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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The Turkish Defence Ministry announced on Monday that the country's forces have struck 115 Syrian government targets, destroying 101 of them.

"According to preliminary data, 115 targets of the Syrian army were fired upon, and 101 targets were hit, including three tanks destroyed and one helicopter shot down. The operation continues," the ministry said in a statement.

The ministry said further that it would retaliate against any attack against its forces, which have observation posts in northern Syria.

We have also shows middle finger to Russians

and in the last 7 days over 2600 Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,AFVs,IFVs entered Idlib .... and today more 300 Turkish Military Vehicles will enter Idlib

if you don't going to use it wtf did we bring it ther?
if you don't going to use it wtf did we bring it ther?

who says we didnt use it ?

Askeri güçümüzü kullanmasaydık şimdi coktan 12 gözlem noktamızı Idlibden söküp atmışlardı
yavaş yavaş gerilimi tırmandırıyoruz ..... Asker işini bilir
ve Hiç kimse bizi Idlibden cıkaramaz
Suriye rejimini kendi ülkesinde vuruyoruz bilmem farkındamısınız
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Assad has lost the plot - he should have halted his theatrics when he had the window of opportunity recently. Turkey isn't playing proxy proxy ballroom dancing any more. They're mobilising a war machine. It is to be expected that Assadists will panic and lob their rockets and shells at Turkish outposts but the retaliation will be systematic and robust.
"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Admiral Yamamoto following the attack on the USA

May Allah-u Azimushshan accept their Shehadet...

Last time, 700K (SEVEN HUNRED THOUSAND) Shehits, the highest for a single front, were offered in the Sham front....


The actions have already started by hitting on 115 targets and destroying 101 of them. And, it's the beginning...


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