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Turkish Naval Programs


We strictly post the source right below the info or news; so that there is no misinformation or manipulation, and thereby keep it reliable/reputable for the sake of the forum and members.

Despite the request for the source; the member cannot provide it, and turn it into piss content instead, to get away.

The forum rules and our regulation here do not give any exception to anyone, including you and us as seen in our post style.

Btw, no intention to talk to a Greek over Turk navy's future doctrine given occupation,arming islands and hosting foreign militaries in Agean sea or Cyprus along with the oppression to Turk minority in Western Trakya. It is more than absurd.
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We strictly post the source right below the info or news; so that there is no misinformation or manipulation, and thereby keep it reliable/reputable for the sake of the forum and members.

Despite the request for the source; the member cannot provide it, and turn it into piss content instead, to get away.

The forum rules and our regulation here do not give any exception to anyone, including you and us as seen in our post style.

Btw, no intention to talk to a Greek over Turk navy's future doctrine given occupation,arming islands and hosting foreign militaries in Agean sea or Cyprus along with the oppression to Turk minority in Western Trakya. It is more than absurd.
He is just giving his own take, just let it go.
He is just giving his own take, just let it go.

The graph has a note on the corner saying the info is based on the official statements; but when asked them, the poster says

- ''a number of messages and emails with Turkish defence analysts who are quite well-known in your country''
- '' Every available source including well-known Turkish defence analysts.''

So the same member cannot provide the source,not even a single one; so such shares(with a proper organisation label ending ''.com'') are not an issue at personal level but organisational, therefore have to provide neccessary legitimacy for the public and for the sake of reliablity for herself, her organisation also for the forum and its members here.

We share info with sources to stop any misinformation or speculation as this section's regulation, also rules; therefore, @cabatli_53 is tagged.
According to the MILGEM project the fleet by 2035 will be as follows. I strongly believe that Turkey will maintain 16 major surface combatants, so the Barbaros class (the vessels are depicted with Phalanx systems) will remain in service until a replacement program is finalized.


Dear D-Mitch,

Milgem blk II and III, what exactly do you mean by that?

The current Milgem Blk I = Ada class corvettes (4, currently 2 in service and 2 under construction)

Milgem BLK II = I-class frigate (a more developped, elonged and with VLS equipped upgraded version of the Ada class, called light frigate class)

Milgem blk III? = I guess you call the second batch of 4 I-class that is supposed to replace the Barbaros class Milgem blk III am I right? Or do you call the TF-100 (at the moment in idea form to have a class inbetween I-class and TF2000) Milgem blk III?
Dear D-Mitch,

Milgem blk II and III, what exactly do you mean by that?

The current Milgem Blk I = Ada class corvettes (4, currently 2 in service and 2 under construction)

Milgem BLK II = I-class frigate (a more developped, elonged and with VLS equipped upgraded version of the Ada class, called light frigate class)

Milgem blk III? = I guess you call the second batch of 4 I-class that is supposed to replace the Barbaros class Milgem blk III am I right? Or do you call the TF-100 (at the moment in idea form to have a class inbetween I-class and TF2000) Milgem blk III?

The Block II of MILGEM Project is the Istanbul class (I-class) as you said already. If you check the graph, I depict an Istanbul class. I did report it as Block II instead of Istanbul class in order to show that a new Block (III) will follow-up (an enlarged derivative of Istanbul which I depict it in the graph) or just another Batch of Istanbuls. I chose the first option. I have not included the designation name TF100 as it is not clear at least to me if it will be a derivative of MILGEM or just a separate project. Thus, I just mention Blocks.

I do believe that Yavuz ships will be replaced by Istanbuls while Barbaros as the youngest of all the rest ships at the moment by a new design (TF100 or whatever it will be called). Old Gabyas by Block III and upgraded Gabyas which will serve longer by TF2000. I do not believe that Turkey will reduce its frigates to 12 that's why I included Barbaros in the ORBAT of 2035. except of course if in 17 years from now, Turkey will have built 16 new ships of 3-4 different designs which I find it impossible.

It looks quite thick with small fins. Could it be an old Mk37 assuming also that the boat launched the torpedo is indeed an Ay class?
According to the MILGEM project the fleet by 2035 will be as follows. I strongly believe that Turkey will maintain 16 major surface combatants, so the Barbaros class (the vessels are depicted with Phalanx systems) will remain in service until a replacement program is finalized.


I have check the site and is a reason one, but a navy like Turkey this is nothing. Like the EEZ drama we need more ships for attack and defence. I-class is more for defence, a light fregat with not that much weapon system. Ther is still not known what the replacement of the Gabya class is, you wrote something like block3 milgem or TF2000.

Current state of TN, nice work.

