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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I wanna see your proof that we have supported our own worst enemy
Not you particularly, there are of course some smart Iran citizens like you who doesn't support Terrorists against neighboring nations that fight against same Terrorists which occupied %25 of Syria under USA support/training/arming programs.

But as you can see in this thread, not all Iran citizens are smart like you. Some of stupid ones are hungry to support PKK Terrorists which occupied %25 of Syria, and hungry to occupy more by taking over Abo-Kamal and cutting IRan-Syria route, against your neighbor, Turkey o_O Weird right?

Those people who support PKK, the enemy of Syria/Iran, and the main occupation tool of USA in middle east, are traitors of Iran. You should hang them in your country and we will have peace.
Russians are fooling everyone except themselves...they don't care about Turkey or ASSad or IRan...
But they will do whatever it takes to keep themselves the "Voice of Power" and the "Entity of Balance" in the area...
Nothing more nothing less...

You see...no one is your friend, no one.

russia is not fooling anyone but protecting their bases and interests in syria.
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I hope to see some of those dead Shia scum alongside the PKK scum.

They're not Shia but NDF/SAA soldiers.

@cabatli_53 What is your opinion of such comments? In the end we're talking about SAA/NDF troops whom are not terrorists but soldiers in their sovereign territory and we have someone with serial killer tendencies wishing for their blood.

Biased moderation, not that I give a shit but i'm pointing it out to you.
They're not Shia but NDF/SAA soldiers.

@cabatli_53 What is your opinion of such comments? In the end we're talking about SAA/NDF troops whom are not terrorists but soldiers in their sovereign territory and we have someone with serial killer tendencies wishing for their blood.

Biased moderation, not that I give a shit but i'm pointing it out to you.

What I think, The any group from any ethnicity, society, religious whoever side with PYD/PKK terrorists (openly aims to seperate not only Turkey but also Syria, Iraq and Iran, while killing many civilian/military personel of those countries they targeted) against Turkish Army to protect them with some deals, deserve to be killed like terrorists. I thinl I am open enough to express my point about this incident. Bias is a relative issue and its meaning changes in accordance with your sight angle to incidents.
They're not Shia but NDF/SAA soldiers.

@cabatli_53 What is your opinion of such comments? In the end we're talking about SAA/NDF troops whom are not terrorists but soldiers in their sovereign territory and we have someone with serial killer tendencies wishing for their blood.

Biased moderation, not that I give a shit but i'm pointing it out to you.
When terrorists are using their "sovereign" territory to target our citizens that is the moment we stop to care sovereignty of other countries. Nor Iraq or Syria. If the question is our beloved country and citizens we will not only wish but will take their blood and we dont care if you will call us serial killers or not. If they are firing upon my soldier then I wish them bombed to hell and on little pieces so they dont bother us with funerals.
The 4 villages that has been taken today seemed like random advances to me. I mean they are not close to any major urban target. Raju and Jinderes is just right there man, what are they waiting for?

Every village matters to me no matter how small it is. I looked in the map of Afrin and a huge part if not even the majority of villages there had familiar sounding names like- Baylan kuy, Sari Ushagi, Qizil Bash, Buyuk Jaqmaq, Hajji Khalil Ubah Si etc... Names that even after the arabization policies of Syria sound absolutely Turkish/Turkmen to me.
To me those villages are even more important than a big city full of Apo worshipers which we can bomb anyday of the week.
They're not Shia but NDF/SAA soldiers.

@cabatli_53 What is your opinion of such comments? In the end we're talking about SAA/NDF troops whom are not terrorists but soldiers in their sovereign territory and we have someone with serial killer tendencies wishing for their blood.

Biased moderation, not that I give a shit but i'm pointing it out to you.

Syria and "Sovereign"?

What I think, The any group from any ethnicity, society, religious whoever side with PYD/PKK terrorists (openly aims to seperate not only Turkey but also Syria, Iraq and Iran, while killing many civilian/military personel of those countries they targeted) against Turkish Army to protect them with some deals, deserve to be killed like terrorists. I thinl I am open enough to express my point about this incident. Bias is a relative issue and its meaning changes in accordance with your sight angle to incidents.

SAA is not siding with the PYD/PKK, they're taking territory that otherwise would be swallowed by Erdogan for his Ottoman dream. Likewise when Iraq protested Turkish attempts to involve in Tal Afar, Sinjar etc. They did not protest because of protecting the PKK but rather other ambitions till they reached those lands to safeguard it from Erdogan's rhetoric.

Then there's sectarianism by tagging the SAA as a Shia force, we can also tag you the Sunni forces given Erdogan's ideology. If you calculate your wins by killing you won't achieve your objectives either,
SAA is not siding with the PYD/PKK, they're taking territory that otherwise would be swallowed by Erdogan for his Ottoman dream. Likewise when Iraq protested Turkish attempts to involve in Tal Afar, Sinjar etc. They did not protest because of protecting the PKK but rather other ambitions till they reached those lands to safeguard it from Erdogan's rhetoric.

Then there's sectarianism by tagging the SAA as a Shia force, we can also tag you the Sunni forces given Erdogan's ideology. If you calculate your wins by killing you won't achieve your objectives either,




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