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Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT)

Their struggle and lies in order to cover this up is like a confession to me, just like it was in the corruption case.

Older members would remember how fiercely we were discussing with a Syrian dude in favor of our government last year. Pretty much everyone of us, including me, were refusing to believe our government's support to extremists in Syria out of wishful thinking like "Yeah there are radicals among the opposition but our government wouldn't supply weapons to them but to only the real freedom fighters".

But in the wake of these recent events, and witnessing how AKP wouldn't hesitate to use even the most disgusting and dangereous lies in order to achive their goals (Kabataş event), has change my stance. And nobody, especially a göt kılı can accuse me with treason for this.
MIT is preparing to buy GLOBAL OBSERVER as a gap filler until the full satelitte System will be active

Avinc USA and Altoy will push the Project with ASELSAN. The UAV will operate autonomous global and more then 72 hours in stratosphere.
Mate stop it already

Please stop attacking me with your Group of followers !

You can read it in kokpit aero, just google

Barkın Şık / Cumhuriyet
ABD’de mini İHA alanında faaliyet gösteren Aerovironment adlı şirketin ürettiği hidrojen motorlu dev İHA projesine MİT için ilgi gösterildiği belirtildi. Projeye göre, bu İHA 4-6 gün havada kalabiliyor. Bu sistemin benzerini ABD, Global Hawk adı altında kullanıyor.
Havadan görüntü ve ses istihbaratı toplayabilmek için TÜBİTAK’a görev veren MİT için, ABD menşeli Aerovironment adlı şirketin dev İHA projesinin incelenmeye başlandığı öğrenildi. Aerovironmet adlı şirketin ürettiği mini İHA sistemleri halen Amerikan Deniz Piyadeleri tarafından etkin olarak kullanılıyor. Şirket öte taraftan ise hidrojen motorlu kıtalararası görev yapabilecek bir İHA geliştirme çalışmalarını sürdürüyor. TÜBİTAK’ın bu şirket ile temasa geçtiği belirtildi.
MİT’in envanterine sokmak istediği İHA sisteminin benzerini ABD, Global Hawk adıyla kullanıyor. Amerikan yapımı yüksek irtifa (HALE) insansız hava aracı olan Global Hawk’ın, keşif ve gözetleme maksatlı gelişmiş algılayıcıları bulunuyor. Bir kıtadan kalkıp uydular vasıtası ile başka kıtalar üzerinde görev yapabilen Global Hawk, yakıt ikmali sayesinde günlerce havada kalabiliyor.
TÜBİTAK’ın MİT için ilgilendiği sistemin Global Hawk’tan farkı ise hidrojen motorlu olması. Bu sistemin 4 - 6 gün yakıt ikmalinde bulunmadan havada kalabildiği belirtiliyor. Yeryüzünden 20 kilometre yüksekte, stratosferde görev yapabilen Türkiye’nin ilgilendiği sistemin havada asılı bir naklen yayın aracı gibi durabildiği ve 1000 kilometre çapında bir alanı gözetleyebildiği belirtiliyor. Sıvı hidrojen yakıtlı sistemi sayesinde İHA’nın, tek depo yakıtla 6 gün havada kalabildiği kaydediliyor. 66 ton fosil yakıtla yapılabilecek bir uçuşun bu sistem sayesinde 1 ton hidrojen yakıt ile gerçekleştirebildiği ifade ediliyor.
34 metre kanat genişliğine sahip olan Boeing 737’den daha büyük olan 53 metre kanat genişliğine sahip uçağın, bir uydunun yapabileceği tüm muhabere yeteneklerine sahip olduğu kaydediliyor. Global Observer adlı İHA’nın teknik özellikleri şöyle:
Yararlı Yük: 181.5 kg
Hızı Stratosferde: 120 Knot (meteorolojik etkiler minimuödur)
Uçuş Yüksekliği: 60 bin feet
Kanat Açıklığı: 53.3 metre
Uzunluğu: 21.3 metre
Kalkış/İniş Pist İhtiyacı: 1.280 metre
İtme sistemi: Hidrojen ile çalışan içten yanmalı 4 adet elektrikli motor
ISI they are mentioned as the best organized and effective secret Service of the Muslim World.
Is it possible that our Pakistani Brothers learned much from British occupiers ? Almost all Pakistani friends I know speak fluent English.:triniti: You know all Services say : "Every jewish man/woman is a potential Mossad Agent".
ISI they are mentioned as the best organized and effective secret Service of the Muslim World.
Is it possible that our Pakistani Brothers learned much from British occupiers ? Almost all Pakistani friends I know speak fluent English.:triniti: You know all Services say : "Every jewish man/woman is a potential Mossad Agent".

