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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

I have provided a comprehensive overview of what is happening in Syria. I am not a lapdog of either party here.

You seem to have temper-tantrums and comprehension problems, I'm afraid. TALK BIG when Turkey takes over Syria or something. YOU have no GAME in Syria anymore because YOU are a CONFUSED SIDE/CAMP with lack of firm partnerships - this does not bode well for Turkey in the long-term whether you like this or not.

You are an American-Israeli lapdog ... nothing else

even CIA and secretary of defense said YPG is PKK

Nobody can force Turkish Armed Forces to leave Syria .... including the US and Russia
Your last hope PUTIN also can do nothing to create Pkk/Ypg terror state in Syria

and minimum 11 million Syrians are with Turkey ..... on the other hand minimun 11 million Syrians so hate radical sectarian Assad Regime , Russia, Iran , Iran backed terrorist groups who killed over 800.000 Syrians and forced over 7 million Syrians to move from their lands to another countries including Turkiye

the US-The UK-Israel could not create free Iraqi Kurdistan between 1991 and 2020
still daydreamer idiots are dreaming about Syrian Kurdistan
You stuck in 2017? its a known fact that the YPG is the PKK, same leadership, same ethnicy, same objectives. "If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck" and dont lecture here Turks about the complexity of these conflicts- we stand in the forefront there.

I appreciate SDF for working with NATO bloc to defeat ISIS movement in Syria - very simple.

I am not here to argue organizational composition of SDF and its alleged beef with Turkey.


"The Syrian Democratic Forces is an entity the US stitched together mostly from PKK-affiliated Kurds as well as Arab fighters. The US is supporting the Syrian Democratic Forces, mostly made up of Syrian Kurds, numbering at least 25,000 fighters, with a smaller element of Syrian Arabs, numbering perhaps 5,000 to 6,000 as of May 2016. The US is trying to increase the Arab numbers. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Joseph Dunford told the Senate Armed Services Committee 17 March 2016 that US and coalition forces were now working with a Syrian Democratic Force that had 10,000 to 15,000 fighters, including 5,000 Arabs — twice the number of Arabs fighters that had signed on just a month ago.

The SDF is a Kurdish-led multiethnic military alliance that played a key role in the fight against the Islamic State (IS) terror group in Syria. The SDF liberated the last IS stronghold of Baghuz in eastern Syria last in March 2019 and now controlled more than one third of Syria's territory.

The SDF was founded in Syria's mainly Kurdish northeastern region in October 2015, and was made up of at least 15 armed factions, mostly fighters from the Kurdish People's Protection Units and the Free Syrian Army. The fighters included Christians, Arabs and about 500 foreign fighters. The group was originally a united coalition made up of the Kurdish People's Protection Units and Kurdish Women's Protection Units and several smaller groups. In December 2015 the SDF announced the formation of a Syrian Democratic Council, the political branch of the forces.

Turkey views the People's Protection Units (YPG), the main force within SDF, as part of the Turkey-based Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which has been engaged in deadly conflict with Turkish military for more than three decades. Ankara also opposes Washington's continued partnership with the SDF, demanding the U.S. stop supporting the Kurdish-led group. Turkey repeatedly threatened to carry out an offensive in SDF-held territory, particularly after the U.S. declared that it would withdraw most of its 2,000 troops from northeast Syria.

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in late April 2019 announced the establishment of a new force made up of ethnic Armenians. "We will follow the path of our martyrs and resist until all the [ethnic] components of the north and east of Syria are free and build a decentralized Syria," said Masis Mutanian, commander of the new Armenian force, during remarks at the announcement ceremony on 24 April 2019. Ethnic Armenians made up nearly two percent of Syria's prewar population of 23 million, with a significant percentage living in the Kurdish-majority northeast. By mobilizing an Armenian brigade, the SDF is pronouncing to Assad that it is here to stay and that one of Syria's most vulnerable communities recognizes that fact by joining up with the SDF.

The Kurdish People's Protection Units [YPG] acknowledged that it was participating in the new alliance with Sunni Arab and Syrian Christian groups known as the Democratic Forces of Syria. That group held its first meeting 15 October 2015 in the Syrian city of Al Hasakah to discuss how to divide up the new US-provided ammunition between Kurdish, Arab and Christian rebel brigades.

The SDF acronym is a bit ambiguous, even when used by USG [US Government] sources. A few times SDF is expanded as "Syrian Defense Force". But the Syrian Defense Force members fight for the Assad regime, not against. Reportedly by December 2015 the Syrian government controlled most of the eastern section of the city of Aleppo, which included help from the Syrian Defense Force and the Iranian Quds forces.

