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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

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Şu noktada sınırı ISID'den temizleyip operasyon biter heralde.
I don't think so.


Next goal is El Bab not Manbij.
Oh boo hoo Mike! Seriously! Sell the whole damned-if-you-do damned-if-you-don't BS to some other mob - Not on here! The West had plenty of backing from Countries in Syrias neighborhood to act. You didn't act because you didn't want to empower the Sunnis because your public and politicians were running on the Muslim-hate train. England and its public are no friend of Muslim Turkey. You go ahead and worry about what Indians think...

Nope bro. just like in libya's situation(where we intervened/acted quickly), people in the region will cheer us to go ahead and topple these dictators in the beginning, then after we do that and shit hits the fan, these same people will be the first to start criticising us for being imperialist and targeting strong muslims regimes/invading Muslim lands. :lol:
o tren kaçtı, sınırı bile zar zor birleştiricekler bu gidişle.
Ya ne treni, ne kacirmasi? 10 günlük operasyon kapsaminda neredeyse bütün sinir bölgelerini ele gecirdiler. Biz Türkler ne kadar sabirsizik yahu. :)

Simdiye kadar son derece basarili bir operasyon gerceklestirildi. Menbic'e girmek icin de adam lazim. Günlerdir SDF'den ÖSO'ya savasci katiliyor. Fevri bir hareket yapmak tamamen yanlis olur. Stratejik düsünmüyorsun bence.
Nope bro. just like in libya's situation(where we intervened/acted quickly), people in the region will cheer us to go ahead and topple these dictators in the beginning, then after we do that and shit hits the fan, these same people will be the first to start criticising us for being imperialist and targeting strong muslims regimes/invading Muslim lands. :lol:

Just idiots can suppose to be rescued itself by west, every countries do somethings for its own interests especially westerns, so nobody will be fight for anybodies in this world system, this stupidy thing is Libyan peoples bads.
I gotta say it's strange seeing an Israeli tank turret being operated by someone else

If our state determined to crush PYD we should atack menbij, if not we have to capture al bab to stoping PYD.

I think if Turkey could send 20,000 troops into Northern Syria they could launch a combined assault blitzkreig, take manjib and then punch holes into the other Kurdish area's to the east of the Euphrates, encirce rojave and split PKK up into 3 or 4 small manageable areas.
I don't get it ,How is ISIS still alive if everyone is their enemy in Syria
No one is really advancing against ISIS right now, with the exception of FSA.

YPG stopped, they already have more than enough ground.
Assad is busy with FSA in other regions.
2nd step of Euphrates Shield has begun. Turkish Armors have entered Syria from Çobanbey.

First target is Al - Bab. Then probably they will link two sides of front.


I think if Turkey could send 20,000 troops into Northern Syria

20k of Turkish soldiers? Forget about it.
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