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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

All the Anti Turks and Turcophobes have gathered against us. I share a Ziya Gokalp quote which I find really important especially in todays situation.

Düşman yine öz yurduna el attı,
Mezarından ata'n kılıç uzattı,
Yürü diyor, hakkı zulüm kanattı,
Attilâ'nın oğlusun sen unutma!
Once more the enemy has attacked your motherland,
Your ancestors handed you a sword from their tomb;
March on, they say, cruelty has wounded justice,
You're Atilla's son, do not forget! .
Medeniyet deme, duymaz o sağır;
Taş üstünde taş kalmasın durma kır:
Kafalarla düz yol olsun her bayır,
Attilâ'nın oğlusun sen unutma!
Do not say “Civilisation!” as she is deaf, and will not hear you;
Let no stone remain on top of another, break all;
May all hills be flattened with skulls,
Do not forget, you are Atilla’s son!
- Ziya Gökalp, demanding revenge on what happened to the Ottoman-Muslims during the Balkan Wars.
Did it really surprised us?
First Eastern Mediterranean and now this, Palestine is officially the wh0re of the world.

Turkey must learn to care only for it's own businesses, no need to get in Political and Economical disputes with other countries because of this filth.


Syrian Kiyam group is back :smokin:
Im amazed at the speed of the Turkish army they are attacking at multiple times.

Turks and other Nomadic armies like the Mongols and the Magyars were basically pioneers of pre modern blitzkreig tactics.

Ypg supporters were saying this war will be Turkey's Vietnam but it sure does not look like it at all.
Palestine and Arab Union are vahhabies too?

Time to repair relations to israel, US only putting obstacles in front of us because Israel and Turkey arent in friendly terms.
We gave up the relations to Israel for the sake of Palestinians and got back stabbed once again.
If we had good relations then this OP would maybe not even be necessary to begin with.

What happened happened but we finally should follow a more progressive FP that benefits Turkey the most, acting the Palestinian protector did nothing but harm us.
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Erdogan needs to go. Syria is a shitfest without any comparison. The reason we are suffering through this are all the idiotic decision taken by Erdogan 5 years ago. The US made Turkey its scapegoat now and is using "the kurds" as black propaganda to throw every problem they have created on to Turkey so they can walk off scotch free. Should have never trusted someone like Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Never forget Erdogan invited Salih Moslem? from the ypg to Ankara in 2015. Met up with ypg members in Incerlik.

And then the zero pushback against any propaganda in the last 4 years trying to smear Turkey in the international stage.

All of it pinpoints to Erdogan and his idiotic decision making in 2014-2015.

This OP is needed but man we should have never been part of this shitfest. Now the "evil turks" are committing another fantasy genocide while 12 Million kurds live in Turkey and 5 million syrians are refugees. But no one will care about the facts because Erdogan is hated and propaganda like that works when you can't look past your hate.

Imagine that a country hosts 5 million refugees, has fought against ISIS, has 12 million kurds but is somehow the evil one against a communist terror org. . Shows you how weak Turkey lobbying and represensation in the world is.

Erdogan needs to go. Turkey needs a full reset in its standing, politics and relation with the rest of the world. This can't go on anymore, it will slowly ruin this country, it already is.

We as a nation need a serious dicussion about our standing in the world and how to fight back and repair our reputation. But that won't happen under a man that has annihilated a lot of people with his acts and speeches. Sorry but that is the truth.
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World Council of Arameans(Syriacs) has published a statement about the Turkey's Operation.

“President Trump is right on Syria!,” according to Johny Messo, the President of the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (“WCA”). Withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria and halting financial and arms support to the YPG Kurds may help restore peace and security in Syria. Messo further argues that “the YPG Kurds are responsible for the current escalation in the northeast and that they hold the key for peace in this part of our ancestral homeland.”

1) President Trump made the right decision in withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria to end the “ridiculous endless wars,” fulfilling yet another campaign promise; he already ended the covert CIA program of 2013 to arm the “rebels” in Syria. America’s mission to destroy the Caliphate and military power of ISIS was achieved in March 2019. So there was no cogent reason to stay in Syria, let alone to keep arming the YPG Kurds. Staying rather than leaving would be a greater security threat and burden for America.

