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Turkish Naval Programs

Someone please summarise this video ?

Are they going to add F35B? Is this confirmed by Navy ?

There is no way they can mix helo and fixed wing on this LHD, they will be left with neither, reminds me of Israeli SAAR 5 crammed everything into warship it’s good for nothing even clipped by faulty anti ship missile by hezbollah

You cannot optimise F35B operations with rotary wing on a 30,000 ton flat deck

Wasp class is double the size only has 2-3 landing spots, Queen Elizabeth is 70,000 tons will carry 12 standard and 36 maximum F35B very space and labour intensive

They are adding in a well deck too ? Very quickly they will realise this will turn into a disaster too many things too little space

What they have to do is optimise one LHD for “rotary wing” and the second LHD for “fixed wing” maybe even build a third for true over the horizon amphibious operations with LCAC

In the meantime build up the experience, you cannot just start flying off flat decks from the sea
TCG Anadolu LHD
Acc. to the ceo of the shipyard 90% of the blocks have been build and they expect to lay the ship down next year around February-March.

They built 50 blocks in under 24 months ?

That I seriously doubt, is this personal opinion or do you have link for this statement

As you can see the ship has been laid
They built 50 blocks in under 24 months ?

That I seriously doubt, is this personal opinion or do you have link for this statement

As you can see the ship has been laid

@Khagan1923 Translated below in yellow, he also says it in the clip.

Are they progressing quicker than expected ? He says in the clip that they were running late to schedule but are catching up and will speed up during the summer this year.
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Looks like Sultan Erdogan is kicking some butt , that is break neck speed

Considering keel was just laid last month the block assembly is coming on REALLY fast

Looks well synchronised, organised and sequential, considering they have not done this before its impressive , lower right shows block 328 seems like they are just lifting and welding these blocks together in a streamlined manner, blue covers probably housing engines or propulsion

Overall maybe they learnt some serious lessons from Ada class construction they might even be ahead of schedule
Looks like Sultan Erdogan is kicking some butt , that is break neck speed

Considering keel was just laid last month the block assembly is coming on REALLY fast

Looks well synchronised, organised and sequential, considering they have not done this before its impressive , lower right shows block 328 seems like they are just lifting and welding these blocks together in a streamlined manner, blue covers probably housing engines or propulsion

Overall maybe they learnt some serious lessons from Ada class construction they might even be ahead of schedule

SEDEF shipyards is building LHD, its a commercial shipyard - so it's in their best interest to spend as little time as possible. Also, they don't have any experience with Ada Class construction - Ada Class were built by Golcuk Naval Shipyard which belongs to Turkish Navy.

SEDEF shipyard porfolio....

TCG Burgazada (F-513)
They built 50 blocks in under 24 months ?

That I seriously doubt, is this personal opinion or do you have link for this statement

As you can see the ship has been laid
Let's make it clear;
Steel cutting of 90 percent has been done, they have began preparing outfits. Steel cutting and sub block weldings are fastest done jobs in a commercial shipyard, not surprised to hear SEDEF , who is the only shipyard get automated cutting and welding systems installed back in 2008.
If they’re going to put F35’s on this thing they’re definitely going to need to upgrade the elavators. The original Juan Carlos never lifted anything as heavy as an F35.
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