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Turkish Missile Programs

BORA has 5-6MACH speed, it all comes down if corrections in last phase are accurate enough.
But I have my doubts too on ballistic missile in ASM role
BORA has 5-6MACH speed, it all comes down if corrections in last phase are accurate enough.
But I have my doubts too on ballistic missile in ASM role
What if you added little bit nuke? That's why Russians don't care about accuracy. Some Russian Super Sonic antiship missiles have nuclear warhead. İf your target is enough precious it will deserve some nukes.


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Is a ground launched SOM a bad idea? Israel had a 127 kg Delilah missile ground launched so even though SOM is pretty small it should still work with new software, and a new rocket motor.
Is a ground launched SOM a bad idea? Israel had a 127 kg Delilah missile ground launched so even though SOM is pretty small it should still work with new software, and a new rocket motor.
Som will need a booster in case of land launch variation
Is a ground launched SOM a bad idea? Israel had a 127 kg Delilah missile ground launched so even though SOM is pretty small it should still work with new software, and a new rocket motor.

in 2018 ERDOGAN said that We are launching a medium-range cruise missile project from surface to surface

ATMACA Missile ground launched variant with RF , IIR , booster , data link to target both land and naval targets from 200+ km away

then Turkish Armed Forces to engage on PATRIOT Air Defense System in Greece and S-300 Air Defense System in Syria

no need the Turkish Airforce to risk losing Fighter Jet to attack Air Defense System in Greece and Syria
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Som will need a booster in case of land launch variation
Of course, it would be great for Azerbaijan who doesn't need a medium range cruise missile when a SOM launched from inside of Azerbaijan can hit almost all of Armenia.

This missile pictured (Delilah) is 127KG while SOM is 600 KG.

Think of the possibilities, Turkey could integrate them on VLS on Turkish ships even which would be much easier than a large cruise missile because of the small dimensions and weight.
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SOM warhead = 200kg
Delilah warhead = ~30kg

Turkey is currently developing Gezgin (Tomahawk like) cruise missile which will integrated into our future TF-2000 and our Reis-class (Type-214) submarines will be able to fire ATMACA and IDAS (submarine launched SAM/AShM/LAM).

This is enough firepower, to make everyone think twice before a dumb hostile move.
SOM warhead = 200kg
Delilah warhead = ~30kg

Turkey is currently developing Gezgin (Tomahawk like) cruise missile which will integrated into our future TF-2000 and our Reis-class (Type-214) submarines will be able to fire ATMACA and IDAS (submarine launched SAM/AShM/LAM).

This is enough firepower, to make everyone think twice before a dumb hostile move.
Regardless, SOM could be integrated on smaller ships with wider but shorter VLS systems, or even launched from canisters on top of ships that could be made interchangeable with Anti-Ship missile containers. Gezgin won't fit on smaller ships at all because its too big.
Regardless, SOM could be integrated on smaller ships with wider but shorter VLS systems, or even launched from canisters on top of ships that could be made interchangeable with Anti-Ship missile containers. Gezgin won't fit on smaller ships at all because its too big.
Roketsan, (METU) and Tubitak are having their hands full on our (newly introduced) missile programs. Erdogan is pushing and forcing them hard. There are some rumours that a newly developed Gezgin-Lite type of missile, which will fit on FAC's and other "smaller" and more "mobile" ships, will be tested/introduced soon.

Probably when the air is cooled down for Turkey we will see some of our progress.
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