ISI came into the spotlight during the Soviet Afghan War. Before that its job was limited to Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
ISI came into the spotlight during the Soviet Afghan War. Before that its job was limited to Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

Interesting , obviously regional Problems forced them to become operational. The same transforming happens with MIT.If an intelligence Service is full with anxious burea People they will never be effective. The Backbone of all US Services are Military and Ex-Military People. Ok, NSA is like British GCHQ electronic intelligence and there are 90% civilian IT experts and other. Intelligence Services can only be effective in operations and field if there are talented soldiers, with heart, strong physics and intellect.
Interesting , obviously regional Problems forced them to become operational. The same transforming happens with MIT.If an intelligence Service is full with anxious burea People they will never be effective. The Backbone of all US Services are Military and Ex-Military People. Ok, NSA is like British GCHQ electronic intelligence and there are 90% civilian IT experts and other. Intelligence Services can only be effective in operations and field if there are talented soldiers, with heart, strong physics and intellect.

True. ISI is not a single agency, it has 25 other organs, also operating as independent agencies both civil and military.
True. ISI is not a single agency, it has 25 other organs, also operating as independent agencies both civil and military.

Thank you Bros. I hope we will reach your Level.
The main Problem was that MIT was not Independent and only a toy of trans ocean big brother. Winds changed first 2003, when US troops and Peshmerga arrested a Turkish Special Forces Plattoon, took sacks over their heads and humiliated them and the whole Turkish Nation. Some of them said later : Shame on us ! We would have prefer, to die in combat against them ; but ANKARA said : don't combat or you will accused at Military Tribunal in Turkey ! Now, after the so called parralel state with his own Police and US biad bureaucrats was unmasked in Turkey, the government strenghtens MIT and Special Forces in their squad.
MIT has a estimated 2 Billion USD Budget in 2015 . GES (Military General Staff Electronic Systems) were transferred to them and they are being integrated with Military Intelligence Network.
Thank you Bros. I hope we will reach your Level.
The main Problem was that MIT was not Independent and only a toy of trans ocean big brother. Winds changed first 2003, when US troops and Peshmerga arrested a Turkish Special Forces Plattoon, took sacks over their heads and humiliated them and the whole Turkish Nation. Some of them said later : Shame on us ! We would have prefer, to die in combat against them ; but ANKARA said : don't combat or you will accused at Military Tribunal in Turkey ! Now, after the so called parralel state with his own Police and US biad bureaucrats was unmasked in Turkey, the government strenghtens MIT and Special Forces in their squad.
MIT has a estimated 2 Billion USD Budget in 2015 . GES (Military General Staff Electronic Systems) were transferred to them and they are being integrated with Military Intelligence Network.

ISI's budget is not known, it raises its own budget, thanks to Indian financial sector. :D

Thank you Bros. I hope we will reach your Level.
The main Problem was that MIT was not Independent and only a toy of trans ocean big brother. Winds changed first 2003, when US troops and Peshmerga arrested a Turkish Special Forces Plattoon, took sacks over their heads and humiliated them and the whole Turkish Nation. Some of them said later : Shame on us ! We would have prefer, to die in combat against them ; but ANKARA said : don't combat or you will accused at Military Tribunal in Turkey ! Now, after the so called parralel state with his own Police and US biad bureaucrats was unmasked in Turkey, the government strenghtens MIT and Special Forces in their squad.
MIT has a estimated 2 Billion USD Budget in 2015 . GES (Military General Staff Electronic Systems) were transferred to them and they are being integrated with Military Intelligence Network.

