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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

And there's this

Assad and Russian trolls reactions are funny. Almost every major regime base in Aleppo is in the range of some turkish artillery system from across the border. Not to mention that TuAF has standoff capabilities.... what, they think those S300 are some wonder weapons that can shoot everymoving plane or cruisse missile? Turkey shoot down russian plane for God sake just this year, to cite one retired US general : You dont want to **** with Turks
Its the location that metters. As i said earlier Tal Rifaat and that strech of land SDF holds is a buffer zone. Created in the first phase of encircliment of Aleppo.
So how we are going to stop PYD/YPG forces to advance to Al-Bab? We must cut the road to Al-Bab but how is this going to happen?
I told you from the beginning going to Tell Rifaat wasn't a good idea. We should have gone to Al-Bab without agitating SAA.
Cerablus hospital opened by help of Turkish state
And there's this

Assad and Russian trolls reactions are funny. Almost every major regime base in Aleppo is in the range of some turkish artillery system from across the border. Not to mention that TuAF has standoff capabilities.... what, they think those S300 are some wonder weapons that can shoot everymoving plane or cruisse missile? Turkey shoot down russian plane for God sake just this year, to cite one retired US general : You dont want to **** with Turks
Which US General? Must be and opinion from the Korean War era. Can't imagine those words coming from the gob anyone currently at the Pentagon even though they're true. Back to topic now - Any updates?
Heavy clashes ongoing...FSA assaulting on YPG from a 10 Km wide front.
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