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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

If you think that US will support Turks you are very wrong. They handed over US bases to Russians to stop Turks from getting them. They could have handed the whole northern syria over to turkey but instead they systematically handed it over to Russia. This is how the white man has populated 4 continents as well as the largest country in the world.
If you think that US will support Turks you are very wrong. They handed over US bases to Russians to stop Turks from getting them. They could have handed the whole northern syria over to turkey but instead they systematically handed it over to Russia. This is how the white man has populated 4 continents as well as the largest country in the world.
Nail. Head.
If you think that US will support Turks you are very wrong. They handed over US bases to Russians to stop Turks from getting them. They could have handed the whole northern syria over to turkey but instead they systematically handed it over to Russia. This is how the white man has populated 4 continents as well as the largest country in the world.

US will never support anyone just for their fathers sake. It comes at a price.
Last thing we need is US interference. Just pound Assad very hard (presidential palace, Central Bank, oil pipes, command posts, airfields, tanks, planes, choppers) and very fast before Russia could respond and put a corridor between the regime and Idlib City and wait for negotiations and in the meantime smash the YPG and conquer much yellow territory before the US reacts.

Than they will understand that Turkey is no joke.
If people care so much about ummah.

Then start supporting the Turks if not then fck off or shut the fck up.

I can no longer stand Muslims and their bullshit.

Im saying this as a Muslim and a Turk. It has come to the point where these people are not happy but constantly whine and cry. Idlib is going to be destroyed and mass slaughtered.

If these people care so much then start taking in refugees. Going behind Sjws and liberals are not gonna save the Muslims.
In the earlier stages of the civil war and the fight against ISIS, there was no mention of YPG. This does not mean that Turkey was not aware of the presence of the PKK in Syria. In fact, PKK was there for more than 30 years. There are other factors that influence the circumstances. Kobani was attacked by ISIS. There was no question of Turkish military intervention yet. ÖSO was also present there. In addition, how many peshmerga troops had arrived via Turkey in total? So how can you be so stupid to think that YPG was created by Turkey because they let 150+ peshmerga's through Turkey?

I know that PKK is nothing but its not even about the PKK but the powers behind PKK. Turkey has now shown to the world in the last 3 to 4 years that they no longer tolerate the presence of terrorist groups around its borders! This naturally entails consequences such as severe sanctions. Despite this, Turkey continues to fight against terrorism in Iraq and Syria. That is the difference between then and now. There is no more Turkey saying yes sir to everything.
There is now a Turkey who works for its own interests

Fist of all when i was saying " we created YPG " i a meant we created YPG Problem on our borders. So thats language barrier i guess thats on me.

Second of all its not how many of Kurds crossed its what it means. What it means is they used Pro PKK groups to neutrulize ISIS positions right outside the border in 29th of October. Dont we have an Army ? Why didnt we conduct the operation ? Why did we carry the tomb of Süleyman Şah ?

And lets not forget the Peace Process as well. That happend roughly the same time. Think about the bombs are layed under the asphalt all the boobietraps that being set in the streets. Think about the 100's of Security forces that martyred. All the money we spend , All the things that destroyed along the way. All of these debucles are result of pro-pkk policies.

Lastly you said " There is no more Turkey saying yes sir to everything ." I disagree with this sentence with all my body. The fact that you cant see that shows how stupid you are !

Edited for Grammar Mistakes.
I hope pkk and assad attack Turkey and give reason for all out war
Then damascus will return to turkish rule
Always remember damascus was more under turkish control(1079-1923) than under syrian(1946-2020) i think justice will be served if all of syria returns to its rightful owner the TURKS ;)
You should pray that india pakistan banglafesh and central asia also end under turkish rule it would bring prosperity to ordinary people remember mughal empire when south east asia was great
I believe human history dates back thousands of years prior to even existence of turks. If we start going back to historical track like this i am sure we will end up under Greek , Italian, Iraqi or Persian Rule.
And i don't have any Stockholm syndrome to pray for my country to become subservient to anyone. We are happy as we are Independent.
Nation states is a reality. The sooner we accept it, the better. Turkey is Right full owner of Republic of Turkey only as are Syrians Right full owners of Syria. Turkey is going great as a modern state economically and Socially (1000 times better then Syria), Don't ruin it by these medieval fantasies. Leave Syria be. Its not always wise to disturb the status quo on your borders.

fck off liar .... your lies and cheap propaganda wont work

go and cry for terrorist Assad Regime , Iran-Russia backed terrorist groups like Hezbollah who killed over 800.000 Syrian people and forced over 7 million Syrian People to move from their lands to another countries like Turkiye,Iraq,Egypt,Jordan,Lebanon and Europe