The Block II of MILGEM Project is the Istanbul class (I-class) as you said already. If you check the graph, I depict an Istanbul class. I did report it as Block II instead of Istanbul class in order to show that a new Block (III) will follow-up (an enlarged derivative of Istanbul which I depict it in the graph) or just another Batch of Istanbuls. I chose the first option. I have not included the designation name TF100 as it is not clear at least to me if it will be a derivative of MILGEM or just a separate project. Thus, I just mention Blocks.

I do believe that Yavuz ships will be replaced by Istanbuls while Barbaros as the youngest of all the rest ships at the moment by a new design (TF100 or whatever it will be called). Old Gabyas by Block III and upgraded Gabyas which will serve longer by TF2000. I do not believe that Turkey will reduce its frigates to 12 that's why I included Barbaros in the ORBAT of 2035. except of course if in 17 years from now, Turkey will have built 16 new ships of 3-4 different designs which I find it impossible.

It looks quite thick with small fins. Could it be an old Mk37 assuming also that the boat launched the torpedo is indeed an Ay class?

Thank you for the answers.
I agree in large with you except about the TF100.

To my understanding the Turkish navy goes this path:
4 x Milgem (blk I) to replace 6x ex French d'orve class corvettes
4x I-class (blk II) to replace Yavuz class frigates
4x TF-2000 to replace 4x upgraded Gabya (ex Perry class)

At a later time 4x I-class (second batch improved) to replace 4x Barbaros class, first batch I-class to receive midlife upgrade to bring it to the standard of second batch.

TF100 is slated to become a heavy frigate inbetween I-class and TF2000 (probably 4500-5000 tonnes). TF100 exist currently only as an idea in distant naval needs and will take at least a decade untill it may materialize into a serious plan
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Thank you for the answers.
I agree in large with you except about the TF100.

To my understanding the Turkish navy goes this path:
4 x Milgem (blk I) to replace 6x ex French d'orve class corvettes
4x I-class (blk II) to replace Yavuz class frigates
4x TF-2000 to replace 4x upgraded Gabya (ex Perry class)

At a later time 4x I-class (second batch improved) to replace 4x Barbaros class, first batch I-class to receive midlife upgrade to bring it to the standard of second batch.

TF100 is slated to become a heavy frigate inbetween I-class and TF2000 (probably 4500-5000 tonnes). TF100 exist currently only as an idea in distant naval needs and will take at least a decade untill it may materialize into a serious plan
I agree on everything you said. Except one thing. I really can't believe that Turkey will have in its fleet 55 years old ships (Gabya class) by 2035 or that it will retire the Barbaros frigates (which were commissioned in the late '90s and have two Mk41 modules) and will keep Gabyas instead (with SM-1 missiles which about to be retired and an 8-cell VLS for ESSM) in order to maintain a fleet of 16 frigates. The question is then, what will replace the old Gabyas? I believe a 3rd block or a second batch of Istanbuls. The new design (TF100 for example) which will need more time for development, will replace Barbaros class.
I agree on everything you said. Except one thing. I really can't believe that Turkey will have in its fleet 55 years old ships (Gabya class) by 2035 or that it will retire the Barbaros frigates (which were commissioned in the late '90s and have two Mk41 modules) and will keep Gabyas instead (with SM-1 missiles which about to be retired and an 8-cell VLS for ESSM) in order to maintain a fleet of 16 frigates. The question is then, what will replace the old Gabyas? I believe a 3rd block or a second batch of Istanbuls. The new design (TF100 for example) which will need more time for development, will replace Barbaros class.
This situation creates pressure on two different issues:

1. The share of private shipyards in the mass production of frigates

2. The actual ASW / AsuW Frigate program could be a lever of AAW frigate program. As @ANMDT said, we can see the T2000 and TF100 programs on the same hull form, similar to the Fremm program.
I agree on everything you said. Except one thing. I really can't believe that Turkey will have in its fleet 55 years old ships (Gabya class) by 2035 or that it will retire the Barbaros frigates (which were commissioned in the late '90s and have two Mk41 modules) and will keep Gabyas instead (with SM-1 missiles which about to be retired and an 8-cell VLS for ESSM) in order to maintain a fleet of 16 frigates. The question is then, what will replace the old Gabyas? I believe a 3rd block or a second batch of Istanbuls. The new design (TF100 for example) which will need more time for development, will replace Barbaros class.

No Gabya (Perry) won’t stay till 2035 ofcourse, the less upgraded ones will be retired and serve as spare parts while the ones upgraded with VLS systems will remain until replacement with TF2000, starting somewhere in 2023-2025.

The Barbaros class ships are currently ~20 years old and will have their midlife upgrade and serve till 2035-2040 (they will be replaced by a second batch of I-class than)

In the near future I believe Turkey will keep a littoral combat force of 4 corvettes and 8 light frigates (be it Meko’s or I-class) and 4 heavy frigate/destroyer (TF2000) for open sea operations.

And if need arise for extra it will be filled up with TF100 or extra number of TF2000. I think the TF100 will be more like the current Perry class to escort LHD’s and if it comes aircraft carriers.
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