Pakistan spied on Indian Def system? ISI recorded conversation between AK Antony and Army chief - Oneindia
the ones who are on power always used intelligence services in illegal or bad way.. you can go where you want you will find it all around the world..
ISI's budget is not known, it raises its own budget, thanks to Indian financial sector. :D

Impressive. Did you tap their landlines (fiber,copper) like the French did ? Did you used SS7 leaks to locate them or hacked their GSM System ? Just a joke, I know if you tell, you must kill me o_O By the way , when the Soviet Union collapsed 100 Nuke warheads from Ukrainian Arsenals disappeared and at the same time in Ukraine appeared bonds issued in India in Canadian Dollars, today the rest of them is so great amount that nobody can liquidate. That was the foundation of oligarchs in Ukrainia and other Ex Soviet States. It happened under Kutschma Government

Impressive. Did you tap their landlines (fiber,copper) like the French did ? Did you used SS7 leaks to locate them or hacked their GSM System ? Just a joke, I know if you tell, you must kill me o_O By the way , when the Soviet Union collapsed 100 Nuke warheads from Ukrainian Arsenals disappeared and at the same time in Ukraine appeared bonds issued in India in Canadian Dollars, today the rest of them is so great amount that nobody can liquidate. That was the foundation of oligarchs in Ukrainia and other Ex Soviet States. It happened under Kutschma Government

Collapse of Soviets, nukes disappear Saudi ICBM program Begins 1988 -----Ohaha

Al Sulayyil Missile Base
20°43'07"N 45°35'01"E

In March 1988, two years after the deal was struck, it was discovered that Saudi Arabia had bought an undisclosed number of CSS-2 "East Wind" intermediate range missiles from China. (1) The number of missile varied by source from 30 to 120. The number was later put at 50 missiles and nine launchers. (2) According to Assistant Secretary of State Richard Clarke, the missiles were still not operational in late 1989. (3) However, in early June 1990, Flight International reported that, according to Israeli intelligence, the CSS-2 missiles were deployed and operational at two sites: al-Sulaiyil, about 500 km south of Riyadh and al-Joffer, 100 km south of Riyadh. According to the article, each site houses four to six concrete launch pads and stores approximately 60 missiles. (4)
The East Wind's modified range/payload (5) of 2,500 km/2,000 kg (conventional load) brings many countries within striking range, including Israel, the former Soviet Union, and Iran, though the missiles are said to be targeted on Tehran and other Iranian population centers, rather than Israel. The 2.5 km CEP of the CSS-2 missiles, combined with the cost of the purchase (6) has led to a great deal of speculation about Saudi Arabia's intentions. The missiles are far too inaccurate to be used against any point target with either HE or chemical warheads. King Fahd has pledged that Saudi Arabia will not arm the missiles with unconventional warheads nor use them in a first-strike mode. (7) According to a study by the Congressional Research Service, the Reagan administration received an assurance in writing that the Saudis would not obtain or use chemical or nuclear warheads with the CSS-2 missiles. (8) To further allay such fears, Saudi Arabia signed the NPT in April 1988. To date (August 1996), no ballistic missiles other than the CSS-2 are reported to be operational or under development in Saudi Arabia.
None of the CSS-2s was fired during Desert Storm. In an interview with the Washington Times, Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, acknowledging the inaccuracy of the CSS-2 and its consequent potential for killing civilians, said, "King Fahd ruled out that option [launching the missiles against Iraq] because of the fact that you cannot conrol it [the missiles] accurately. Our problem is that our war was not with the Iraqi people; it was with Saddam Hussein and his clique." (9) However, the multi-billion dollar King Khalid Military City is reported to include nuclear missile silos and nuclear-proofed underground command bunkers with full arming and firing capabilities. (10)
At one point during the original construction process up to 1,000 Chinese technical advisors participated in the construction of the complex. Continued Chinese presence is required for technical support, maintenance and training.
Since 1995, considerable expansion has been observed to the housing and administrative areas 27 kilometers south of the the missile launch complex. In 2002, conventional weapon storage area was detected, occupying 15 square kilometers, with a capacity of between 2.1 and 2.3 million cubic feet. This facility is believed to be associated with the airbase at Al Sulayyil, which reportedly has at least 25 hardened aircraft shelters in support of Tornado fighters
I am happy to announce that MIT -Turkish National Intelligence Service will enter his new buidling in Ankara Etimesgut in 2017, after Turkish armed cavellery School was moved to other sites. The building will have an own Airport, 5 high security building with 300.000 square meters bureau on a 600.000 square meter area. It will be one of the biggest high secure intelligence complex on the world. Turkey is preparing for 2020 and later
I am happy to announce that MIT -Turkish National Intelligence Service will enter his new buidling in Ankara Etimesgut in 2017, after Turkish armed cavellery School was moved to other sites. The building will have an own Airport, 5 high security building with 300.000 square meters bureau on a 600.000 square meter area. It will be one of the biggest high secure intelligence complex on the world. Turkey is preparing for 2020 and later

Is MiT civil or military?
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