HTS rules by the US,S.Arabia and the Uae as like ISIS and YPG to design Syria for Israeli interests
Post reported. Learn how to speak first.
People like you have ruined Turkey from a model Modern Muslim state that every one started looking upto into this Jihadi mess it is today.
I believe human history dates back thousands of years prior to even existence of turks. If we start going back to historical track like this i am sure we will end up under Greek , Italian, Iraqi or Persian Rule.
And i don't have any Stockholm syndrome to pray for my country to become subservient to anyone. We are happy as we are Independent.
Nation states is a reality. The sooner we accept it, the better. Turkey is Right full owner of Republic of Turkey only as are Syrians Right full owners of Syria. Turkey is going great as a modern state economically and Socially (1000 times better then Syria), Don't ruin it by these medieval fantasies. Leave Syria be. Its not always wise to disturb the status quo on your borders.

Post reported. Learn how to speak first.
People like you have ruined Turkey from a model Modern Muslim state that every one started looking upto into this Jihadi mess it is today.
You get on your high horse and lecture and preach what is essentially anti turkish propaganda and you don't like being sat down for it. Grow some! Unlike Pakistan, or SA, or UAE, or USA, or Russia or Iran or the EU, we have a border with the puppet state that is Syria and a strained relationship with the name Assad historically and its Alawite paranoia and its nurturing of separatist elements. We have business with Assad, and now a score to settle! Many people with ulterior motives have drawn a bow to link Turkey to ISIS or Neo-Ottomanism or Jihad or whatever the smear buzz word is at the time. You seem to be one of those parrots. Turkey is hosting millions of Syrians - men, women and children - that Assad considers traitors or terrorists in line with his Russian & Shia masters. They came fleeing to our lands so as to escape bullets and bombs from him, not from Turkey or Turkish proxies or aliens. Turkey has no fantasies with Syria - but IMO, it should and wouldn't be wrong if it did. If we were to think like you, we might as well hand over the Aegean to the Greeks, the Med to the EU and the keys to the nation to the USA... We have forces who work relentlessly against us be it based on past prejudices or concerns maintaining some propped up (by others) status quo. We can't sit idly.
You get on your high horse and lecture and preach what is essentially anti turkish propaganda and you don't like being sat down for it. Grow some! Unlike Pakistan, or SA, or UAE, or USA, or Russia or Iran or the EU, we have a border with the puppet state that is Syria and a strained relationship with the name Assad historically and its Alawite paranoia and its nurturing of separatist elements. We have business with Assad, and now a score to settle! Many people with ulterior motives have drawn a bow to link Turkey to ISIS or Neo-Ottomanism or Jihad or whatever the smear buzz word is at the time. You seem to be one of those parrots. Turkey is hosting millions of Syrians - men, women and children - that Assad considers traitors or terrorists in line with his Russian & Shia masters. They came fleeing to our lands so as to escape bullets and bombs from him, not from Turkey or Turkish proxies or aliens. Turkey has no fantasies with Syria - but IMO, it should and wouldn't be wrong if it did. If we were to think like you, we might as well hand over the Aegean to the Greeks, the Med to the EU and the keys to the nation to the USA... We have forces who work relentlessly against us be it based on past prejudices or concerns maintaining some propped up (by others) status quo. We can't sit idly.
Yes it's exactly this. The whole jihad/imperialist march rubbish is western propaganda that nobody buys except a few clowns here or there. I wouldn't worry too much. All logical Pakistanis support Turkey's stance on this matter and wish for Turkey's security. We know that security comes at a price.
I dont fking care what you are. It doesnt matter.

Your solution is nothing but delusion.

You talk as if you know the relation between the Turks and the Kurds. Your information comes from sources that backed up by countries that consciously want to create a conflict between the Turks and the Kurds. Turks and Kurds have been living without problems for more than a thousand years. It turned out in a brotherhood. However, the enemies of Turkey know that they cannot defeat Turkey in a direct war. That is why they use ethnic groups to stir them up against each other. They have also done this with the Ottoman Empire. PKK is launched by the media as representatives of the Kurds. In fact, the PKK is a terrorist movement that oppresses the Kurds. If you claim that Turkey is oppressing Kurds, then you must come up with valid sources.

He is an Indian Communist, so ofcourse his political and religious views will be different.

I know that Kurds and Turks are like the same people, there is very little differences between them.

