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Turkish Naval Programs

Very interesting indeed... especially considering how we already have a similar ship under construction; the TCG anadolu.
It's for scraping metal...not the first time...
Queen Elizabeth HMS Illustrious was scraped by the past...
I'm pretty sure its not for scrapping as the scrapping is done by private companies who buy ships that have been decommissioned by the navy and are prepped to be scrapped. This ship is still in use and Brazil has signaled its interest in it for its own navy. We will see, I think our navy wanted a pure LHD with a minimal cost and the HMS plays perfectly into this region. The TCG Anadolu will be used by F35Bs and hopefully its sister ship too so having a cheap LHD to be used by ATAKs and ATAK 2s for the navy would make sense.

Also the HMS Ocean was built in 1998, the HMS Illustrious in 1976. Big difference.
I'm pretty sure its not for scrapping as the scrapping is done by private companies who buy ships that have been decommissioned by the navy and are prepped to be scrapped. This ship is still in use and Brazil has signaled its interest in it for its own navy. We will see, I think our navy wanted a pure LHD with a minimal cost and the HMS plays perfectly into this region. The TCG Anadolu will be used by F35Bs and hopefully its sister ship too so having a cheap LHD to be used by ATAKs and ATAK 2s for the navy would make sense.

Also the HMS Ocean was built in 1998, the HMS Illustrious in 1976. Big difference.

Let's hope it' s not scrapped. But The Q remain why Turkey didn't make the first offer... it' snot like the navy think at the last minute neither the announcement to sell it was hidden from Turkey.

ps: Commissioned in 1998.
My first impulse was this purchase would be illogical. But when I came to think about it, This is good news if we can buy it at low price. Instead of paying 1B$ to brand new ship it would be cheaper to buy this. But More importantly, We wouldn't have to upgrade two LPD at the same time 40 years from now. And We could replace this ship real aircraft carrier in the next 15-25 years. While Tcg Anadolu would resume Helicopter carrier missions afterward.

Such Interest, would mean Our Navy is planning Charles De Gaulle equivalent Carrier in the 2030s or 2040s.
3 bases (2 overseas+1 Turkey)= 3 Carriers... :)

There are 4 countries with Turkish naval bases and/or local naval base access.
  • Northern Cyprus -- fully multipurpose
  • Albania (Pashalimani) -- submarine/FAC patrol emphasis
  • Somalia -- strong anti-terror ops/training emphasis
  • Qatar -- diplomacy/infantry emphasis with army/naval aviation elements
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