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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

the US ( OBAMA ) did not sell PATRIOT Air Defense System to Turkey
even Turkey many times said to TRUMP that We want to buy PATRIOT too

and now Turkey again asked PATRIOT from the US
I already addressed it several times:

1) US never refused to sell Patriots, although they did refuse technological transfer.
2) Israel and Europeans offered technological transfer as well but Erdogan still chose the S-400.

More details and link here:


I very well know about 1990s .... the US-Israel controlled the Turkis Armed Forces and Turkish intelligence service
CIA and MOSSAD gave Iran-Syria controlled Pkk leader OCALAN to MIT ( Turkish intelligence service )
because of the US-Israel decided to use BARZANI as leader of Kurdistan instead of OCALAN

the US and the EU forced Erdogan to work with Russia
I remind you , since 2013 the US and the EU ( including France-Germany ) used PKK/YPG , ISIS and FETO terror organization to destroy Erdogan and to create Pkk/Ypg terror state in Syria against Turkey

Assad is a puppet .... Assad doesnt control over 40% of Syrian territory and minimum 11 million Syrians so hate radical sectarian murderer Assad
Syria was destroyed by Assad,Iran,Russia

Its a war
maybe We lost 2 soldiers yesterday but Turkish Armed Forces killed over 150 Regime troops and destroyed 12 Tanks , 14 Howitzers , 3 AFVs and 3 UAVs

and never forget that Russia-Iran lost thousands of soldiers including generals in Syria
In 1990 Assad feared Turkey, now he openly laughs.

All you guys can do invent stories about killing 1000500000 Assadists.

S-400 is useless against Russia , Patriot is useless against USA and Israel . at the end the best is what you build yourself . nobody can undermine you by that.
S-400 and S-300 in Syria failed to prevent anything.
In 1990 Assad feared Turkey, now he openly laughs.

All you guys can do invent stories about killing 1000500000 Assadists.


We are killing them tho but their lifes dont matter to them so killing additional 10.000 assadists wont change much, its a fucked up country with fucked up people.

The nuclear option will obviously be closing the euphrates dam. We will use that option probably when he will get stupid ideas with the PKK :D
I already addressed it several times:

1) US never refused to sell Patriots, although they did refuse technological transfer.
2) Israel and Europeans offered technological transfer as well but Erdogan still chose the S-400.

More details and link here:


In 1990 Assad feared Turkey, now he openly laughs.

All you guys can do invent stories about killing 1000500000 Assadists.

S-400 and S-300 in Syria failed to prevent anything.
well, not so sure about that , previously you guys used to fly all over syria , todays only on occupied Golan

In 1990 Assad feared Turkey, now he openly laughs.

All you guys can do invent stories about killing 1000500000 Assadists.
well, those times it was Hafez Asad to be honest he was not that much of a laughing person on other hand Bashar Asad tends to laugh a lot more
1) US never refused to sell Patriots, although they did refuse technological transfer.

Even TRUMP said OBAMA did not sell PATRIOT to Turkey

Obama administration said no, no, no to Turkey when they wanted to purchase Patriots and they [Turkey] bought S400," Trump said and called Obama administration's reluctance and failure to sell Patriots to Turkey a 'mess'.


Israel and Europeans offered technological transfer as well but Erdogan still chose the S-400.

since 2010 there are bad relationship between Israel and Turkey

and France “Obstructing” Turkey-Eurosam Missile Defence System Project


the US and France are PKK/YPG supporters

In 1990 Assad feared Turkey, now he openly laughs.

All you guys can do invent stories about killing 1000500000 Assadists.

We dont care about pathetic puppet Assad and Iran who are hidding behind of Russia
FSA beat Assad Regime+Iran+Iran backed terrorist groups combined
and in 2015 ROUHANI called helping from PUTIN against FSA

even only National Syrian Army killed hundreds of Regime soldiers and destroyed 2 Regime Helicopters , 3 UAVs , dozens of Regime Tanks and Howitzers in the last 2 weeks

S-400 and S-300 in Syria failed to prevent anything.

