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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Turkey-backed FSA's advances boost morale, bring new recruits

As the Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) continues to make significant advances in northern Syria as part of Operation Euphrates Shield, the morale within the opposition group is high with new recruits coming in. Having captured the northern Syrian town of Jarablus from DAESH terrorists, Turkey-backed FSA has provided renewed confidence among the fighters, spokesmen from different opposition groups told Daily Sabah. Jaysh al-Nasr spokesman Mohammad Rashid told Daily Sabah that the FSA's victory in northern Syria boosted their confidence. "The FSA's advances in Jarablus thanks to Turkey's help bolstered our morale," he asserted.

Despite Jaysh al-Nasr being far from Jarablus, Rashid said that the quickness and success of Operation Euphrates Shield impressed other opposition groups. "Operation Euphrates Shield made us believe that we can prevail too," he added. Backed by Turkey, the FSA launched an offensive against Jarablus last week with the aim of clearing DAESH from the area. Following Ankara's repeated warnings that it will unilaterally clear its southern border of DAESH terrorists should the international community not take action, the Turkish military launched a cross-border operation. Another commander fighting in Aleppo, who wanted to remain anonymous due to security concerns, told Daily Sabah that the number of new recruits coming in following the Jarablus operation has significantly increased.

He stressed that the FSA's success gave them hope. "The success in the Jarablus operation bolstered the fighters' morale across Syria. It ignited us. Many young fighters have joined the FSA," he added.

Erem Şentürk, the editor-in-chief of the Turkish daily Diriliş Postası, recently told Daily Sabah that the success in Jarablus would result in an increase in the number of recruits.

Şentürk considered it likely that the FSA will see a growth in recruitment. "The number of FSA fighters is likely to spike. The FSA does not use group names. They say their victory has come thanks to the Syrian people," he said. "The FSA will go on to liberate al-Bab with new recruits. The morale within the FSA is high."

The Commander of Jaish al-Tahrir said the FSA would chase DAESH and advance into Çobanbey and the town of al-Bab located in rural areas of Aleppo after forming courts and providing inner security for Jarablus.

DAESH has retreated to al-Bab, and it remains to be seen whether the FSA will continue their advance. A commander from the FSA faction Faylaq al-Sham said, "DAESH fighters have withdrawn from several villages on the outskirts of Jarablus and are heading south towards the city of al-Bab." Al-Bab is strategic, because the town lies between Manbij and Aleppo. If the PYD seizes control of the town, the terrorist organization will be able to connect their cantons to Afrin.

As the FSA also makes plans to liberate Manbij from the PKK's Syrian wing PYD, the terrorist group reinforces the town.

In addition, Duran Kalkan, a leader of the PKK terrorist organization, vowed to defend northern Syria and send additional militants if the Turkey-backed FSA starts an offensive on Manbij.

Despite the U.S. claiming that the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its armed wing, the YPG, are not directly linked to the PKK, Kalkan openly expressed support for the Syrian wing. "[Turkey entering Syria] is a serious matter," Kalkan said, adding that the PKK is ready to provide support to the PYD if needed.

As the situation in northern Syria gets more complex with the FSA marching toward Manbij and the YPG vowing to defend the town with the help of the PKK, the U.S. still keeps silent over YPG attacks on the Turkish military. A Turkish tank was hit by the YPG last week, leading to the death of a Turkish soldier. NATO and Washington could not condemn the attack, which was interpreted by many as a sign of lack of solidarity.

himm thats mean FSA members hasnt got enough numbers for proceed, if they dont reach enough number to proceed we can forget about al bab operation. we will wait and see.

Btw YPG start to go on on al bab yesterday, they are quite close to al bab.

Another event when deash atack Turkish tank 2 days ago, coalition fighter jets which belong to USA was at the region so Turkey sides wanted help for bombing deash but USA didnt give any support.

USA obviously not friendly to Turkey, they still keep to support PYD also they save DEASH underhanded. we have to kick out them from incirlik air base as soon as possible.


Abd nin gözü başka başı ayrı oynuyor...
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Votel is retarded. What is he going to do about YPG when negotiations for the future of Syria start and the other big players (Turkey,Iran and Russia) underline Syrias territorial integrity and oppose any federative system that the YPG/PKK demand in N. Syria? These stupid cunts are creating the next Isis in our region. Obama is a monkey with no brain no voice an absolutely no common sense. Turkey has to put a stop to this
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, PYD/YPG’nin boşaltması beklenen Menbiç’e yaklaşık 11 kilometre mesafede konuşlandı.
Menbiç civarında ÖSO'nun YPG güçleriyle girdiği çatışmalarda tank atışlarıyla perdeleme görevi yapan TSK, örgütün kenti boşaltmasını bekliyor. ÖSO'nun ele geçirdiği toprakların derinliği yer yer 25 kilometreyi buluyor.

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nin (TSK) Suriye'nin Cerablus bölgesinde terör tehditlerine karşı yürüttüğü 'Fırat Kalkanı' harekâtı devam ederken, Ankara'nın Menbiç hassasiyeti de sürüyor. Türkiye, ABD'den yapılan açıklamalara rağmen, PYD/YPG'nin Menbiç'i boşaltması şartından vazgeçmiş değil.

Özgür Suriye Ordusu'na (ÖSO) destek veren TSK unsurları, Menbiç'e yaklaşık 11 kilometre uzaklıkta konuşlanmış durumda. Menbiç civarında ÖSO'nun yer yer PYD/YPG güçleriyle girdiği çatışmalarda tank atışlarıyla perdeleme görevi yapan TSK, örgütün kenti boşaltmasını bekliyor.(Hürriyet)
How many times is he gonna repeat this, someone should shut his big mouth.

He is like a little sissy dog barking. He know he has no chance against a grey wolf. But he trusts his owner a.k.a USA. That's why he barks without thinking how his end could be.

But sooner or later USA will go. And we will be here with our little dog Salih Müslim. Then we will listen what he has to say. Or don't. Because probably he wouldn't even dare to talk.
How many Tanks were hit by ATG !? 5 tanks !?

The Turkish state has officialy confirmed 2 destroyed tanks but ISIS claims 3 more tanks being destroyed. This is likely fake as they generally film it for propaganda purposes and no video was published.

what's the latest update on Euphrates Shield? I heard ISIS pushed back FSA.


They pushed back and captured some villages in the Azaz canton near the Turkish border.
He is like a little sissy dog barking. He know he has no chance against a grey wolf. But he trusts his owner a.k.a USA. That's why he barks without thinking how his end could be.

no those guys lived and raised in egypt dontknow anything they were told in school you are an arab you are better than those turks.. and also no one told them about the truth of ottoman empire no one told them about who baybars was..

this counts for some other arab countries aswell..
FSA had lost some villages to ISIS today but it seems like that they have taken what they have lost and more after airstrikes.

Border is really close to being sealed. But without reinforcements it will be hard to keep it that way.
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