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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Now we can talk since you used normal words
Of course politics stopped military progress
But if you really think that Turkey was rewarded by US and Russia then we can say the same thing about other theaters as well
There’s no doubt russia and us are the biggest military powers but turkey is syria’s neighbor and the second largest army in NATO sooner or later these operations were bound to happen
They delayed all turkish military operations
in exchange for political deals but that was necessary since turkey have other issues to deal with and as you see 30% of northern syria is captured with minimal military casualties
You think that coup is fake but all turks (pro/against erdogan) think the opposite
You should know that big geopolitical games are happening behind the scenes that’s why we shouldn’t view this from military perspective
TAF is pretty much capable to stand against russia/assad if green light is given to them from civilian government(erdogan)
You should know that Turkey is present at multiple fronts(syria libya east med... etc)
if there’s common interest with us or another nato “ally” turks will exploit that opportunity
why do you support terrorism and separatism against your nato ally???
All you have to do is to look at the map. Your territorial gains have shrunk everywhere.
During ES you were blocked south of Al Bab
In OB you were stopped at Tel Rifat
And in PS was such a slow tempo that you lost momentum failing to secure Manbij, Kobane. TA took over few border towns and few dozen of villages
And Idlib reduced in half since April.
as for 2nd in NATO, look, you’re second in quantity but not in quality. And Erdogan purges significantly depleted officers corps across all branches
So save me from KORAL-type nonsense, look at the map and think “ why is that, we regional power, control crumbs along the border? How did it all go wrong”
If I like your answers and see you’re capable of in depth analysis maybe then I’ll give you my opinion
If Turkey does the same delimitation agreement with Israel it would burst the Greek bubble completely, why Israel could agree... they gain more sea area to be precise the whole Aphrodite gas field.
Turks are iranic/! ha ha ha ha . go somewhere else kid.

Afghans, Pakistans are Iranic also. We descend from migrations of Iranic nomads from Tarim Basin and Altay Mountains.

I have met some Turks who trace their lineage from Saka, Scythian origin. It is not unheard of.

You have to realize that Turks have intermingled with and incorporated many ethnic groups over time including Iranics, Mongols, Huns, Greeks, Byzantine Romans, Cypriots, etc
HTS is losing men ... soon they will collapse
HTS lost around 2k men and double that for the wounded in this last year with a pool of around 8k-15K.
Other groups did disappear with only a fraction of what HTS felt...

As I said before... HTS is not a group, that will disappear bc they lose soldiers... HTS is first of all an embodiment of an Ideology, and purpose.
HTS WILL survive as long as the fight Against ASSad isn't over... It may not have the same name... but that group dynamic will stay...
The islamic status of HTS is a structural one... Islam rule their life and shape their structure... Like any other Islamic based society... That's why they are so hard to get rid of... Since other "Rebel" groups can't maintain their autonomy in such war/radical environment and therefore either die or get eaten/absorbed by others.

Adding to it a "Point of Interest"... and in this case, the End of ASSad...
In conclusion, you have a social structure ready to use (Sharia/Islam) and a Point of Interest ( ASSad death). And you have it... a strong survivalist entity.

I already spoke about it last year in this same Thread, on the fastest and easier way to Deplete HTS ranks... and that is... Giving an Alternative... that could be another group or... A state...
I also said, with the Example of TR... that if that "State" finally engage herself fully as an alternative... then HTS will be irrelevant... Ppl will switch side little by little, without going into a direct confrontation that will come back on you or create a vacuum power...
HTS is first of all an embodiment of an Ideology, and purpose.
I could not agree more, HTS is going to stay there until the believers hear the call from the sky (AKA Satellite TV) that the Caliph is ***** or as it is mentioned in the hadith, everything is going as planned, the factions, they fought both in-between themselves and with assad and the fight keeps ongoing in Syria until the regime change occurs in SA, what Im trying to say is that our strategic analysis goes hand in hand with the expected outcome of all this.
The Idlib airspace is protected by the most modern Russian air defence systems and Turkey is prohibited from flying over Idlib except for MEDEVAC and CSAR purposes. The risk is getting your aircrafts downed and Turkish troops (in case of operation) acting without air cover. That would be total butchery.

The only thing EU/NATO would do to Turkey is diplomatic support,militarly,the Turks are well alone in this.

I remember that NATO were high involved as France attacked Libya. Why not in this case?
The Idlib airspace is protected by the most modern Russian air defence systems and Turkey is prohibited from flying over Idlib except for MEDEVAC and CSAR purposes. The risk is getting your aircrafts downed and Turkish troops (in case of operation) acting without air cover. That would be total butchery.

Who wants to take the risk of flying in to a zone that is being jammed by Koral? Regime dogs can try their rusty russian things if they want..
Turkey has no good PR machine like Israel. You have Israeli websites in every language, Israeli social network clans and internet bots, Israeli lobbyists in every country, Israeli sexy blonde spokeswomen, pro-Israeli commercials, pro-Israel music-and moviestars and Israeli writers in the press of every nation and they support every action of Israel and using different hardness levels (against occupation + very hard against Hamas, against settlers + very pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian + pro-democracy etc).

Every response of the Palestinians looks like antisemitic terrorism instead of legal resistance thanks to their PR-power.

Turkey lacks PR and therefore every action of Turkey against pkk terror gets no foreign public support and so we are the bad guys against the 'heroic' kurds.


Us Turks gotta master the art of media and pr relations.

We still have a long way to go. This quote suits it.
More and more accounts say that yesterday idlib sky was indeed quiet
I think turkish warnings are taken seriously by assad and russia
Some people here were talking how russia can shoot down turkish jets but they forgot that Turkey could also do the same to russian/assad aircrafts
@Vergennes now what you are going to say??? Others have underestimated KORAL but assad/russians haven’t done the same mistake as you
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