Russia allow Israel to attack Iran targets in Syria
even outdated S200 shot down Israeli F-16
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In 1990 Assad feared Turkey, now he openly laughs.

All you guys can do invent stories about killing 1000500000 Assadists.
Back then Turkey had politicians with principles and the army was led by real battle hardened generals.
Today the politicians only care abour their chair and pockets and the head of military are erdogans lackeys.
But their reign will be over soon.
in 1990s Turkish Armed Forces / Generals were puppet to the US and Israel

CIA and MOSSAD gave OCALAN to MIT ... and the control of the PKK terror organization passed to the US from Syria/Iran

Hatta Ecevit aynen şunu söylemişti Bize niye Apo'yu verdiler onu hala ben de bilemiyorum
Back then Turkey had politicians with principles and the army was led by real battle hardened generals.
Today the politicians only care abour their chair and pockets and the head of military are erdogans lackeys.
But their reign will be over soon.
Thats why recently they done 3 expeditions in matter of 3years? The last one almost challenged the only superpower.
Back then politicians were vassals and military generals lacked vision. They only knew how to oppress their own people and impose their masters will
You really have no idea whats going on there and who is who, stick with ur deluded views. I cant take u serious.
Turkish beef with the PKK organization is a legitimate political issue for the country and its people (I completely endorse this view and sympathize with Turkish official position in relation), and Turkish concerns about the SDF bloc containing elements of PKK are equally valid (this problem should be addressed by relevant stakeholders - no ifs and buts).

Following article is very instructive in relation: https://www.vox.com/world/2019/10/16/20908262/turkey-syria-kurds-trump-invasion-questions

So what exactly is the SDF bloc and its agenda?

The SDF bloc is a different animal altogether and materialized to address a different issue in the region (i.e. ISIS movement). The SDF bloc encompass multiple organizations:

01. YPG/YPJ/PKK conglomeration
02. Al-Sanadid Forces
03. Syriac Military Council
04. Burkan Al-Fırat Operations Center
05. Suwar al-Raqqa
06. Shams al-Shamal
07. Lîwa Al-Selcuki
08. Brigade Groups of Al-Jazira
09. Jabhat Al-Akrad
10. Jaysh Al-Thuwar
11. Lîwai Al-Tehrîr and
12. Lîwai 99 Muşat

- which came together with American support to counter/defeat/neutralize ISIS movement in Syria which had affected many communities in the region since 2013 [in connection with US-led Operation Inherent Resolve for the needful]. This view is in line my original assertion (post # 427/page 29):

"YPG is a component of the wider SDF bloc in Syria - this bloc emerged to counter ISIS movement in Syria. This bloc has nothing to do with Turkey. PKK elements might have used this bloc as a cover to execute attacks in Turkey but the bloc at large have a Syrian-exclusive mandate and focus. Ground realities of the region are COMPLEX - not as cut-and-dry as political narratives seem to suggest."

For reference: https://www.janes.com/images/assets/333/57333/SDF_plays_central_role_in_Syrian_civil_war__1_.pdf


Scores of Turkish members (not sure if this is wider view) continue to perceive SDF in Syria as an extension of the PKK organization hell bent on destroying Turkey but this is a misleading (compartmentalized) politicized view of events in motion in Syria. This why Turkish assault on the positions of the wider SDF bloc in 2019 (Operation Peace Spring) was NEGATIVELY RECEIVED by much of the world at the time. To refresh your memory:

1) https://www.globalresearch.ca/world...ce-spring-demand-exercising-restraint/5691701
2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactions_to_the_2019_Turkish_offensive_into_north-eastern_Syria

Operation Peace Spring is absolutely unpopular move in Syria and unlikely to work because all stakeholders in Syria including Assad regime oppose this move on the ground. Therefore, Erdogan administration should seek another way to address the problem of the much touted SDF - PKK connection in Turkish circles.