The Syrian Democratic Forces, include Syrian Kurds, Syrian Arabs and others, have been an effective force in northern Syria and have put the enemy on its “back foot”. The Syria coalition is a group of groups - maybe 12 smaller groups of Syrian fighters who've been focused on fighting ISIL in the vicinity of Raqqa. And these 10 to 12 groups have coalesced together in an effort to multiply their combat power. The Arab fighters in the American-backed Syrian Democratic Forces say they also fight for the Syrian revolution against Assad.

The great majority of Syrian armed opposition groups, much larger than the Syrian Democratic Forces, also fight the Islamic State, but their main focus is against Assad. They will never join with the current Syrian government against the Islamic State. Even the Arab fighters in the American-backed Syrian Democratic Forces say they also fight for the Syrian revolution against Assad. The Russians want all these armed opposition forces to join with the current Syrian government, perhaps with some cosmetic changes. After the intense bloodletting and atrocities, it will not happen until there is a dramatically different national government."
- Global Security

Link: https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/para/sdf.htm

SDF is not an eternal development and might disband or switch to Assad regime in the coming years. However, Turkish mismanagement of Syrian theater is in focus here.

You are an American-Israeli lapdog ... nothing else

even CIA and secretary of defense said YPG is PKK

Nobody can force Turkish Armed Forces to leave Syria .... including the US and Russia
Your last hope PUTIN also can do nothing to create Pkk/Ypg terror state in Syria

and minimum 11 million Syrians are with Turkey ..... on the other hand minimun 11 million Syrians so hate radical sectarian Assad Regime , Russia, Iran , Iran backed terrorist groups who killed over 800.000 Syrians and forced over 7 million Syrians to move from their lands to another countries including Turkiye

the US-The UK-Israel could not create free Iraqi Kurdistan between 1991 and 2020
still daydreamer idiots are dreaming about Syrian Kurdistan
You are a moron - nothing else.

Since constructive conversations is not your cup of tea, allow me to respond in the same token. Turkey have no RIGHT to be in Turkey, occupying its lands in any capacity for any reason whatsoever. I am so looking forward to Russian-backed Syrian regime take over entire Syria and push all foreign powers out from its territory. This is for the best.

And yes, SDF shall also be disbanded in the process.
SDF is not an eternal development and might disband or switch to Assad regime in the coming years. However, Turkish mismanagement of Syrian theater is in focus here.

Its like im writing with someone who still tries to rebrand them lmao u stuck in 2017? that 3 letter alphabet game doesnt work anymore. Dont make urself a fool here.

That said, there is a stark superficiality to what has been written and discussed about this issue in the U.S. media. First and foremost, our Syrian Kurdish partners—the Syrian Democratic Front (SDF)—largely consisted of members of the People’s Protection Units, or the YPG. As the Turkish government claimed, and many in the U.S. national security community fully grasped as well, the YPG was simply a rebrand of the Syrian branch of the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK), a longtime terrorist group that has killed thousands of innocent Turks, and indeed Americans, in its decades-long struggle against the Turkish state, a NATO ally of the United States. The PKK holds a severe Marxist-Leninist ideology, certainly diametrically opposed with the principles of freedom and democracy espoused by the United States. In fact, colleagues of mine who have served at the U.S. Embassy in Ankara over the years remember all too well the danger they faced from the PKK. So let’s call it like it is — the YPG and the PKK for all essential purposes were one and the same.
Its like im writing with someone who still tries to rebrand them lmao u stuck in 2017? that 3 letter alphabet game doesnt work anymore. Dont make urself a fool here.

That said, there is a stark superficiality to what has been written and discussed about this issue in the U.S. media. First and foremost, our Syrian Kurdish partners—the Syrian Democratic Front (SDF)—largely consisted of members of the People’s Protection Units, or the YPG. As the Turkish government claimed, and many in the U.S. national security community fully grasped as well, the YPG was simply a rebrand of the Syrian branch of the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK), a longtime terrorist group that has killed thousands of innocent Turks, and indeed Americans, in its decades-long struggle against the Turkish state, a NATO ally of the United States. The PKK holds a severe Marxist-Leninist ideology, certainly diametrically opposed with the principles of freedom and democracy espoused by the United States. In fact, colleagues of mine who have served at the U.S. Embassy in Ankara over the years remember all too well the danger they faced from the PKK. So let’s call it like it is — the YPG and the PKK for all essential purposes were one and the same.
I get the YPG being PKK part (no need to reiterate this point again and again) but this NARRATIVE detracts from the bigger picture: SDF = bigger than the YPG/PKK part, and this bloc was/is/seems to be largely focused on countering ISIS movement in Syria - a regional necessity if you will [would you want to live under ISIS movement?]. I cannot SHUT MY EYES and PRETEND to ignore this REGIONAL REALITY for the sake of appeasing Turkish members in this forum, sorry. You have your views in this regard, I will stick with mine.

