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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

they allways come and check it is numbers and everythings

such fools.. such brainless fools.. seems everything we had is just crap and binds us like a dog.. I cant understand why they everytime let them use dog collars on our nation.. they have no dignity and no honor..

but some exsoviet iglas would do the job too.. you know what I mean..

but this makes my statement stronger I would never go with turkey to syria as FSA member..
That's why indignious projects so important.

Biz de bir söz var elin s.kiyle gerdeğe girilmez diye, durum bundan ibaret o yüzden ne yaparsan kendin yapacaksın yoksa en ufak bir meselede dahi göbekten dışarıya bağlı oluyorsun. Daha düne kadar NATO'dan habersiz Suriye'ye tek kurşun gönderemiyorduk, bugün ise geldiğimiz durum daha farklı, günden güne elimiz güçleniyor, güçlenecek.

ps Hope we start importing more and more gas from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and even Israel soon and diversify our deliveries.

Don't forget the best part, while EU punishes Russia for Ukraine individually they're looking out for themselves. Germany isn't saying anything about their gas project with Russia (which conveniently circumvents Ukraine!!) while blocking south stream.
Erdogan announced that Euphrates shield next move is Al-BAB and menbech then Al-Riqqah . There is no mention of Tel-Refaat at all and he insisted that this operation will not include Aleppo city .

Today Euphrates shield forces captured 4 villages towards Al-BAB and 2 Villages in the direction of Menbech .

I expect the participation of Turkish forces when the battle for Al-BAB town starts , same goes for Menbech .
Erdogan announced that Euphrates shield next move is Al-BAB and menbech then Al-Riqqah . There is no mention of Tel-Refaat at all and he insisted that this operation will not include Aleppo city .

Today Euphrates shield forces captured 4 villages towards Al-BAB and 2 Villages in the direction of Menbech .

I expect the participation of Turkish forces when the battle for Al-BAB town starts , same goes for Menbech .
Rebels have started to attack Aleppo from the west-side of the city, there are reports of advances. Airbases with russian planes are being targeted reportedly.
Well, for Raqqa we will need more Turkish troops in the warzone. Just couple Thousand of FSA troops and 30 Tanks and IFV's could take pretty damm long to capture Raqqa and also we could lose Tanks and IFVs.
PKK tries to occupy more villages from FSA

FSA is liberating lands from IS, then giving them to PKK. They are completely incomplete fighting forces. They cannot capture anything without TuAF and Turkish Artillery support. If they saw someone attack them, they just retreat.

They recently lost Tal-Madiq to PKK, critical village to control over Dam near Lake. I hope this time TSK will give more support to those incomplete FSA guys so PKK cannot capture more village for free.
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This operation was doomed to fail after we stopped against YPG in Manbijj.

Başkasının güdümünde anca bu kadar operasyon olur.
PKK tries to occupy more villages from FSA

FSA is liberating lands from IS, then giving them to PKK. They are completely incomplete fighting forces. They cannot capture anything without TuAF and Turkish Artillery support. If they saw someone attack them, they just retreat.

They recently lost Tal-Madiq to PKK, critical village to control over Dam near Lake. I hope this time TSK will give more support to those incomplete FSA guys so PKK cannot capture more village for free.

YPG has more manpower there, FSA is simply outnumbered. Hopefully there are more being trained in Turkey to join Euphrates Shield.
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