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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

They also threw stones at Russians. I saw one soldier getting hit my a rock. They should have shot some rounds.
Because they know everybody except they themselves are opposing a independent Kurdish state, the sooner they learn to get along with their neighbors the better for them.
It seems the Turkish armed forces and its allies are low key advancing as they took a few villages if anybody has checked twitter.

Pkk are crying still as their genocide lies are collapsing now they are desperate to create something.
Turkiye belongs to the Turks not the Kurds.

Our ancestors built and killed for these lands. The kurds have no right to demand land or break away from it.

Either they accept it or leave. There is reason why it is called Turkiye the land of the Turks not the land of the Kurds.

How many Non Turk ethnic groups in Turkey they are not starting crap or crying to have a separate country but its only the kurds who demand such a thing.

Mark my words if Turkey was invaded by another country or power the Kurds would be the first to help the invaders just like what we saw in

Go back with ww1 with the armenians teaming up with the Russians.

Treaty of Sevres promised the kurds a state or country. The kurds had no place in the Turkish independance war as Nureddin Pasha and Topal Osman sent by Ataturk crushed many Kurdish rebellions in the Independance war.
Not being a racist is politically correct now huh? I don’t care what the heck you think keep it to yourself. When you post that bs here it does nothing but ruin our reputation. By your logic because ottomans were beaten by the Europeans they can be racist against us and kill us like animals ? You need to live in reality your living in your own historical utopia nothing is black and white. Those Kurdish animals you keep talking about lived side by side with Turks for centuries. You look very selectively at history.


Cities KURDS took from ISIS in Iraq:
- Sinjar villages
- Some villages left here and there mostly with the intention of land grab

Cities A-Rabs took from ISIS in Iraq:

- Mosul
- Fallujah
- Ramadi
- Tikrit
- Baji
- Al Qaim

Who defeated ISIS? Gurdistan, her bijj wiji. They know it's a lie, but they also know the west believes this thus they repeat it. I will become a Kurd, life is easier that way.
Are the Gurds still putting yellow as their profile pictures hahahahahaha

I remember the Kurds saying Syria will be Turkey's vietnam. In Turkey the Turkish army took back cizre and numerous other cities one by one and drove the pkk animals to hell.

But gurds accuse us of doing genocide there. All the damn time these gurds cant fight but accuse their opponents of muh genocide.

They made the mistake of betraying their neighborhood, spitting on the region's dominating religion and always working with Ameriga and Israel. What can we do now? They leave us no option but to treat them as hostile.
They made the mistake of betraying their neighborhood, spitting on the region's dominating religion and always working with Ameriga and Israel. What can we do now? They leave us no option but to treat them as hostile.

But but muh genocide is happening. Biji Wiji help us hahaha
I would not cry if yezidi would face what they claim

Furthermore I think this is essential for the region

Just take the great timur as an example
Can we just go ahead and wipe out YPG for good instead of just half-assing this operation. The op has pretty much halted and all that is being shown in western media is propaganda against us which has been made worse because FSA keeps recording stupid acts.

The more we wait the more support will grow for these bastards. If we destroy YPG they will be forgotten very quickly.
Can we just go ahead and wipe out YPG for good instead of just half-assing this operation. The op has pretty much halted and all that is being shown in western media is propaganda against us which has been made worse because FSA keeps recording stupid acts.

The more we wait the more support will grow for these bastards. If we destroy YPG they will be forgotten very quickly.

Turkiye is low key advancing check the maps they are close to Tel Tamr. They have also been gaining lots of land in both Syria and Iraq.

The problem is they gotta speed it up low key advances are buying the ypg whores time. Americans and russians have also complicated matters further.

The americans literally handed over manbij and some other bases to russia instead of a nato ally.

The ultimate backstab!!
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