The video you posted does not contradict GLOBAL SECURITY ACCOUNT one bit. I will not play these narrative-building games with you guys because you guys tend to compartmentalize/minimize developments in Syria to suit your narratives in regards to shaping Syria. I am an independent observer in this matter.

Now shall WE come back to Assad regime + Russia + Iran part? Because this CAMP is poised to take over entire Syria and is very likely to absorb SDF in the process as well.

So what Turkey intends to achieve in Syria? I see Turkey getting sucked deeper and deeper into Syrian quagmire by virtue of following: 1) attempts to shield Idlib, and 2) creating a buffer zone across Turkey-Syria border. I do not see these moves working out in the long-term because Bashar al-Assad is very very vocal against this status-quo (check SANA for reference) and deep down both Russia and Iran support his position.

Turkey have a fractured relationship with NATO bloc at present, and might not be in the position to dictate its course in Syria for indefinite period. Russia is capitalizing on this FISSURE to its advantage, and will continue to do so.

If SDF bloc is your primary concern then why not allow Assad regime to take over entire country? Assad regime is very likely to absorb SDF and eventually disband it. Why not join hands with Russia in this matter? Why not tell USA to pack its bags and leave?

MY POINT? Have a FIRM POSITION and STRATEGY for developments in Syria. Do not attempt to FLIRT with all camps in Syria because they all have FIRM POSITIONS. Politics of blaming USA + Jews + Israel for political upheavals in Turkey as well as in the surroundings, is a dangerous play (akin to poisoning minds), and will lead to nowhere in practice. Turkish credibility and security is on the line otherwise.
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You are a moron - nothing else.

Since constructive conversations is not your cup of tea, allow me to respond in the same token. Turkey have no RIGHT to be in Turkey, occupying its lands in any capacity for any reason whatsoever. I am so looking forward to Russian-backed Syrian regime take over entire Syria and push all foreign powers out from its territory. This is for the best.

And yes, SDF shall also be disbanded in the process.

keep crying moron

Turkish Armed Forces never will leave Syria and Nobody can force Turkey to leave Syria

Turkey has right to be in Syria because of

-- to fight terrorism ( the UN article 51 self defense )
-- there are 911 km borderline between Turkey and Syria
-- Turkey hosts over 3,6 million Syrian Refugees
-- Turkey has right to protect Turkmens from being slaughtered by radical sectarian Assad Regime , Iran and Iran backed terrorist groups
-- minimum 11 million Syrians are with Turkey

on the other hand radical sectarian Assad Regime ( who allowed christian Russia and shia Iran to kill over 800.000 sunni muslim Syrians ) is not legitimate government of Syrian People

who selected radical sectarian Assad to rule Syria ? nobody
I get the YPG being PKK part (no need to reiterate this point again and again) but this NARRATIVE detracts from the bigger picture: SDF = bigger than the YPG/PKK part, and this bloc was/is/seems to be largely focused on countering ISIS movement in Syria - a regional necessity if you will [would you want to live under ISIS movement?]. I cannot SHUT MY EYES and PRETEND to ignore this REGIONAL REALITY for the sake of appeasing Turkish members in this forum, sorry. You have your views in this regard, I will stick with mine.

You really have no idea whats going on there and who is who, stick with ur deluded views. I cant take u serious.

The video you posted does not contradict GLOBAL SECURITY ACCOUNT one bit. I will not play these narrative-building games with you guys because you guys tend to compartmentalize/minimize developments in Syria to suit your narratives in regards to shaping Syria. I am an independent observer in this matter.

You are irrelevant.

Now shall WE come back to Assad regime + Russia + Iran part? Because this CAMP is poised to take over entire Syria and is very likely to absorb SDF in the process as well.

That Assad won was already clear in 2016 with the fall of aleppo to Assad and the recent escalation between Turkey and the pro-assad camp has different reasons.

So what Turkey intends to achieve in Syria? I see Turkey getting sucked deeper and deeper into the Syrian mess by virtue of following: 1) attempts to shield Idlib, and 2) creating a buffer zone across Turkey-Syria border. I do not see these moves working out in the long-term because Bashar al-Assad is very very vocal against this statusquo (check SANA for reference) and Russia and Iran will continue to support his position in this regard.

