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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Afrin the arguably most pro-pkk conclave in Syria about to fall in next coming days or weeks, so comes the question. If pkk can’t even come up with an serious Defence in the most pro pkk area how do they imagine to hold out in areas like Manbij, Ayn al Arab, Hasakah where the majority of the population hates them, protests against them and even small cells of resistance have already been formed? The second TAF and FSA start operations in those areas they will be killed from the inside.

What are our commanders waiting for in this case? Why don't bomb the hell out of them already?

They are walking into a meatgrinder. They will die in Afrin over the next days. If you bomb them, which is btw what they actually want, you give them propaganda which western media is gonna eat up.
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Turkey is doing the Von Schlieffen for Tel Rifaat and Minagh airbase. They explicitly chose not to attack fron the front, but advance from the north and west.
Turkey is doing the Von Schlieffen for Tel Rifaat and Minagh airbase. They explicitly chose not to attack fron the front, but advance from the north and west.
Maginot 2.0 on a smaller scale, outflanked and attacked from the rear.

l hate comparisons like that, yes, of course, we're going to send %0,5 of the army it's probably not even that much since this is not a war but an OPERATİON.

Another cancer comment l keep seeing is "Turkey has 2nd largest army in NATO but can't take Afrin in 2 months" if we go with that logic, the US army couldn't beat poorly equipped and trained Taliban in 20 years and the militants control more territories than ever before.
I think they just entirely gave up on anywhere outside of Afrin city. The only real resistance will be there, if we go there in the first place.
They have to still connect jinderes district with waran district in southern Afrin and cut Afrin city from assad held region . They might then decide to take over tel refaat district before Afrin urban operation .

Sooner or later Afrin city will fall but the question should be regarding tel refaat if turkey will attack it or not .
There is also an element of nonsense to posts citing percentages and any comment that say we use X amount of our military numbers look at how powerful we are.

Considering that only a lower % of our military is made up of actually competent combat capable units.

We are exlusively using our professional combat capable units in Syria. So even if they are 0.5% on paper. Their actual effectiveness and their importance to our militaries combat capability contributes far greater than 0.5%.

That being said, people citing the speed of the operation is also nonsense. I posted a detailed comment here not so long ago citing the strategy being used and the reason for the tempo of the operation. The method and tempo used is extremely effective. We are minimizing casualties and forcing such severe strains on YPG/PKK logistics that they basically debilitated their own ability to fight by stretching out into multiple logistics corridors and moving their material too often to support the number of fronts. They also are suffering absolutely shocking attrition rates compared to our deployed manpower. However, that is irrelevant. 10 thousand dead pkk is not equal to one of our men dead. Do not celebrate ratios and percentages.

But also do not let the comments that amateurs post get you down or make you angry. It is irrelevant. Actions speak louder than words and our lads are out there working with an incredibly incompetent ally and they are still doing a good job. Our casualties should be 0 in an ideal world but they arent. However they are far lower than anyone predicted.

At the same time, dont talk nonsense like we are only using X amount of our army. It disrespects the guys that are there fighting.

Be humble, be patient. Our lads are working.
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