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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

So when is Raqqa targeted? Evrything else is just not necessary. The goal must be that ISIS is crushed. Raqqa and Mossul must fall.
isis is just temporary we all know this, Turkey is in Syria because of pyd.
FSA's advance nearly stopped in last 3 days. IS may have ATGM, but it shouldn't be enough to stop TAF and FSA. I think we don't use our Airforce effectively and try to push with our tanks, then lose tanks.
FSA's advance nearly stopped in last 3 days. IS may have ATGM, but it shouldn't be enough to stop TAF and FSA. I think we don't use our Airforce effectively and try to push with our tanks, then lose tanks.
Not we dont use, we dont want to use.
news on a near future operation against ISIS in Reqqah and Mosul, KSA and Qatar most likely will join Turkey in the fight.
We have 3 martyrs and one wounded. Once again an ATGW attack .

This is the third Turkish tank that's attacked by DAESH and YPG, but the things aren't like a video game.
The ATGW missiles are coming from far distance and shooting tanks and ACVs, the crews in the tank aren't aware of it, cause lack of suitable systems.
Our commanders will have to change tactics , using fast armored vehicles and more heavy artillery in the area.
Man I cant belive you are back you are legend :D I saw your discutions with the other members before I even made account :D Welcome back
Seems like 3 more of our soldiers are dead.
all the props for Erdogan when it comes to economy.... but the security in country is catastrofic, and now this limited intervention basically sending sitting ducks in syria...nothing good can come out of this limited intervention
Cant we test Korkut Spaag against ATGM's? If its radar could detect them, then i think Korkut can hit these ATGMs or their cables between their operators. If it succeeds, it became a game-changer in Syria like our game-changer armed TB2 which killed 7 PKK terrorist in last two days...
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