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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

No deal,only orders from the US to either recognize the YPG and get something small or face the consequences,and of course the government will bring ''the deal'' as a victory.

Operation ES will follow. PM Yildirim announced today.
BTW German Tornados delivered the fotos of targets where dozens civilians were killed.
BREAKING: State of Great Kurdistan to be Created in Syria and Iraq


According to the documents at our disposal, the U.S. authorities and the Syrian Kurds reached an agreement past week on the boundaries of the Kurdish autonomy in the territory of Syria, which had been guaranteed to Kurds in case of capturing Raqqa and Al-Tabqah (34 miles to the West of Raqqa). This confirms the reports about the U.S. plans to divide Syria.
In addition, Washington has already defined the boundaries of the new state of the Great Kurdistan on the territory of Syria and Iraq. It is to be created after ISIS defeat and the final collapse of Syrian Arab Republic. According to the U.S. military, Kurds remain the only force capable of defeating ISIS.
In order to strengthen its positions the new U.S. administration announced the upcoming liberation of the so-called ISIS capital, Raqqa. To grease the wheels the Americans resorted to money, their weapon of choice. They bribe ISIS field commanders and increase payments to YPG and FSA units.
The U.S. government intends to capture Raqqa by April and to eliminate ISIS in Syria and Iraq this summer. The implementation of these plans requires making concessions to Kurds. This is why the U.S. promises them an independent state in case of victory.


In the coming weeks we will see how true this news is.
Bizimkiler milleti uyutmaya devam etsin.


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BREAKING: State of Great Kurdistan to be Created in Syria and Iraq

View attachment 387688

According to the documents at our disposal, the U.S. authorities and the Syrian Kurds reached an agreement past week on the boundaries of the Kurdish autonomy in the territory of Syria, which had been guaranteed to Kurds in case of capturing Raqqa and Al-Tabqah (34 miles to the West of Raqqa). This confirms the reports about the U.S. plans to divide Syria.
In addition, Washington has already defined the boundaries of the new state of the Great Kurdistan on the territory of Syria and Iraq. It is to be created after ISIS defeat and the final collapse of Syrian Arab Republic. According to the U.S. military, Kurds remain the only force capable of defeating ISIS.
In order to strengthen its positions the new U.S. administration announced the upcoming liberation of the so-called ISIS capital, Raqqa. To grease the wheels the Americans resorted to money, their weapon of choice. They bribe ISIS field commanders and increase payments to YPG and FSA units.
The U.S. government intends to capture Raqqa by April and to eliminate ISIS in Syria and Iraq this summer. The implementation of these plans requires making concessions to Kurds. This is why the U.S. promises them an independent state in case of victory.


In the coming weeks we will see how true this news is.
Bizimkiler milleti uyutmaya devam etsin.
Well, congratulations to us all.

The United States has pursued a strategy that entails creating an independent Kurdish state in the Middle East, Chairman of the Kurdish National Council (ENKS) Muslim Mihemed told Sputnik Turkey, commenting on recent rumors that Washington has promised to support Kurdish independence in exchange for Raqqa's liberation.
"We believe that Washington's Greater Middle East project is aimed at creating Kurdistan among other things. There is a possibility of the US establishing a Kurdish state in Syria and Iraq. This depends on the one who came up with this initiative, Washington. We think that if this project truly exists, it must take into account the rights of all Kurds. Otherwise, establishing a Kurdish state would not be possible," he said.

Washington has provided extensive support to the Kurdish forces fighting Daesh in both Iraq and Syria. The Pentagon has relied on the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and has named the SDF as the main force tasked with liberating Raqqa, the capital of Daesh's self-proclaimed caliphate. The SDF is composed primarily of the People's Protection Units (YPG), Syria’s principle Kurdish military faction. The YPG are affiliated with the Democratic Union Party (PYD), one of the leading Kurdish political forces in Syria.


'Ankara, Damascus Must Unite' to Halt US-Sponsored Kurdish State in Northern Syria
Washington's reliance on the SDF prompted some to say that the US leadership has pledged to back the Kurds in their effort to achieve greater autonomy in Syria. Kurdish politicians told Sputnik that these claims are groundless.

Salih Muslim, co-chairman of the PYD, said that he was not aware of any talks involving the Syrian Kurds and Washington with regard to creating an independent Kurdish state.

"We have not heard anything on the issue. No one has promised us anything in return for conducting the operation in Raqqa. This information is not grounded in reality. It is a figment of the imagination of those who spread these speculations. This is a lie," he asserted.

Chairman of the Kurdish Democratic Progressive Party in Syria Mustafa Hanifi shared these sentiments.


Kurds of Discord: US-Turkish Clashes on 'Kurdish Issue' Threaten NATO’s Integrity
"There is not official information on this issue. For our part, we have not heard anything about such a deal. The operation in Raqqa is currently a priority for the United States. The fighting near the Tabqa Dam is ongoing. The United States and the Democratic Union Party (PYD) have carried out a joint operation against Daesh. I am not aware of any other agreements between the two," he said. "We have not heard anything about America's plans to establish a Kurdish state in Syria."

Ewwas Eli, a senior member of the PYD responsible for foreign relations of the party's branch in Kobani, dismissed these speculations as not being grounded in reality.

"We have created a federation in northern Syria, but it makes no mention of Kurdistan. It is called the Democratic Federal System of Northern Syria," he said.


Crunch Time: Will Liberation of Raqqa Turn Into 'War of All Against All'?
Rezan Hiddo, Chairman of the Syrian Democratic Council (DSM), maintained that the operation aimed at liberating Raqqa is not linked to the political future of the Kurds.

"We are determined to take part in the operation aimed at liberating Raqqa to free locals, our Arab brothers, from Daesh. Our goal is to liberate all those suffering from terrorists in Syria. We will conduct an operation in Deir ez-Zor if we receive a corresponding request. In other words we are ready to fight anywhere where Daesh is present," he said.

Hiddo underscored that the Kurds want to achieve greater autonomy through negotiations since Syria is "our motherland."


Daesh, Creature of the West
"We want to discuss the issue of creating a federation with the Assyrians, Arabs, Circassians and other ethnic groups living in Syria. We believe that this system is the only way to resolve the Syrian crisis," he asserted.

Nasir Hec Mansur, a commander with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), shared these sentiments, saying that a federation will help to bring the six-year-long war to an end. He also said that there were no talks on Kurdish independence with Washington.

"We have not discussed this issue with the US leadership. Let those who claim otherwise ask the Americans. For our part, we have not conducted such negotiations. I am convinced that those who claim otherwise have no reliable information on the matter," he said.


It was from Sputnik ! No me. BTW, all will see huge changes after April 16.

If HAYIR, (Türkiye could collapse)
I will think serious about emigrating to Croatia / Dalmatia.
There are many opportunities people are smart and polite.
Let's just be patient. After April 16 and Raqqa OP we will see final results of what's gonna happen.
It was from Sputnik ! No me. BTW, all will see huge changes after April 16.

If HAYIR, (Türkiye could collapse)
I will think serious about emigrating to Croatia / Dalmatia.
There are many opportunities people are smart and polite.

But Croatia is in the EU and people drink alcohol there. Their women walk around with their heads uncovered like sluts. Dirty European nazis! :undecided:

ps An why should Turkey collapse if Erdogan loses the referendum? He will just continue to govern the same way as he did in his last 15 years. I though his fanboys were more than happy about it.
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