post you are morally obliged to notify the person.

Keep killing each other if that's what you wish. Hope one day your trained Jihadis don't turn against you and start blowing themselves in your country or worst make their way into Afghanistan and Pakistan and make our lives difficult.
I am not going to Reply you in your abusive tone. Tells a lot about your upbringing and culture. Neither is what you seem about me supporting whom is any of my concern.
Only reason i replied to your mindless rant is that when you report a post you are morally obliged to notify the person.

Keep killing each other if that's what you wish. Hope one day your trained Jihadis don't turn against you and start blowing themselves in your country or worst make their way into Afghanistan and Pakistan and make our lives difficult.

Insults a person with a racist overtone then starts crying about getting insulted LOL
Erdogan announces that Turkish military and SNA will push Assad forces -out of- Sochi agreement borders.

"In a place where the blood of Mehmetçik is shed, no matter how big he sees himself, no one will be safe."

"We will not wait for the results of endless meetings, but look at the reality on the ground."

"Now We will use our military force - The promises made to us were not fulfilled, nor was the agreement complied with. We will take whatever steps to take. We will no longer tolerate anyone's exuberance."

"The militants of Assad that you indulge are now a legitimate target"

"Aircraft that hit civilian settlements in Idlib will no longer be able to move freely. In this process, I declare that we will hit the regime forces everywhere in the event of the slightest damage to our soldiers."

@HannibalBarca @islamrules2020

US provoke Turkey to fight directly against assad regime for a full 5 years but failed. But Russia achieve that the USA failed. The great success of Russian arrogance.
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Insults a person with a racist overtone then starts crying about getting insulted LOL
I am not crying. Plus Turk is a racist overtone? Turk is a nationality. What do you call a Turkish citizen?

No you listen you Pak! and listen carefully. Don’t pollute this thread with your stabs at turkey and then speak of friendly ties you self loathing imbecile. What’s your point regarding Afghanistan? That your nation sat there and did nothing? That homegrown traitors and foreigners hurt your future? We’ve had Kurdish terrorists attacking us out of Iraq and Syria for over 40years now - I’m supposed to draw lessons out of your plight regarding Afghanistan? We’ve got a qtr of Afghanistan’s population in Syrian refugees. Hit the road. Turkey is not supporting al Qaeda or isis or jihadi Islam. Thats what you're pushing here and I’ll call you out for it you weasel.
Another Triggered Turk.
And BTW its Pakistani not Pak. So all of you on this forum are like this? I had a good impression of You guys to be honest. You know you are an ambassador of your nation when you talk to foreigners. So far not good at least on this thread. Only one who is polluting this thread is all of your brethren starting every post with an abuse.
Regarding our point for Afghanistan, Our Nation did exactly what your nation is doing now a few decades ago and now we suffered for a decades to control the mess when it got out of hands.
And Go hit Kurds no one is stopping or opposing you. anyone on this forum criticized turkey for Bombing kurds? Kurdish problem is something entirely different then Alqaeda Support.
"Erdogan: Aircrafts that bombed civilians in Idlib will no longer fly freely." See it as a direct threat against Russia. :pop:
. . .
I am not crying. Plus Turk is a racist overtone? Turk is a nationality. What do you call a Turkish citizen?

Another Triggered Turk.
And BTW its Pakistani not Pak. So all of you on this forum are like this? I had a good impression of You guys to be honest. You know you are an ambassador of your nation when you talk to foreigners. So far not good at least on this thread. Only one who is polluting this thread is all of your brethren starting every post with an abuse.
Regarding our point for Afghanistan, Our Nation did exactly what your nation is doing now a few decades ago and now we suffered for a decades to control the mess when it got out of hands.
And Go hit Kurds no one is stopping or opposing you. anyone on this forum criticized turkey for Bombing kurds? Kurdish problem is something entirely different then Alqaeda Support.

