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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

so why didn't Turkey see it?

you know what fanatism is.. ppl worship peaple.. many ppl act as if erdo is a savior, many ppl dindt see it coming because they are blinded.. they have limited capacity in their brain, I lost hope on ppl you cant think they are like yourself some ppl didnt develop some features and are just basic..

for them a authority says something and than they belive it.. defend it.. if someone with lesser authority like me says something he is considered an idiot who does not know something or ppl will begin calling names like shaitan, Feto, lunatic hater, stupid , ISIS or whatever..

the one who talks sweet to you is the beloved one even if he lies or covers the truth but the one who constandly warns you, tries to show different views, see danger are not the ones who ppl want to hear..

turkey is and was in a bad situation.. we have enemies everywhere inside and outside also no one wants an independend strong turkey I make a little list of things that should not have been done but they had been done and ppl acted as if it was a good thing these ppl supported all this idiotic things I wrote against it years ago:

we should have:
no peace plan with PKK
not letting pkk build their defacto state in east turkey and make passport controls
not letting them use our electiricity for no money
not letting them use our government street building vehicles for planting IEDS in the east (wich all the turkish tax payer payed for)
not banning policemen and soildiers to defend themselves in the east for the "peace plan"
no inviting of pkk singers into turkey with öcalan pictures and letting them sing anti turkish songs
no hanging of öcalan
no letting ayn al ARAB being converted into kobane (bokhane)
no letting pkk fighters join the destruction of ayn al arab over turkeys soil
no HDP in politics
no laws against turkic runes and turkic wolf paintings from our soildiers (akp cooperation with hdp)
it should have been listened to turkish MIT who constantly wanred about pkk activities
we have no anti propaganda institute and brainpool
we have no changes in school, government, social media and tv and religion (hutbah and imams speaking) against pkk
we have less woman rights in the east turkey
we have no laws that take family into responsibility of the youth and their actings (take their money and wealth if they destroy things)
we lack proper preparations to keep the young ppl busy with schools, and soicial things (sport and so on)
no acts against ypg/pkk in the beginning
no acts against ypg/pkk when russians were not involved
we halped to destroy ISIS for PKK/YPG
we should have declared a no fly zone for the refugees in the first time..

than we have not supported turks we called them Turkmen so it sounds differend and ppl dont have to be angry
no support for syrian or iraqi turkmen in the beginning we could have trained them
we could have take them all in our country in a day and night action and kill everyone who comes in our way ! ifwe can take 4-5 million syrians

we dont need a come down from the mountains law for pkk kill them, poisen them, let them have an accident
we need special commandos against these ppl

erdogan talks too much he makes enemies out of thin air
erdogan made israel an enemy even if you dont like israel there is no reason to talk if you dont do anything we got soft attacks beause of talk.. specially when palestinians did sell us out many times it should have been considered if it is worth it..

I said in all these operation "where is the air support" ? why does not have the rebels at least many many manpads? why dont we give them some air support from our soil?

the first time assad attacked our soildiers it should have been answered with much worser attacks, damascus should have been attacked his houses, his wealth too

why did erdogan have been under the bed with feto if they are such evil?
why did erdogan allow saudi arabia to place planes in incirlik if they are agains us?
why dont we have proper air support and defence in syria?

I also ask if we can handle 5 million syrians than why we couldnt handle the uyghurs? why didnt we make a deal with china to take the uyghur turks? there is no problem if we would have taken 8 million uyghurs!

why didnt we start an own engine program in 2009 when altay was already triggered?
why didnt we than used it to start more engine programs?
why dont we pressure our companies to use domestic engines that are aviable (like tümosan)
didnt we all know that germany would not sell us their engine as they did not wanted to sell 1000 tanks?
didnt we all know that austria is the worser version of germany and that they would also not sell such stuff or technology? (man hitler came from that country)

there are many things more that should not have been done of curse there are also good achivements

but still we have 100% optimistic ppl never giving up praising their guy who will say I am a paranoid evil feto isis jew from armenia

we need to be harder faster and more brutal when it is necessary shure I do not know all things behind the scenes but at least we should have control in our country and at oour borders and that with red lines that cannot be passed by anyone!!
Russia and Iran are two powerful countries in their own right, and very difficult to challenge collectively given their respective geography and how they are moving parts across the Middle East lately.

Russia and Iran have no power to force Turkish Army to leave Idlib

Turkey needs only PATRIOT Air Defense Systems ,,, then game over

Turkey should pull its troops out from

keep dreaming dream is free

Turkey never will leave Syria and Nobody can change this reality
Turkey needs only PATRIOT Air Defense Systems ,,, then game over
You are pathetic, it was just like yesterday when you praised Russian and their S400, spitting on everything American, and now this.
You are pathetic, it was just like yesterday when you praised Russian and their S400, spitting on everything American, and now this.

Turkish Airforce has full of American Weapons like F-16 and F-4 Fighter Jets , Boeing E-7T AEWC , Boeing KC-135 Airrefueling Tanker , C-130 Transport Aircraft , HAWK-XXI Air Defense System

and Turkiye wants to buy PATRIOT Air Defense System since 2013 but President OBAMA did not sell PATRIOT to Turkiye

btw S400 is still game changer weapon against Greece-Egypt-France alliance in the Eastern Mediterranean

so Turkiye can not use PATRIOT against Greece-Egypt-France alliance
and Turkiye can not use S400 against Assad-Russia-Iran alliance

therefore Turkiye needs both PATRIOT and S400
This small truck stationed in Hatay could cover Idlib, Hama, Latakia, Tartus and Aleppo.

Barak ER co4py.jpg
This small truck stationed in Hatay could cover Idlib, Hama, Latakia, Tartus and Aleppo.

View attachment 607584
Indias input into the system must make it truly lethal.
Perhaps this is what shot down its helicopter and bison last year. :)
And those spice bombs you sold India really worked a treat. Managed to uproot some trees.
Indias input into the system must make it truly lethal.
Perhaps this is what shot down its helicopter and bison last year. :)
And those spice bombs you sold India really worked a treat. Managed to uproot some trees.
Spice bombs vs Damascus airport, protected by multilayer Russian air defence including S-400, S-300, Buk M2, Pantsir and so on.


Bonus Delialas vs. Pantsir:

Its Israeli Spice and Delilah.
My my my, delilah was not who she was made out to be. One thing about Israelis is that they have created a perception of them selves which is not real at all. Fierce, brave warriors with superior tech and intelligence. It's all propaganda. One thing for sure is that they really learned something from Goebbels.

I've visited that country you occupy, from Jaffa to Acca and I met the opposite of this perception you've created. And I have to say that I took a liking to the Israelis.
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