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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Unmanned M-113 with 40mm grenade launcher is on the way...
Why M113? it's an armored PERSNNEL carrier . What are they going to do with all the internal space?

Positive results?
They are saving pkk so those commie shitheads will fight you another day.
I said that before and I say that again-your so called allies in de-escalation understand only one thing-brutal violence. Look what we did to them in DZ cs. You smash those convoys and regime forces will stop driving towards afrin. They are concentrating on Ghouta right now and can’t afford another bloodbath. Send a message to Iran by bombing Foua/ Kafraya. Organize massive counterattack in south Aleppo or capture Tadef.

Already done.
looks like rubber tracks! nice :)

But I'm not impressed with the turret design, it's not shielded at all. They would take this out with RPGs, grenades, even rifles if they hit the ammo box a few times or the optics.
Put armor on it...and this thing... gonna stop after 10 min...

There is an alliance emerging against USA.

If i'm not wrong, Russia-Turkey have a deal on Afrin. Americans may get scr3vv3d :lol:
A deal... that RU already broke twice...
The deal was "NO external help into Afrin"

The first ...was to let pass YPG from Manbij to Afrin...
And Now SAA...
What Next?
don't put armor on it and it'll be disabled with a single grenade

not even an RPG
It's better to have it when you need a support fire...than not having it.
And they are cheap... So destroyed or not...not a problem...if it gives you fire power to advance... then it's enough
The deal was "NO external help into Afrin"
Oh, like the agreement of "Selling Idlib for Afrin" like you told us? How do you know the matters of non-exist Afrin agreement? o_O You are one of the biggest bullshitter in this section, somehow you want to claim big fat lies day and night.

Is that enjoying or what?
Oh, like the agreement of "Selling Idlib for Afrin" like you told us? How do you know the matters of non-exist Afrin agreement? o_O You are one of the biggest bullshitter in this section, somehow you want to claim big fat lies day and night.

Is that enjoying or what?
You need your pills...
And keep something called "Respect" near you... It's better for all of us... if you can't...
The door is open... it's waiting for you.
A deal... that RU already broke twice...
The deal was "NO external help into Afrin"

The first ...was to let pass YPG from Manbij to Afrin...
And Now SAA...
What Next?
You already know that Russia is unable to impose her own agreements on Syrian government. Seemingly, Turkey has an open hand in Afrin, you don't have Iran too nor Russia, so....

Everything is prepared to kick Americans out of Kurdish controlled areas, sometimes, i feel that @kuwwaitigirl was right and we have to give a point to Turkey, it cannot be solved without meeting their demands, seriously
Can I take the third choice?
To let you speak alone...
You don't have any other option, since you lied about non-exist Afrin agreement's non-exist matters.Like you lied before by telling "Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin". You make up things in your mind all the time and write here like they are facts, and whenever someone stands up to ask your Bullshit, you either try to change the topic or run to your cave. You are one of the biggest bullshitter in Turkish defence section, and even more bigger liar than Hurşit.
You don't have any other option, since you lied about non-exist Afrin agreement's non-exist matters.Like you lied before by telling "Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin". You make up things in your mind all the time and write here like they are facts, and whenever someone stands up to ask your Bullshit, you either try to change the topic or run to your cave. You are one of the biggest bullshitter in Turkish defence section, and even more bigger liar than Hurşit.
Maybe I'm him... who knows...
Sorry if you felt offended... But I don't really care tbh...
You have your opinion...I have mine...
Live with it... or move on...
You have your opinion...I have mine...
It is not an opinion, you claimed that there is an Afrin agreement, Russia broke it, twice, and broken matter of agreement is "No external help into Afrin". This is not an opinion, you are not allowed to bullshit in this forum.

A deal... that RU already broke twice...
The deal was "NO external help into Afrin"

Prove it or get lost.
Why M113? it's an armored PERSNNEL carrier . What are they going to do with all the internal space?

Already done.
The reason might be m113 the cheapest and oldest IFV which we can reconstruct easly.
A space could be used for transmitters, remote control devices, GPS receivers etc. Please remember it will be a drone:)

Unmanned M-113 with 40mm grenade launcher is on the way...
Dear THX for good news. it must be first time and first place this ocasion shared. We havent met it yet .

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