Like this or not, ISIS movement was/is a bigger and more pressing concern for the world at large including Pakistan. ISIS movement have legs in Afghanistan in case you didn't knew.

You are irrelevant.
Thank you for reminding me :rolleyes:, but there a huge number of people in the world who share my view in regards to developments in Syria.

That Assad won was already clear in 2016 with the fall of aleppo to Assad and the recent escalation between Turkey and the pro-assad camp has different reasons.
Assad regime control about 70% of Syrian territory in 2020 - mission not accomplished.

The 2 primary missions are the defeat of the PKK and their 3 letter alphabet soups and the deportation of syrian refugees to the "safe zones".
Erdogan administration might be looking forward to reshaping Syrian demographics to its satisfaction but Operation Peace Spring is absolutely unpopular move in Syria and unlikely to work because all stakeholders in Syria including Assad regime oppose this move on the ground. Therefore, Erdogan administration should seek another way to address the problem of the much touted SDF - PKK connection in Turkish circles.

NATO as a whole is irrelevant, there are 3 primary partners from a Turkish pov,- USA,UK and Germany and Russia capitalizing on conflicts will result with them loosing on other future conflicts.

Russia will sustain itself because its size but in 10-20 years they will not have a diversified economy, they will be overtaken by other Nations hardware wise, their defense industry will crumble not to mention their birthrates are on a massive downward trend-so from a long term perspective, no they wont be the USSR in fact as other countries are massively catching up this will further result in the loss of Russia and even the US, Multipolar world. There is a reason why the US doesnt take Russia serious-in fact Russia heavily capitalized on the US-Turkish rupture and positioned themselves in a strong position in other theater simply because Turkey looked away. The new dynamics will be interesting because if the US drops the PKK fully then this will not look good at all from a Russian pov but thats still a lil bit far off.
American view is different from yours.

They are coming to terms with the new reality: Great Power Competition is returning with an increasingly assertive Russia and ascendant China in the mix (i.e. multi-polar world): https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2019-12-10/age-great-power-competition

Related discussions:-


Let us consider actions of Russia for now.

2008 - Russia assaulted Georgia and annexed a part of its territory.
2014 - Russia assaulted Ukraine and annexed a part of its territory.
2015 - Russia intervened in Syria and helping Assad regime reassert its control across the country.

Regarding population-related issues, Russia have the option to bring in immigrants to address this matter.

You simply have no idea of the ground realities, reading 2 articles wont get u far.

For such a complex conflict as the syrian civil war its incredily difficult to build and maintain a strategy or stragies but as i wrote u have no idea what ur even writing about.
Take cues from Pakistani strategy to address issues in Afghanistan (arguably the most complex conflict of the age). WE did not invade Afghanistan to provide cover to the resurgent Afghan Taliban [post NATO draw-down], and WE did not attempt to create a buffer zone along the vast Durand Line between Afghanistan and Pakistan to curb cross-border activities in the region; WE are fencing the vast Durand Line instead. WE are also pushing all stakeholders in Afghanistan to address their problems through dialogue. Towards this end, WE have facilitated American-Taliban dialogue, and WE will also facilitate Intra-Afghan dialogue. Once Afghanistan is peaceful, WE will relocate Afghan refugees back to their homeland.

Coming back to Syria:-

CAMP # 1: Assad regime + Iran + Iranian proxies + Russia = focused on bringing entire country to the fold under leadership of Assad regime.

CAMP # 2: USA + SDF + Israel = focused on curbing ISIS movement in the region and to monitor Iranian efforts to sustain its proxies in Syria (via Iraq) in collusion with Israel while the latter targets them Syria. US assassinated an elite Iranian military official Qassem Suleimani in connection.

