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Turkish Naval Programs

If the subs work well, I must say that it is a very high level for Turkey, even South Korea stoped all 214 subs for Korea made screw fractured in 2011, its first 214 found 6 times screw fractured, second 6 times, third 214 3times; The main difficulty: every part should be at a high quality, or will bring trouble underwater.
May 13/13: Weapons. ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems and Diehl Defence sign a cooperation agreement with Turkey’s Roketsan to develop and supply the submarine-launched IDAS (Interactive Defence and Attack System for Submarines) anti-aircraft missile. Roketsan will be responsible for the IDAS warhead, support testing of the Control Actuation System with some follow-on work share, and participation in system-level design activities. The Norwegian company Nammo is developing and producing the rocket motor.

Today’s Special: Turkey Subs


Havelsan-Meteksan U-214TN Simulator

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-They are going to produced here as a Turkish variant(carrying many home made subsystems)
-Construction of first one started last month
-Number increased from six to eight on last SSM meeting
-Expected contruction time for a sub is 2 years
-Two subs will be constructed simultaneously

Which SSM are you referring to ?

Last SMM meeting's decision, doesn't include a number increase .

Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı
Turkey has experience with the Uboats, Pakistan has experience with the Scorpene class. It would make more sense, somewhere down the road to have a joint venture to develop a diesel electric or even a nuclear powered sub as Pakistan is currently busy developing N-Propulsion.

Oh ! Slowly, slowly, slowly my friends… ^^

This will very certainly, one day. But before you do perfectly master all these technologies - Turkey (U-214 TN) and Pakistan (SSN program) -. Have the necessary maturity (Industrial and operational) it takes tens of years, then in 30 or 40 years.

Ok ! ^^

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May 13/13: Weapons. ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems and Diehl Defence sign a cooperation agreement with Turkey’s Roketsan to develop and supply the submarine-launched IDAS (Interactive Defence and Attack System for Submarines) anti-aircraft missile. Roketsan will be responsible for the IDAS warhead, support testing of the Control Actuation System with some follow-on work share, and participation in system-level design activities. The Norwegian company Nammo is developing and producing the rocket motor.

Today’s Special: Turkey Subs


Havelsan-Meteksan U-214TN Simulator

You mean this:

13-05-2013 | Diehl Defence, Unternehmensnews, Produktnews

From left to right: Dirk Malgowski, Managing Director ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems; Helmut Rauch, Managing Direktor Diehl BGT Defence; Selcuk Yasar, President & CEO Roketsan.

The Turkish company Roketsan and the German firms ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems and Diehl Defence signed a cooperation agreement to develop and supply the submarine-launched IDAS (Interactive Defence and Attack System for Submarines) missile. The accord was inked at the IDEF International Defence Industry Fair in Istanbul on May 9, 2013. The signature ceremony took place in the presence of Eberhard Pohl, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Turkey, Thomas Kossendey, Member of the German Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag) and Parliamentary Secretary of the Federal Minister of Defence as well as the German Armament Director Detlef Selhausen.

IDAS provides new self-defence and asymmetric warfare capabilities for submerged submarines to engage threats from the air, naval vessels as well as coastal targets. The submarine can launch the multi-role missile from a torpedo tube under water by means of a launching container. Aided by an innovative fiber-optic data link, the operator in the submarine is capable of controlling the missile during the entire flight offering the opportunity of target change, correction of the target impact point or mission abort. The system can also be refitted into existing submarines with minor effort.

Currently the IDAS Consortium is conducting an Initial Development Program (IDP) with the objective of developing a verified product. Verification will be proven with successful firings from a submerged submarine scheduled for 2014. According to the cooperation agreement, Roketsan will be responsible for development, qualification and series production of the IDAS warhead, support testing of CAS (Control Actuation System), participate in system level design activities and perform a work share in the series production of the CAS. A further partner is the Norwegian company Nammo, which is developing and producing the rocket motor.

