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Now regarding air defence, yesterday it was reported that the AWACs provided the targeting for the F16 missile that shot down the SU24 using Link 16.
Wow u guys have that technology? I asked this question from a PAF Guy, he replied in negative
Fighter jets should be used
Ideally fighter jets are the preferred option due to capability, but the current environment doesn't allow for it. This is perhaps why manned fighters will become obsolete in the future. Also the cost of maintaining a manned fighter is far greater. And the cost as well as phycological cost of losing a fighter is unthinkable.
Now regarding air defence, yesterday it was reported that the AWACs provided the targeting for the F16 missile that shot down the SU24 using Link 16. Anyway my question is, if the drones could carry AAM and perform the same task using the AWACs radar.
Don't think it s possible maybe with bigger UAVs like Akinci. (AAM (152kg), MAM-L witch is used on the UAVS (22Kg)).
AWACS give the location to the F16, the pilot doesn't use his own Radar so it doesn't get detected by the enemy. The pilot only rely on the coordination given by the AWACs Radar. The F16 still need to controle the AMRAAM missile until his hown radar intersept the enemy fighterjet. I don't think our UAV has the ability to controle AMRAAM misiles.
Don't think it s possible maybe with bigger UAVs like Akinci. (AAM (152kg), MAM-L witch is used on the UAVS (22Kg)).
AWACS give the location to the F16, the pilot doesn't use his own Radar so it doesn't get detected by the enemy. The pilot only rely on the coordination given by the AWACs Radar. The F16 still need to controle the AMRAAM missile until his hown radar intersept the enemy fighterjet. I don't think our UAV has the ability to controle AMRAAM misiles.
Maybe something to work on with later drones.

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