Turkey have problems with both camps and have literally invaded Syria, and openly attempting to reshape its demographics (creating so-called safe zones to resettle Syrian refugees in Turkey) - this is a much deeper level of intervention in a complex theater of operations where two CAMPS are operating in pursuit of distinct objectives.

So what is the outcome? Turkish troops caught in the line of fire and casualties mounting.

Recommended read: https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/idlib-operation-turkeys-tradeoffs-put-it-losing-side

You seriously live in another world, there are enough turkish threads in this forum where one can clearly see who Turks blame and who they put the primary blame on and we dont even hide it delusional prick.
Who is delusional in this GREAT GAME is becoming apparent to all over time.

Turkey could devise a much better strategy to deal with Syrian Civil War back in 2012 when Damascus was almost surrounded by authentic Syrian Rebels but it missed the opportunity. This could be a Turkish spectacle with American collusion to get rid of both Assad regime and ISIS movement. However, this is no longer the case.

Turkish offensive in Syria is TOO LATE to make much impact and difference. Erdogan administration's courtship of Russia have virtually damaged American-Turkish partnership on top which is VITAL to Turkish security needs.

Another eye-opener for you: https://www.middleeasteye.net/opini...-putin-will-always-support-assad-over-erdogan

You will realize your blunders in time. There is no rush.
Thats why recently they done 3 expeditions in matter of 3years? The last one almost challenged the only superpower.
Back then politicians were vassals and military generals lacked vision. They only knew how to oppress their own people and impose their masters will
Biggest Bullshit ever, each operation was coordinated with everyone on the ground and only conducted after the green lights, nothing comparable to Operation Atilla which actually needs balls, something that erdogan lacks.

Tell your AK propaganda to single cell akpeons because you certainly wont convince anyone else with this BS.
Biggest Bullshit ever, each operation was coordinated with everyone on the ground and only conducted after the green lights, nothing comparable to Operation Atilla which actually needs balls, something that erdogan lacks.

Tell your AK propaganda to single cell akpeons because you certainly wont convince anyone else with this BS.
Dont worry brother Erdogan will again come on top soon inshaAllah no matter how bleak today's crises looks then you'll make up another story
Thats why recently they done 3 expeditions in matter of 3years? The last one almost challenged the only superpower.
Back then politicians were vassals and military generals lacked vision. They only knew how to oppress their own people and impose their masters will

Bro you don't seem to see it. Erdogan acted strong like he was fighting the whole world but in the end he is asking for their help. His whole principles are out of the window.

Once US agrees to come in and help Turkey, can you imagine what businessman trump will ask for in this desperate moment?

Erdogan was acting tough to please his voters but the payment for this act will be made by Turkish people. Isn't it better to be honest like your previous military leaders?
Dont worry brother Erdogan will again come on top soon inshaAllah no matter how bleak today's crises looks then you'll make up another story
You guys are done, you got the chance and screwed it up, your time is over what are you still dreaming about?
Turkey will get rid of you bunch in the way you deserve it the most dont you worry, you just keep living in denial like your beloved leader.
The SDF bloc is a different animal altogether and materialized to address a different issue in the region (i.e. ISIS movement). The SDF bloc encompass multiple organizations:

01. YPG/YPJ/PKK conglomeration

The major force inside the "SDF" is the YPG, without the PKK nothing moves, they are the decision makes there is no such a thing as the "SDF" as u claim to be and some arab tribes with a couple of hundred milita men wont change here anything.

"Its makeup largely consists of YPG fighters and smaller groups of Arab, Turkmen and Armenian fighters."