2) Trump’s edict may lead to peace, security and stability in Syria. Despite the powerful war narrative and war lobby, Trump shows the world that America chooses peace and jobs at home above wars abroad. If other countries follow suit, primarily those whose foreign policies largely follow America’s course, and stop arming their proxies, violence will soon end. Then one can finally focus on seeking a genuine political solution for Syria, beginning in a few weeks through the UN-facilitated Constitutional Committee.

3) The PKK and the PYD/YPG Kurds, who control the SDF, are two sides of the same coin. The communist ideology and violent nature of these nationalist organizations discredit democratic and liberal values. These ‘heroes’ have oppressed vulnerable Arameans, taken their innocent lives, Kurdified their lands and still use a tiny Christian group as their mouthpiece to represent Kurdish interests. The resentment against the YPG among the locals is prevalent, yet underreported. In due time, their authoritarian governance would likely lead to an ISIS 2.0 among the local Arabs, who outnumber the Kurds, mainly among Arab nationalists and among conservative Arab and Kurdish Muslims.

4) The YPG Kurds had ample time and opportunities to take away the security concerns of Damascus and/or Ankara. Inspired by North Iraq, the envisioned autonomous Kurdish region in North Syria would give a huge boost to the PKK Kurds in Southeast Turkey. Instead of striking a deal for their people, though, Western support made them haughty. The YPG did not calculate or care about the high risks involved in its determination to first craft an autonomous region in North Syria and then a statelet called “Kurdistan.”

5) By pursuing their own agenda, the nationalist PYD/YPG Kurds have acted irresponsibly, endangering the lives of their own people and those of Arameans and other minorities! Whenever a village, town or city fell in their hands, they proudly raised Kurdish flags and nationalist symbols on the buildings, and displayed images of the jailed PKK leader. It was only a matter of time until Damascus would reclaim control over Northeast Syria or until Ankara would unilaterally resolve its growing security concerns at its border. That day has come, and Aramean civilians now suffer due to the YPG’s irresponsibility.

6) Unlike the Aramean Christians and Yazidis, the YPG Kurds received protection and huge amounts of money, arms and airpower from America to defeat ISIS. The Kurds should always remain grateful to America, which never promised them an eternal partnership. The YPG Kurds should have used their privileged position to focus on Syria’s unity and strike a peace deal with Syria and/or Turkey. In particular because they should have known that America would never sacrifice its relations with a fellow state, huge trade partner and established NATO ally for a rather impulsive non-state actor whose mother organization after all is officially designated by the U.S.A. as a terrorist organization.

7) The PKK/PYD/YPG Kurds must give up the armed struggle for autonomy and the idea of a state called “Kurdistan” in the homeland of the Arameans and their Aramaic language! Our region has become weary of wars. They only destroy our common land and the lives of our loved ones and families, causing animosity toward one another. As the indigenous people of Southeast Turkey and Northeast Syria, we call upon the PKK/PYD/YPG to end its violent struggle for independence so that Arameans, Kurds, Arabs and Turks can work together on a mutually enriching co-existence between different ethnicities, religions and languages in Turkey and Syria. Whether in Southeast Turkey or Northeast Syria, the PKK/PYD/YPG Kurds hold the key in their hands to peace, security and prosperity for their own people and for other peoples in the lands which we need to be sharing today.


Al-Qahtaniyah (Aramaic: Qabre Hewore; Kurdish: Tirbespiye) in Northeast Syria
A welcome image of PKK's jailed leader at the entrance of the Kurdified town


It's time for unification and not one-upping or bickering amongst ourselves. Our enemies are out in the open now. Lets focus on them.
Erdogan needs to go. Syria is a shitfest without any comparison. The reason we are suffering through this are all the idiotic decision taken by Erdogan 5 years ago. The US made Turkey its scapegoat now and is using "the kurds" as black propaganda to throw every problem they have created on to Turkey so they can walk off scotch free. Should have never trusted someone like Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Never forget Erdogan invited Salih Moslem? from the ypg to Ankara in 2015. Met up with ypg members in Incerlik.

And then the zero pushback against any propaganda in the last 4 years trying to smear Turkey in the international stage.

All of it pinpoints to Erdogan and his idiotic decision making in 2014-2015.

