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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Expect a similiar sentiment made by UK, they will be meeting with Turkish officials soon and have said nothing about the recent assault or the refugee crisis in Greece.

UK is no longer in Europe so we can see that their approach is totally different. Historically, they never liked them so maybe there will be a Turkish-Commonwealth (Britain and USA) alliance against Europe?
Nice building
..long live Lybian Syrian friendship!

Supports dictators that kill their own people then cries about refugees.

Good one gypsy.

You should wipe those tears off of your keyboard

His a eurocunt these eurocunts are in a dilemma because they support bashar because his killing sunnis while at the same time that same bashar who caused this refugee crisis.
I don't get why there aren't more fighters on the Idlib front? It always looks as though 100 fighters attack Saraqib and a hundred or two fight the regime in south of Idlib? Why not deploy 5,000 fighters in the south to start offenses, and 1,000 to Saraqib and 1,000 to the north of Saraqib and 1,000 to the south, supported by heavy Tr artillery and drone strikes ( what the SAA is doing). It just doesn't add up. Where is the SNA? wasn't it 10,000 strong? Where is the FSA? What about the 5,000+ Turkish Commandos in Idlib? Russia is obviously sending it's soldiers in with the SAA.

When Saraqib fell, where were the Turkish drone? they could of easily been monitoring the battle from the skies, and strike when the SAA started advancing. Also, there are videos of the SAA walking into Saraqib, why don't the rebels, after their tactical retreat, simply open up the howitzers and turn Saraqib into ruble? the SAA casualties would of been too great. This is what Russia is doing with their air power, but the same can be done with effective artillery. Stalin was quoted as saying "Artillery is the God of war." What are Turkish guns doing when Saraqib was falling?

It almost appears as though TR is just hitting Regime targets with no end objective. Maybe to show off their drones for marketing purposes?

Don't get me started on Libya. I feel like Tr is involved in Libya and Idlib "half baked," not fully committed but there for whatever reason.

I don't get why there aren't more fighters on the Idlib front? It always looks as though 100 fighters attack Saraqib and a hundred or two fight the regime in south of Idlib? Why not deploy 5,000 fighters in the south to start offenses, and 1,000 to Saraqib and 1,000 to the north of Saraqib and 1,000 to the south, supported by heavy Tr artillery and drone strikes ( what the SAA is doing). It just doesn't add up. Where is the SNA? wasn't it 10,000 strong? Where is the FSA? What about the 5,000+ Turkish Commandos in Idlib? Russia is obviously sending it's soldiers in with the SAA.

When Saraqib fell, where were the Turkish drone? they could of easily been monitoring the battle from the skies, and strike when the SAA started advancing. Also, there are videos of the SAA walking into Saraqib, why don't the rebels, after their tactical retreat, simply open up the howitzers and turn Saraqib into ruble? the SAA casualties would of been too great. This is what Russia is doing with their air power, but the same can be done with effective artillery. Stalin was quoted as saying "Artillery is the God of war." What are Turkish guns doing when Saraqib was falling?

It almost appears as though TR is just hitting Regime targets with no end objective. Maybe to show off their drones for marketing purposes?

Don't get me started on Libya. I feel like Tr is involved in Libya and Idlib "half baked," not fully committed but there for whatever reason.

Everything gonna be known the 5th of march...

Hahahahahahahaha ADIL GUR IS BASED!!!!!!

All the Sjws in Turkey are triggered

Explain the situation?

Everything gonna be known the 5th of march...

Explain the situation?

We Bosnians know a thing or two about these "talks". It is all BS just like all of the previous talks, at the end of the day what matters is the ground and who controls it. The Russians control M5, and what do you think will happen? Putin will give that to Erdogan on March 5th? Also, there isn't an agreement in place that I see, the Russians are doing whatever they want. Turks should of deployed 7-8K fighters 48 hours ago, and today hold a few dozen more villages and Saraqib. This is how you negotiate with Russians ;)
We Bosnians know a thing or two about these "talks". It is all BS just like all of the previous talks, at the end of the day what matters is the ground and who controls it. The Russians control M5, and what do you think will happen? Putin will give that to Erdogan on March 5th? Also, there isn't an agreement in place that I see, the Russians are doing whatever they want. Turks should of deployed 7-8K fighters 48 hours ago, and today hold a few dozen more villages and Saraqib. This is how you negotiate with Russians ;)
I can't tell you what will be TR answer if THAT LAST meeting (hopefully) fail... I can only hope TR give them the middle finger once and for all... and just march.

I know that speaking with the Russians is useless... but at least... they ain't gonna say... "We should have talked"...
I can't tell you what will be TR answer if THAT LAST meeting (hopefully) fail... I can only hope TR give them the middle finger once and for all... and just march.

I know that speaking with the Russians is useless... but at least... they ain't gonna say... "We should have talked"...

O yeah? And what can Turkey do when Russia use their nukes against us?

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