IDAS has performed successful test firings from an underwater test facility in Northern Germany as well as from a class 212A submarine of the German Navy in the Baltic Sea. The project was awarded the Technology Prize of the German defence industry.

Diehl Gruppe: Turkish industry joins common submarine missile project
Oh ! Slowly, slowly, slowly my friends… ^^

This will very certainly, one day. But before you do perfectly master all these technologies - Turkey (U-214 TN) and Pakistan (SSN program) -. Have the necessary maturity (Industrial and operational) it takes tens of years, then in 30 or 40 years.

Ok ! ^^


First of all a nuclear powered sub is pivotal for our 'triad' so we HAVE to build it and build it to be commissioned by 2022. Pakistan has the expertise in some important areas like hull design and critical sub systems.

Our industrial base will be boosted further when we start producing the new batch of subs we are trying to buy from the PRC. They will also involve TOT of some level. Above that we have been researching the miniture reactor designs for nuclear propulsion for over a decade now and as far as i know, the project is green and progressing.

Anothet critical area that we have made good progress in, is the vertically launched (cold) medium range cruise missile technology. Babur-N is going to be operational on our augostas sooner than many people predict.

Turkey has made great strides in naval engineering as well as in electrical subsystems. I believe if Turkey joins us in a n.sub development, we can get it done faster and better by ~ 2022-25.

Turkey has made great strides in naval engineering as well as in electrical subsystems. I believe if Turkey joins us in a n.sub development, we can get it done faster and better by ~ 2022-25.

Turkey can not join ‘a program to develop nuclear submarine’ with Pakistan (Only Nuclear Muslim country) now. In 30 or 40 years. Not now.

It is much ‘too sensitive international perspective’. Do you understand ? I guess yes. ;)

By there. Working with China for our good to all. ;)
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Turkey can not join ‘a program to develop nuclear submarine’ with Pakistan (Only Nuclear Muslim country) now. In 30 or 40 years. Not now.

It is much ‘too sensitive international perspective’. Do you understand ? I guess yes. ;)

By there. Working with China for our good to all. ;)

We provided the kingdom with submerged protection for decades plus training its submariners, you don't need to ask for it. ;)

Plus the submarines stay underwater - they rarely come out, you know. :whistle:
Why did it take so so long to launch the second Ada Class F512?

F511 from laid to launch was 21 months

F512 should have been same or less but took 36 months

What was going on there??

It's almost 6 years since the first one was laid down by now there should have been 5-6 launches
Why did it take so so long to launch the second Ada Class F512?

F511 from laid to launch was 21 months

F512 should have been same or less but took 36 months

What was going on there??

It's almost 6 years since the first one was laid down by now there should have been 5-6 launches
Testing indigenous systems maybe.
firt ship was a prototype. tests tests tests...

İt is accepted to navy just in 2012..
and the second one in 2013..

it was planned the other 6 were built in private shipyard , but because of some issues it is cancelled. İf not we would see 2014,15,16...every year one ship. Now navy are making the 3rd and 4th ones itself again. and it will come in 2015 /2016 .. For the last 4 ones, an another private shipyard will be picked. their acceptence will be 2017-2018-2019-2020

(if there is no another delay)
Dont think so since systems are installed AFTER Launch not before
TCG Heybeliada:

Keel of the first prototype was laid down on 26th July 2005.
She was launched on 27 September 2008.
The construction time of TCG Heybeliada: 38 Months

System integration including gas turbines, radars, missiles, combat management + port trials + sea trials + correction of defficiencies + Turkish Navy acceptance trials = Commision time 27 September 2011 (Totally 3 years).

TCG Büyükada:

Laid Down: 22 January 2008
Launching: 27 September 2011
The construction time of TCG Buyukada: 44 Months (Longer period is about new applications which is found as defficiencies at first prototype)

System integration including gas turbines, radars, missiles, combat management + port trials + sea trials + correction of defficiencies + Turkish Navy acceptance trials = Commision time 27 September 2013 (Totally 2 years)
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