This OP is needed but man we should have never been part of this shitfest. Now the "evil turks" are committing another fantasy genocide while 12 Million kurds live in Turkey and 5 million syrians are refugees. But no one will care about the facts because Erdogan is hated and propaganda like that works when you can't look past your hate.

Imagine that a country hosts 5 million refugees, has fought against ISIS, has 12 million kurds but is somehow the evil one against a communist terror org. . Shows you how weak Turkey lobbying and represensation in the world is.

Erdogan needs to go. Turkey needs a full reset in its standing, politics and relation with the rest of the world. This can't go on anymore, it will slowly ruin this country, it already is.

We as a nation need a serious dicussion about our standing in the world and how to fight back and repair our reputation. But that won't happen under a man that has annihilated a lot of people with his acts and speeches. Sorry but that is the truth.
You make some very good points.
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It's time for unification and not one-upping or bickering amongst ourselves. Our enemies are out in the open now. Let's focus on them.


You make some very good points.

You can't even have discussion anymore about Turkey in the international media because Erdogan is seen as the next Hitler by the rest of the world. Doesn't matter what you opionion about him is as a Turk. This is a fact. And because Erdogan is seen as this evil entitiy rivaling Hitler they accept any BS they are fed by their media.

Example the "genocide" of "the kurds" which is not based on any facts and outright wrong. And the support for entities that are Anti-Turkey because of the hate against Erdogan, as Erdogan is seen as Turkey and 80 Million people are thrown to the side.

We need a new Government, that alone will reset relations and standing. After that this new Government needs to slowly repair the standing and reputation of Turkey in the world and repair our relations without bowing down to pressure from certain groups in those countries.

People will attack me but good relations with Israel are needed. We can learn a lot from the Israelis. With Nethanyau most likely gone there is standing nothing against other than Erdogan. Good standing with Israel will be automaticly will mean good relations with any pro-Israel politician in the US. Europe would easy to sway with Erdogan gone.

This country needs to heal inside and outside.

You can't even have discussion anymore about Turkey in the international media because Erdogan is seen as the next Hitler by the rest of the world. Doesn't matter what you opionion about him is as a Turk. This is a fact. And because Erdogan is seen as this evil entitiy rivaling Hitler they accept any BS they are fed by their media.

Example the "genocide" of "the kurds" which is not based on any facts and outright wrong. And the support for entities that are Anti-Turkey because of the hate against Erdogan, as Erdogan is seen as Turkey and 80 Million people are thrown to the side.

We need a new Government, that alone will reset relations and standing. After that this new Government needs to slowly repair the standing and reputation of Turkey in the world and repair our relations without bowing down to pressure from certain groups in those countries.

People will attack me but good relations with Israel are needed. We can learn a lot from the Israelis. With Nethanyau most likely gone there is standing nothing against other than Erdogan. Good standing with Israel will be automaticly will mean good relations with any pro-Israel politician in the US. Europe would easy to sway with Erdogan gone.

This country needs to heal inside and outside.

Both the Jews and the Arabs can go to Hell.

The Israelis are much more useful for to Turkey compared to the Palestinians thats for sure.

I dont think Turkey is in any hurry to be friends with Israelis.

Jews are backstabbers just like their Semitic brothers. We do have scores to settle with them just like the Arabs.

In ww1 the Arabs alongside the Jews backstabbed the Turkish army. Contary to popular belief that the Jews did nothing to the Turks they sabotaged and got our soldiers killed.
People will attack me but good relations with Israel are needed. We can learn a lot from the Israelis. With Nethanyau most likely gone there is standing nothing against other than Erdogan. Good standing with Israel will be automaticly will mean good relations with any pro-Israel politician in the US. Europe would easy to sway with Erdogan gone.

This country needs to heal inside and outside.
Well imo Tayyip’s first miscalculation and his rise to infamy started with the finger waiving and one minute to Péres at Davos. It’s been slim pickings on the world arena ever since.
Did anyone see what the Israelis say about Turkey ??

Did you see what they called Turks whether in news media or in streets ??

Turks are believed and called dogs and scum of earth and many other things there so

If some members here are still willing to be friends with people who consider them dogs and scum of the earth then really there is nothing to be said

Did everyone forget when israel killed Turks in mid of sea ??

I dont know why suddenly good relations with israel is a topic when the operation began
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