Funny enough that like 95% of the fighter we killed were kurds lol

Scores of Turkish members (not sure if this is wider view) continue to perceive SDF in Syria as an extension of the PKK organization hell bent on destroying Turkey but this is a misleading (compartmentalized) politicized view of events in motion in Syria. This why Turkish assault on the positions of the wider SDF bloc in 2019 (Operation Peace Spring) was NEGATIVELY RECEIVED by much of the world at the time. To refresh your memory:

1) https://www.globalresearch.ca/world...ce-spring-demand-exercising-restraint/5691701
2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactions_to_the_2019_Turkish_offensive_into_north-eastern_Syria

Are you dumb or are you acting dumb? The 3 letter alphabet soup game wont work anymore. YPG-SDF-PKK whatever alphabet game you come up with its the same and we regard as the same and so do others.

And we are fully aware of the propaganda game by the Pentagon with the ak47 wielding women posing as glutenfree,vegan and secular freedom fighters. You truly are a special case lol.

"That said, there is a stark superficiality to what has been written and discussed about this issue in the U.S. media. First and foremost, our Syrian Kurdish partners—the Syrian Democratic Front (SDF)—largely consisted of members of the People’s Protection Units, or the YPG. As the Turkish government claimed, and many in the U.S. national security community fully grasped as well, the YPG was simply a rebrand of the Syrian branch of the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK), a longtime terrorist group that has killed thousands of innocent Turks, and indeed Americans, in its decades-long struggle against the Turkish state, a NATO ally of the United States. The PKK holds a severe Marxist-Leninist ideology, certainly diametrically opposed with the principles of freedom and democracy espoused by the United States. In fact, colleagues of mine who have served at the U.S. Embassy in Ankara over the years remember all too well the danger they faced from the PKK. So let’s call it like it is — the YPG and the PKK for all essential purposes were one and the same."


Operation Peace Spring is absolutely unpopular move in Syria and unlikely to work because all stakeholders in Syria including Assad regime oppose this move on the ground. Therefore, Erdogan administration should seek another way to address the problem of the much touted SDF - PKK connection in Turkish circles.

It doesnt matter if its unpopular or not, Turkey wont sustain these refugees any longer and there are now 2 options which will soon be given to the refugees, settle in the safe zone or receive a free pass to europe

Thank you for reminding me :rolleyes:, but there a huge number of people in the world who share my view in regards to developments in Syria.

I dont care if they share ur worldview or not. I already know various PsyOP campaigns the Pentagon did to propagate a certain worldview on the PKK:smokin:

Assad regime control about 70% of Syrian territory in 2020 - mission not accomplished.

Good luck accomplishing that.

Erdogan administration might be looking forward to reshaping Syrian demographics to its satisfaction but Operation Peace Spring is absolutely unpopular move in Syria and unlikely to work because all stakeholders in Syria including Assad regime oppose this move on the ground. Therefore, Erdogan administration should seek another way to address the problem of the much touted SDF - PKK connection in Turkish circles.

Again, It doesnt matter if its an unpopular move, for us its a popular move and the europeans will soon follow because if they for example receive 1000 pakistanis or arabs they will go apeshit and will do anything to avoid receiving a certain type of people. Im honest with you but you with ur massive knowledge should be aware of that shouldnt you :) ?

American view is different from yours.

They are coming to terms with the new reality: Great Power Competition is returning with an increasingly assertive Russia and ascendant China in the mix (i.e. multi-polar world): https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2019-12-10/age-great-power-competition

Related discussions:-


How exactly is that multipolar, what u wrote there is the unipolar world but the multipolar world is shaped by addition of countries like Turkey,India,the franco-german duo etc. In the long term it exactly means that the current 3 power´s wont have the same leeway as they have now-hence multipolar world

Let us consider actions of Russia for now.

2008 - Russia assaulted Georgia and annexed a part of its territory.
2014 - Russia assaulted Ukraine and annexed a part of its territory.
2015 - Russia intervened in Syria and helping Assad regime reassert its control across the country.