I seen your arguments the same old parroting bullshit done by iranians, assad supporters and russians.

Keep parroting their bullshit if you love assad so much please book a trip to Syria and the Turkish army will eat you for lunch.

By the way HTS no longer associates itself with al qaeda which means there is a chance to dismantle them diplomatically if not they will be next dont you worry.
Turkey vs Russia will be interesting.
Correction NATO vs Russia.
USA and NATO gave a green light to Turkey to stop Assad. Otherwise 5 million refugees will move to Turkey and Turkey will have approximately 10 million Syrian refugees that is huge number of refugees and most of 'em will start to move towards EU and this is what scares the westerners shit in their pants.
They must work with Turkey or be ready for 5-6 million of refugees that gonna stream in EU.
Erdoğan declared HTS an enemy!

Get your *** ready you Salafist scums!

"Hiçbir oyalanmaya meydan vermeden bunu yapacağız. Bitmez tükenmez toplantıların sonuçlarını beklemeden hemen ne yapmamız gerekiyorsa onu yapacağız. Böyledeki muhalif gruplardan başı bozuk hareket ederek rejime saldırı muamelesi verenlere de artık tavizsiz davranacağımızı mesajını verdik. Artık kimsenin provokasyonlarına göz yumacak değiliz"
"Erdogan: Aircrafts that bombed civilians in Idlib will no longer fly freely." See it as a direct threat against Russia. :pop:
Erdoğan's speech contain warnings to 3 sections.

1- Assad regime
2- Russia
3- Hts

He directly threatened the regime and the HTS. Erdogan also said that if Russia will suffer losses in case of non-compliance with the agreements which is agreed before, Turkey will not be responsible.
In this topic, you can understand what perception engineering is.

While someone reflects his world of imagination; yet half an hour ago, Turkey's president threatened the HTS (as threatened assad regime)
You talk as if you know the relation between the Turks and the Kurds. Your information comes from sources that backed up by countries that consciously want to create a conflict between the Turks and the Kurds. Turks and Kurds have been living without problems for more than a thousand years. It turned out in a brotherhood. However, the enemies of Turkey know that they cannot defeat Turkey in a direct war. That is why they use ethnic groups to stir them up against each other. They have also done this with the Ottoman Empire.

I am sure to find sources which will say that the modern Turkish state has repressed Kurds and Kurdish culture. For example, this article says :
In 1930 the Turkish Minister of Justice declared, I won't hide my feelings. The Turk is the only lord, the only master of this country. Those who are not of pure Turkish origin will have only one right in Turkey: the right to be servants and slaves.
And this article says :
Regarding the situation in Syria, Mella said he distrusts the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and dismissed his promises to reform and recognize minority groups.

“[Assad] is 100 percent lying because the Baath party’s manifesto states that people in Arab countries are Arabs; if they are not Arabs then they must become Arabs and if they do not wish to become Arabs they should be removed. This is the real identity of Ba'ath Party and those Kurds who support them -- whether the Ba'ath Party of Iraq or Syria -- have not read the party's manifesto.”
The second source has this :
Mella has been a close friend of Muammar Gaddafi and even presented the Libyan leader with a Kurdish flag during one of his many visits to Libya. Mella said that Gaddafi is the only world leader who truly supports the Kurds, and claimed that the military campaign against his regime represented a double-standard.

“I have been saying for a long time that he is not the only Arab leader, but is the only leader in the world who supports the Kurdish cause,” said Mella. “He was and still is supporting the Kurdish cause. Even in this terrible situation, [Gaddafi] said, ‘They impose a no-fly zone on Libya because I have killed some terrorists in eastern Libya, but they do not impose no-fly zone on Turkey for killing the Kurdish people for hundreds of years.’”
Please watch this short vid about Gaddafi talking about the Kurds.

The solution I suggest in my previous post will not only address the Kurd question but also bring a Progressive political system to Turkey, Syria and Iraq and end all disputes between them.
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