You get on your high horse and lecture and preach what is essentially anti turkish propaganda and you don't like being sat down for it. Grow some! Unlike Pakistan, or SA, or UAE, or USA, or Russia or Iran or the EU, we have a border with the puppet state that is Syria and a strained relationship with the name Assad historically and its Alawite paranoia and its nurturing of separatist elements. We have business with Assad, and now a score to settle! Many people with ulterior motives have drawn a bow to link Turkey to ISIS or Neo-Ottomanism or Jihad or whatever the smear buzz word is at the time. You seem to be one of those parrots. Turkey is hosting millions of Syrians - men, women and children - that Assad considers traitors or terrorists in line with his Russian & Shia masters. They came fleeing to our lands so as to escape bullets and bombs from him, not from Turkey or Turkish proxies or aliens. Turkey has no fantasies with Syria - but IMO, it should and wouldn't be wrong if it did. If we were to think like you, we might as well hand over the Aegean to the Greeks, the Med to the EU and the keys to the nation to the USA... We have forces who work relentlessly against us be it based on past prejudices or concerns maintaining some propped up (by others) status quo. We can't sit idly.

You have to understand that Pakistan has different sects and political views, but the vast majority of Pakistan is solely behind Turkey.

If Turkish homeland is attacked, the whole of Pakistan will be galvanized for its defense, just like with Khalifat movement and Gallipoli. Our women gave all their jewelry to Sultan Abdul Hamid II, we won't abandon Turkey.
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You get on your high horse and lecture and preach what is essentially anti turkish propaganda and you don't like being sat down for it. Grow some! Unlike Pakistan, or SA, or UAE, or USA, or Russia or Iran or the EU, we have a border with the puppet state that is Syria and a strained relationship with the name Assad historically and its Alawite paranoia and its nurturing of separatist elements. We have business with Assad, and now a score to settle! Many people with ulterior motives have drawn a bow to link Turkey to ISIS or Neo-Ottomanism or Jihad or whatever the smear buzz word is at the time. You seem to be one of those parrots. Turkey is hosting millions of Syrians - men, women and children - that Assad considers traitors or terrorists in line with his Russian & Shia masters. They came fleeing to our lands so as to escape bullets and bombs from him, not from Turkey or Turkish proxies or aliens. Turkey has no fantasies with Syria - but IMO, it should and wouldn't be wrong if it did. If we were to think like you, we might as well hand over the Aegean to the Greeks, the Med to the EU and the keys to the nation to the USA... We have forces who work relentlessly against us be it based on past prejudices or concerns maintaining some propped up (by others) status quo. We can't sit idly.
Listen Turk, Nobody cares about doing ANTI TURKISH PROPAGANDA sitting in Pakistan when both countries have such close and friendly ties. And Neither Iran-Turkey-Syria Tensions our problem at all. Do whatever you people want to do to secure your interests. Go Bomb Cyprus and Damascus with your air force who cares.
We have our own problems to deal with. If you care to read international news, their is an AFGHANISTAN bordering Pakistan which is in much worse state then Syria, and home to all the Jihadi fighters from all over the world you name it. With a Government under full control of our arch rival India and of course USA.
And We are one of the most effected countries from Jihadist Terrorist on the scale you cannot even dream of sitting in security of your homes. We have lost more then 4000 soldiers and more then 10,000 civilian lives Fighting Al-Qaeda,Taliban,Islamic State etc on OUR HOMELAND. Anyone giving space to Al-Qaeda like ideologies in Middle East is a direct threat to Pakistan, We have been fighting these groups for two decades now. Uzbeks, Arabs, Afghans, All kinds of Central Asian and our own traitor Pakistanis. Courtesy to the same foolish policies of our own Pakistani government in the past that your President is adopting today. encouraging these ideologies to become your foot soldiers for your interests. Your president is making the same mistake our Governments made in 80s and 90s.
Suppose these HTS Nusra whatever make a strong hold in any region in middle east, that becomes breeding ground for more menace Crackhead Jihadis. Trained foreign fighters home that will then be exported to any region where they are needed. Use your armed forces and do what ever you want not Jihadis
Turkey should have convinced Obama administration to topple Syrian regime back in 2013 - a joint US-Turkish enterprise with authentic Syrian rebels in the mix.

Toppling Assad regime at this stage, is an ill-advised move. Too late to go after Assad regime with Russian and Iranian support bases in the mix.

Erdogan administration also picked S-400 over F-35.


Turkey could thrash Assad regime silly with F-35. What use are S-400 in this game? Nothing.

Anybody in Turkey who thought that Russia was a more reliable partner than NATO, needs to wake the hell up and smell the coffee. Now Turkey have issues with both NATO and Russia. Big Powers are more into dictating their terms rather than treating lesser states as their geopolitical equals - almost always. Doesn't matter WHO these powers are. They are all the same.

This is why farsighted leadership is necessary to steer a country forward in the best possible direction and manage its relationships.
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