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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

HTS are not terrorists thank you, they are the generation of sacrifice, and from their offspring will be born the generation of Liberation the army of Islam that will be victorious in the End and they will conquer both Istanbul and Rome, just watch !!

I feel sorry for Erdogan !!! wasting time on treacherous kuffars ..

Allah swt will sort it out, something will happen, inshallah

Plz don’t delude others ...HTS are not those who will be the helpers of Mahdi nor will they be the army of the black flags. That time has not arrived yet. We should not try to superimpose our own opinion on hadiths
HTS used civilians as meat shield and didn't allow them to leave the cities.

Just posting it in English for ppl who don’t read Turkish.

I think it’s a smart move to block it because it means both sides will need to exert effort to observe the cease fire. It’ll probably also deepen the need for cooperation in the long run. Plus Russia can veto US withdrawal from Afghanistan which costs a lot of money for the US.
We’re not interested in this pushing game. Just a deescalation zone where the refugees can be. I hope the Syrian regime has realized the cost of pushing and will refrain from it until they have taken back the lands under ypg rule.
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Even when you bring about valid points, they still curse you off and think you are "traitor" which is I cant say its no wonder Muslims and in general Pakistanis and Turks are in bad shape now we blindly follow what we think is good but dont understand the world is much more complex
well said bro.
Lots of people trolling Turks in this topic.
Lots of true Turks who are concerned and unhappy but unrealistic and impulsive. Some of them have been in this forum for years.

Yet, I have not seen any plan from anyone how to handle the Idlib issue along with the Mediterranean oil and gas issues with Greece-Turkey-Egypt. How to prioritize and how to manage?
Any ideas?
Lots of people trolling Turks in this topic.
Lots of true Turks who are concerned and unhappy but unrealistic and impulsive. Some of them have been in this forum for years.

Yet, I have not seen any plan from anyone how to handle the Idlib issue along with the Mediterranean oil and gas issues with Greece-Turkey-Egypt. How to prioritize and how to manage?
Any ideas?

they said it again and again its repeated multible times..

by beinging harder, not letting your proxies down, not letting your soilders down, dilivering weapons wich hurt your enemy, shooting down air planes if you need to..

by knowing with whom you are dealing with and acting according to their way you should not fight with certain ppl and you should not talk with certain ppl

going multible ways to hurt your enemy..

never trust russians, never trust middle easterners, never trust romans, never go back except tactical retreats..dont trust the secterians..

dont wait until little crocodiles grow big

thats what ppl say for years.. if there is hardship then we will go the hard way..
I think all of turkish observation posts in regime-controlled idlib area should be evacuated in rebel-held idlib area before the situation with corona virus escalates further
Plz don’t delude others ...HTS are not those who will be the helpers of Mahdi nor will they be the army of the black flags. That time has not arrived yet. We should not try to superimpose our own opinion on hadiths

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Actually we don't know
whether they are army of the black flag
or not.

we wait & see.

Wallahu a'lam

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