The 2 primary missions are the defeat of the PKK and their 3 letter alphabet soups and the deportation of syrian refugees to the "safe zones".

Turkey have a fractured relationship with NATO bloc at present, and is not in the position to dictate its course in Syria for indefinite period. Russia is capitalizing on this issue to its advantage, and will continue to do so.

NATO as a whole is irrelevant, there are 3 primary partners from a Turkish pov,- USA,UK and Germany and Russia capitalizing on conflicts will result with them loosing on other future conflicts.

Russia will sustain itself because its size but in 10-20 years they will not have a diversified economy, they will be overtaken by other Nations hardware wise, their defense industry will crumble not to mention their birthrates are on a massive downward trend-so from a long term perspective, no they wont be the USSR in fact as other countries are massively catching up this will further result in the loss of Russia and even the US, Multipolar world. There is a reason why the US doesnt take Russia serious-in fact Russia heavily capitalized on the US-Turkish rupture and positioned themselves in a strong position in other theater simply because Turkey looked away. The new dynamics will be interesting because if the US drops the PKK fully then this will not look good at all from a Russian pov but thats still a lil bit far off.

So why not just give up on Syria and allow Syrian regime take over of the entire country including SDF? Push USA out from Syria and SDF part is addressed as well. So why not join forces with Russia in this matter?

You simply have no idea of the ground realities, reading 2 articles wont get u far.

MY POINT? Have a FIRM POSITION and STRATEGY for developments in Syria. Do not attempt to FLIRT with all camps in Syria because they all have FIRM POSITIONS. Turkish credibility and security is on the line.

For such a complex conflict as the syrian civil war its incredily difficult to build and maintain a strategy or stragies but as i wrote u have no idea what ur even writing about.

Blaming USA + Jews + Israel for all ills in Turkey as well as its surroundings, is unlikely to work, and lead to nowhere in practice.

You seriously live in another world, there are enough turkish threads in this forum where one can clearly see who Turks blame and who they put the primary blame on and we dont even hide it delusional prick.
You are an American-Israeli lapdog ... nothing else

even CIA and secretary of defense said YPG is PKK

Nobody can force Turkish Armed Forces to leave Syria .... including the US and Russia
Your last hope PUTIN also can do nothing to create Pkk/Ypg terror state in Syria

and minimum 11 million Syrians are with Turkey ..... on the other hand minimun 11 million Syrians so hate radical sectarian Assad Regime , Russia, Iran , Iran backed terrorist groups who killed over 800.000 Syrians and forced over 7 million Syrians to move from their lands to another countries including Turkiye

the US-The UK-Israel could not create free Iraqi Kurdistan between 1991 and 2020
still daydreamer idiots are dreaming about Syrian Kurdistan
I warned you that S-400 is useless and Russia will now mock Turkey and I was right.

From ur post you are very young and dont know history. So let me teach u a bit.

In the end of 1990-es Istaeli-Turkish relationships were on peak. In 1998 Turkey threatened Assad to give up Ocalan and Assad obeyed, despite his huge army with 5000 tanks. Because he knew that he has no chance on two fronts. Thats how PKK terror which was supported by Assad was crushed.

But Erdogan decided to be friend with Russia. Now Assad is million times weaker than he was in 1998, his army is totally destroyed, yet he is laughing at all Turkish threats and openly kills Turkish soldiers.
I warned you that S-400 is useless and Russia will now mock Turkey and I was right.

the US ( OBAMA ) did not sell PATRIOT Air Defense System to Turkey
even Turkey many times said to TRUMP that We want to buy PATRIOT too

and now Turkey again asked PATRIOT from the US

From ur post you are very young and dont know history. So let me teach u a bit.

In the end of 1990-es Istaeli-Turkish relationships were on peak. In 1998 Turkey threatened Assad to give up Ocalan and Assad obeyed, despite his huge army with 5000 tanks. Because he knew that he has no chance on two fronts. Thats how PKK terror which was supported by Assad was crushed

I very well know about 1990s .... the US-Israel controlled the Turkis Armed Forces and Turkish intelligence service
CIA and MOSSAD gave Iran-Syria controlled Pkk leader OCALAN to MIT ( Turkish intelligence service )
because of the US-Israel decided to use BARZANI as leader of Kurdistan instead of OCALAN

But Erdogan decided to be friend with Russia. Now Assad is million times weaker than he was in 1998, his army is totally destroyed, yet he is laughing at all Turkish threats and openly kills Turkish soldiers.

