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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

If we can relocate just half of the Syrian refugees currently living in Turkey to this zone, it would be the best thing ever. It would turn the entire border region effectively into an Arab-majority region.

This doesn't have to be a bad deal.

If ypg is willing the agreement, you have an official and legal legitimation to resettle the region. You must not fear any Kurdish attacks.
If ypg is willing the agreement, you have an official and legal legitimation to resettle the region. You must not fear any Kurdish attacks.
This is not some terrorist attack. If we lose at this it means a geostrategic lose and that carries its burden for centuries. BTW we are not afraid of terrorist attacks. It does not work like that in Turkey. In your country 100 people dies and people are traumatised for years, here we start talking on other issues in 2 weeks. This is not a good thing but it gives ressiliance to us.
There is a safe zone in afrin and al bab. This doesn't stop the numerous recent attacks by PKK on generally civilian targets in those areas. So what will be different here? Nothing what so ever. Only another very long border to try to stop terrorists from infiltrating. There is something we don't know I suspect.
There is a safe zone in afrin and al bab. This doesn't stop the numerous recent attacks by PKK on generally civilian targets in those areas. So what will be different here? Nothing what so ever. Only another very long border to try to stop terrorists from infiltrating. There is something we don't know I suspect.
I contrast to the pkk propaganda channels, the pkk is not at all succesfull in their counter insurgency in Afrin.
I contrast to the pkk propaganda channels, the pkk is not at all successful in their counter insurgency in Afrin.
I'm not talking about success, but just yesterday there were two explosions, one in al babb and one in afrin. It is happening at an almost daily occurrence at the moment. They are targeting mostly civilians most likely because its an easy target. Problem is that people won't want to stay in areas where there is a constant threat.
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Read many articles were "Joint control zone" was written, if true 100% kazik incoming.

Aim should be to totally destroy them not pushing them few km south. Where is the logic?
US will continue weapon deliveries and training, terrorist are still present.
The 30- to 40-kilometers (18- to 25-miles) wide safe-zone will be controlled by Turkey in coordination with the U.S.

The PKK/YPG terrorists inside the safe-zone will be cleared and forced to surrender heavy weapons in their possession, the ministry added.

Also, all tunnels, positions and fortifications built by the PKK/YPG inside the safe-zone will be destroyed.

"During the talks, the immediate implementation of measures to address Turkey's security concern was discussed in detail," the ministry said.

If this is true then I see this as a good thing, to me it looks like a successful OP without firing a single bullet and without harm to any of our troops. But the second paragraph is probably a little bit b.s I don’t see them giving up all their weapons.
The 30- to 40-kilometers (18- to 25-miles) wide safe-zone will be controlled by Turkey in coordination with the U.S.

The PKK/YPG terrorists inside the safe-zone will be cleared and forced to surrender heavy weapons in their possession, the ministry added.

Also, all tunnels, positions and fortifications built by the PKK/YPG inside the safe-zone will be destroyed.

"During the talks, the immediate implementation of measures to address Turkey's security concern was discussed in detail," the ministry said.

If this is true then I see this as a good thing, to me it looks like a successful OP without firing a single bullet and without harm to any of our troops. But the second paragraph is probably a little bit b.s I don’t see them giving up all their weapons.

Do you really believe any of these bullshits?

the us first said their aid will be limited to air support in kobani. then, they said they will only clear turkish border with ypg. they said ypg will not pass other side of the euphrates river. they promised they will cut their relationship with ypg as soon as isis defeated. they promised that they are going to collect the weapons they gave to ypg. then we signed menbic agreement with them and they again promised that ypg will leave menbic. trump said they are leaving syria, but they didnt. trump then said ok you can create 30 km safe zone, later they said they can only accept 140 km in length 5 to 10 km in width.

a person should be a moron to make such an agreement with the us.

Hahahah this dude was laughing his *** off all the way back to the US for 16 hours in his plane.

After traitors Erdogan and Akar agreed to this deal there won’t be any operations anymore even after two years when these idiots realize once again that they have been duped like little children( kandırıldık vol. 1648) and threaten an op against the ypg. You have legitimated the ypg and now when you attack them in two three years the EU and the US will sanction you for it because you are breaking your agreements and attacking their “ally”.

Good Job, 15 year old children could see this coming from 100km. But our moronic president and degenerate Defense Minister can’t.

You should get used to Syrian-Kurdistan managed and ruled over by the pkk and to regular border attacks.

Protected by Patriots Anti-Air, trained to use tanks and heavy armor. A little pkk statelet right on our border.

Celebrate. Reis has done it again!

Is there any explainations ? I dont see any tengible deal. Alll I read is a fucking roadmap with witout any deadline without a designated border.
Skærmbillede 2019-08-08 kl. 11.21.13.png
So called palestinian brothers. We will never learn from our mistakes! Never ever trust arabs..
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