And by doing that its economy is now smaller then Italys good job :D Lets see for how long they will keep these territorrys or how long they will keep the eastern zones bordering China :D I heard its agrable land

"These territorial claims, combined with the sheer population disparities – over 130 million people live in three Chinese provinces bordering Russia’s Far East, where the population is estimated at less than 8 million – and the need to secure long-term access to living space and natural resources almost preordains that Beijing will sooner or later demand revisions to what it calls “unequal” border treaties with Czarist Russia dating back to the mid-19th century. And although the Russians are equally bound to resist, it is not inconceivable that China at some point will demand access or land-lease rights to parts of Russia’s Far East, or, failing that, that the Chinese army will simply march across the border into Vladivostok, Russia’s only warm water access to the Pacific, to stamp China’s historic claim and rights to the region."


Regarding population-related issues, Russia have the option to bring in immigrants to address this matter.

By whom? Russia is not an attractive country at all and its population is already declining. Today 30% of the Russians would insntantly leave the country if they had the chance

"As a consequence, post-2015 policies have reduced the net benefit of migration, while squandering an opportunity to pour resources into arresting Russia’s demographic decline through policies intended to boost birth rates. All of this means that Russia’s demographic policy faces strong headwinds today, created in part by Russia’s foreign policy choices, and as time runs its course, may face harsher realities in the 2040s and 2050s. The outlook will vary considerably depending on the policies that Russia chooses to implement."


Turkey have problems with both camps and have literally invaded Syria, and openly attempting to reshape its demographics (creating so-called safe zones to resettle Syrian refugees in Turkey) - this is a much deeper level of intervention in a complex theater of operations where two CAMPS are operating in pursuit of distinct objectives.

That doesnt matter, there are 2 options safe zone or europe and the europeans will play by the game soon enough.

Who is delusional in this GREAT GAME is becoming apparent to all over time.

Delusional :D ? Everyone is aware of the gamble erdogan took.

Turkey could devise a much better strategy to deal with Syrian Civil War back in 2012 when Damascus was almost surrounded by authentic Syrian Rebels but it missed the opportunity. This could be a Turkish spectacle with American collusion to get rid of both Assad regime and ISIS movement. However, this is no longer the case.

What Turkey planned to do was to let the MIT fire rockets from Syria to invade it but that didnt happen because gülen guys in the military. As I wrote before u simply have no idea from the conflict and reading 2 articles wont give u the knowledge I have.

I will allow you to learn from me. See it as a reward.

Turkish offensive in Syria is TOO LATE to make much impact and difference. Erdogan administration's courtship of Russia have virtually damaged American-Turkish partnership on top which is VITAL to Turkish security needs.

For real? I didnt knew that

You will realize your blunders in time. There is no rush.

Absolutely soon enough there will be a huge removal of the illegal migrants and refugees inside Turkey :D[/QUOTE]
Turkey has great Airforce , great Drone technology , guided MLRSs , Ballistic and Cruise Missiles , thousands of guided Bombs and B-61 Nuclear Bombs

Assad Regiime and Iran are nothing , therefore in 2015 ROUHANI asked helping from PUTIN against FSA
There is your hype, and then there are ground realities.

Modern-era conflicts are increasingly complex developments and not a mere numbers game; this is not mathematics, and there is no guarantee that the numbers game will yield desired outcomes.

Russian forces are directly responsible for killing Turkish troops in most recent clashes. However, Erdogan administration did even not had the balls to admit as much:


"The Turkish Defense Ministry has blamed the Syrian government for the airstrikes that killed its troops. However, there is also evidence that the Russian Su-24s were responsible." - [1]

More interesting/alarming news is that Ankara have requested Washington DC to field advanced defenses in the region to enable Turkish Air Force to take its chances with Assad regime in a more conventional manner.

"The Turkish government has reportedly asked its American counterparts to deploy a pair of Patriot surface-to-air missile system batteries along its southern border with Syria. This news came amid the announcement of the death of two Turkish troops, and the wounding of five more, in an airstrike in northwestern Syria. The request is politically fraught from the start due to a number of factors, including an ongoing spat between Turkey and the United States in part over the former's purchase of Russian-made S-400 air defense systems and the risks of sparking a wider conflict if American air defenders were to shoot down a Russian combat jet.