the US and the EU forced Erdogan to work with Russia
I remind you , since 2013 the US and the EU ( including France-Germany ) used PKK/YPG , ISIS and FETO terror organization to destroy Erdogan and to create Pkk/Ypg terror state in Syria against Turkey

Assad is a puppet .... Assad doesnt control over 40% of Syrian territory and minimum 11 million Syrians so hate radical sectarian murderer Assad
Syria was destroyed by Assad,Iran,Russia

Its a war
maybe We lost 2 soldiers yesterday but Turkish Armed Forces killed over 150 Regime troops and destroyed 12 Tanks , 14 Howitzers , 3 AFVs and 3 UAVs

and never forget that Russia-Iran lost thousands of soldiers including generals in Syria
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I warned you that S-400 is useless and Russia will now mock Turkey and I was right.

From ur post you are very young and dont know history. So let me teach u a bit.

In the end of 1990-es Istaeli-Turkish relationships were on peak. In 1998 Turkey threatened Assad to give up Ocalan and Assad obeyed, despite his huge army with 5000 tanks. Because he knew that he has no chance on two fronts. Thats how PKK terror which was supported by Assad was crushed.

But Erdogan decided to be friend with Russia. Now Assad is million times weaker than he was in 1998, his army is totally destroyed, yet he is laughing at all Turkish threats and openly kills Turkish soldiers.
S-400 is useless against Russia , Patriot is useless against USA and Israel . at the end the best is what you build yourself . nobody can undermine you by that.
S-400 is useless against Russia , Patriot is useless against USA and Israel . at the end the best is what you build yourself . nobody can undermine you by that.

Turkey wants to use S400 against Egypt-Greece-France alliance in the Eastern Meditterranean
Turkey wants to use PATRIOT and F35 against Russia-Iran-Assad Regime alliance

and between 2020 - 2023 Turkish HISAR-A , HISAR-O , SIPER low-medium-high altitude Air Defense Systems will be in service
also GOKDOAN and BOZDOGAN air to air missiles
Turkey wants to use S400 against Egypt-Greece-France alliance in the Eastern Meditterranean
Turkey wants to use PATRIOT and F35 against Russia-Iran-Assad Regime alliance

and between 2020 - 2023 Turkish HISAR-A , HISAR-O , SIPER low-medium-high altitude Air Defense Systems will be in service
also GOKDOAN and BOZDOGAN air to air missiles
you knew you want to use patriot against us but you are going to put them on Syrian border , but have you taught what will you use to defend yourself with if we decide to retaliate to your attack from Azerbaijan ? after all traditionally all our conflict were in Iraq and Azerbaijan not Syria and don't forget we have shown that we are not shy on using drone and Missiles in revenge attacks .
and those air defense systems are not operational yet.
you knew you want to use patriot against us but you are going to put them on Syrian border , but have you taught what will you use to defend yourself with if we decide to retaliate to your attack from Azerbaijan ? after all traditionally all our conflict were in Iraq and Azerbaijan not Syria and don't forget we have shown that we are not shy on using drone and Missiles in revenge attacks .

Turkey has great Airforce , great Drone technology , guided MLRSs , Ballistic and Cruise Missiles , thousands of guided Bombs and B-61 Nuclear Bombs

Assad Regiime and Iran are nothing , therefore in 2015 ROUHANI asked helping from PUTIN against FSA
Turkey has great Airforce , great Drone technology , guided MLRSs , Ballistic and Cruise Missiles , thousands of guided Bombs and B-61 Nuclear Bombs

Assad Regiime and Iran are nothing , therefore in 2015 ROUHANI asked helping from PUTIN against FSA
I'm glad you think so , do you knew what make me gladder , well if your generals and military planners are also think so then that's a recipe for a prefect day for me.
You are an American-Israeli lapdog ... nothing else

It's good that you managed to manoeuvre Turkey away from Israel and America, to embrace Russia - the country that is currently killing your soldiers.
It's good that you managed to manoeuvre Turkey away from Israel and America, to embrace Russia - the country that is currently killing your soldiers.

on the other hand the US/Israel gave 30.000 trucks of weapons to Pkk/Ypg terrorists to kill Turkish soldiers and to destroy Turkey's territorial integrity

in the last 15 days over 3.400 Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs,AFVs entered Idlib

21.02.2020 another Turkish Military convoy with 60 vehicles Leopard2A4 Tanks enter Idlib



also Turkish Army deployed TRG-300 guided MLRSs in Idlib border which can hit Russian Airbases in Latakia

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