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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

LOL of the day...
Since SAA is back... They would be hunted like rats by them...
It's time to flee...
And it's a good source of Info for FSA/TSK... Mostly Hideouts, strategic assets, numbers etc...

It seems Russian maneuvre gave positive results. Russia wants to break USA proxy SDF alliance with sending ASSad forces into PYD controlled areas. All those SAA militants posing with APO flags may be a part of Russian game, While Turkish proxies keep proceeding towards Afrin. Turkish officials don’t give a ch@t about SAA in Afrin news as well.
Can you translate what they are talking?
In Short, The guy in the car, say that 400 are ready to come, but they are afraid, to do so.
It seems already few dozens defected to FSA.
A good number will start to defect, in the coming days, to escape SAA retaliation. They will mostly make a deal, to take them all, in exchange of joining the fight under full FSA/TSK authority +Info
It seems Russian maneuvre gave positive results. Russia wants to break USA proxy SDF alliance with sending ASSad forces into PYD controlled areas. All those SAA militants posing with APO flags may be a part of Russian game, While Turkish proxies keep proceeding towards Afrin. Turkish officials don’t give a ch@t about SAA in Afrin news as well.
It's been a long time that RU want YPG back in their ranks, and therefore weakening the US-YPG bond.
But it's also troublesome, if it's true, that RU move on it's own and do plans EVEN though she did make a deal with TR to not let any SAA affiliated in Afrin.

Why did they join ypg in the first place?
Influence conflict with HTS and other FSA faction in Idlib/Aleppo and around...
They wanted to stay "alive" so they later joined hand with YPG, in hope to get more "foreign" favors and therefore lands/influence.
They are very anti-SAA... and SAA hate them too... so this YPG deal...was against their liking... and their survival...
And if I recall, they were tensions before on such subject, when YPG got assistance from SAA... but they kept their eyes shut... bc they had nowhere to go...
Influence conflict with HTS and other FSA faction in Idlib/Aleppo and around...
They wanted to stay "alive" so they later joined hand with YPG, in hope to get more "foreign" favors and therefore lands/influence.
They should be arrested and interrogated, these traitors wont make an effective force anyways.
They should be arrested and interrogated, these traitors wont make an effective force anyways.
Few will end up arrested, that's for sure... but the great majority will repay their debt by being on the front line+Info etc...
In Syria... a man that can fire and already trained is...important...
And they are not bad combattant either. they know quite well their environment.

It's like among FSA... their were many factions who were against each others... and later on, merged and put their differences behind... Since They have a common goal... but not the same "tactic" & "End result" for it...
And what is the whole prophesy then? Tell us so we don't even bother to make any plans or imagine what the future brings...
Tbh, it is unclear. Everything stops in prophecies after that prediction. It's sounds like something will happen that could change everything. Who knows?!!!

Russia doesn't need PAK-FA to counter an Asian or middle eastern fighter jet, it's for something else.
Good solution for urban warfare

It seems Russian maneuvre gave positive results. Russia wants to break USA proxy SDF alliance with sending ASSad forces into PYD controlled areas. All those SAA militants posing with APO flags may be a part of Russian game, While Turkish proxies keep proceeding towards Afrin. Turkish officials don’t give a ch@t about SAA in Afrin news as well.
Positive results?
They are saving pkk so those commie shitheads will fight you another day.
I said that before and I say that again-your so called allies in de-escalation understand only one thing-brutal violence. Look what we did to them in DZ cs. You smash those convoys and regime forces will stop driving towards afrin. They are concentrating on Ghouta right now and can’t afford another bloodbath. Send a message to Iran by bombing Foua/ Kafraya. Organize massive counterattack in south Aleppo or capture Tadef.
Good solution for urban warfare

looks like rubber tracks! nice :)

But I'm not impressed with the turret design, it's not shielded at all. They would take this out with RPGs, grenades, even rifles if they hit the ammo box a few times or the optics.
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