Bloomberg was first to report the Turkish request for U.S. Patriot batteries on Feb. 20, 2020. This comes as Turkish-backed militant in Syria, with direct support from Turkish artillery, have staged a major operation against forces aligned with Syrian dictator Bashar Al Assad in the country's northwestern Idlib province. Russia subsequently said that it had, at the request of Assad, sent Su-24 Fencer combat jets to conduct airstrikes on rebel positions.

The Turkish Defense Ministry has blamed the Syrian government for the airstrikes that killed its troops. However, there is also evidence that the Russian Su-24s were responsible.

Regardless, Turkey is now reportedly seeking the deployment of American Patriot batteries ostensibly to deter future airstrikes in areas under its de facto control in northern Syria and to provide an extra layer of protection for its own combat aircraft conducting retaliatory strikes, according to Bloomberg. At the time of writing, there has been no confirmation of the request from the U.S. government or any indication of how it might respond." - [1]

So you want Americans to do the dirty work for you? But this is the problem:

"There's also the questions of what U.S. Patriot batteries would really be in a position to do in southern Turkey. While the U.S. Navy F/A-18E/F Super Hornets did shoot down a Syrian Su-22 combat jet in 2017, there's no indication that the United States is eager to enter into a situation where it might be called upon to destroy Russian combat jets. The U.S. military has worked hard to avoid doing so in the past." - [1]

So you guys want to start World War III or something? Time to be realistic and swallow the bitter pill.

Russia and Iran are two powerful countries in their own right, and very difficult to challenge collectively given their respective geography and how they are moving parts across the Middle East lately. Turkey need full assistance from USA and Israel to challenge this duo but this level of support might not materialize in current political climate (see below).

[1] Details in this link: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...-border-as-its-troops-die-in-syria-airstrikes

keep crying moron

Turkish Armed Forces never will leave Syria and Nobody can force Turkey to leave Syria

Turkey has right to be in Syria because of

-- to fight terrorism ( the UN article 51 self defense )
-- there are 911 km borderline between Turkey and Syria
-- Turkey hosts over 3,6 million Syrian Refugees
-- Turkey has right to protect Turkmens from being slaughtered by radical sectarian Assad Regime , Iran and Iran backed terrorist groups
-- minimum 11 million Syrians are with Turkey

on the other hand radical sectarian Assad Regime ( who allowed christian Russia and shia Iran to kill over 800.000 sunni muslim Syrians ) is not legitimate government of Syrian People

who selected radical sectarian Assad to rule Syria ? nobody
Refer back to everything I have mentioned in this post with a clear and open mind: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/turk...st-assads-forces.652887/page-31#post-12100742

I am not picking sides here but I am alluding to potential pitfalls of deeper intervention in Syria in a time of increasingly muddled set-of-circumstances in the region. Turkey is risking a wider conflict in Syria by looking forward to reshape its demographics; window for this opportunity was open back in the (2011 - 2014) period but Turkey was reluctant to act then (major blunder IMHO). This will be a very controversial and risky operation at present however. Assad regime control over 70% of Syrian territory at present and both Russia and Iran support its objective to bring 100% of Syrian territory under its fold - sooner or later. There is no room for accommodating rebels of any color and shape in this mission. They will be taken out one way or the other. SDF and Assad regime are likely to join hands in fulfillment of this mission. This is the direction where things seem to be heading lately.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated necessity of confronting the terrorist threat and preserving Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity." - These are not mild claims but carry a much deeper meaning.

It is wise to lend an ear to sane/friendly voices.

Turkey should pull its troops out from Syria and fence its border with Syria in full capacity, and let Syria chart its own course instead. Things will settle down at some point, and then Turkey can deport all Syrian refugees or rather seek a deal with Assad regime for where to resettle these people back in Syria.
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