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Turkish Missile Programs

Update. Germans betrayed us again. No upgrade kits for Leos no ADS. They shit in their pants from the PKK. Hannover attack was a warning from Pkk. @Bismarck
Today TAF said that Turkish Airforce hit 25 targets, last few days it was 50-45 daily. Lets assume that this operation will keep 6-7 months like Euphrates Shield, to avoid unnecessery casualties. If we take 200 days operation duration, and even if we calculate daily average bomb usage as 20, we will need 4.000 guided bombs to be used against terrorists, in Afrin.

Add that other Airforce attacks on Manbij countryside, east of euphrates, northern iraq, anti-terror operations inside Turkey etc we would need 5.000 guided bomb kits, only in 2018, and this number excludes possible Manbij operation.

I am pretty sure Turkish Army already planned these, but i just wondered, how many guided bomb kit tenders are there?

Ther is always several thousand in our inventory, so for now we are good. Only thing is how much can we produce?
Ther is always several thousand in our inventory, so for now we are good. Only thing is how much can we produce?
Its top secret information . I am sure that some ministers of cabinet even dont know.
You know it's quite worrying that we don't supply our own TUAF with turkish JDAM, which leads me to think that we are incapable of solving our own military's problem. Seeing is believing, I want to see the mass production commenced before I believe in the fairytale stories.
Roketsan first stage solid fuel rocket motor

if i understood correct Burak and UFA(Slv) are two different projects.what kind of fuel will ufa use while burak using solid fuel.and how much tonnes of cargo we expecting ufa will carry
if i understood correct Burak and UFA(Slv) are two different projects.what kind of fuel will ufa use while burak using solid fuel.and how much tonnes of cargo we expecting ufa will carry
burak:10kg leo
-first stage solid
-second stage liquid

ufa:1,5t SSO and LEO
-first and second stage liquid
Turkey test-fires indigenous HISAR-A missile

Low-altitude missile will play important role in Turkey's air defense

home > Turkey, science-technology, todays headlines 01.02.2018


By Sinan Uslu


Turkey successfully test-fired its domestically produced HISAR-A missile Thursday in the central province of Aksaray.

The Turkish National Defense Ministry said in a statement that the HISAR missile project has been successfully continuing under the Defense Industry Undersecretariat to address the needs of the Turkish Land Forces Command.

The low-altitude HISAR-A missile system will play an important role in Turkey's air defense, said the statement.

National Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli attended the test launch, which was carried out by Turkey’s leading defense contractors Roketsan and Aselsan, it said.

During the test, the missile was successfully fired from the launch system and continued to fly with programmed maneuvers and completed the flight after the firing of the second pulse engine.

HISAR missiles are defense weapons developed to protect military bases, ports, facilities and troops against air-based threats as well as to meet the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces for a low- and medium-altitude air defense security system.

In this context, HISAR's radar, command and control and fire control systems were developed by Aselsan, while Roketsan was responsible for the development of the missile system.

HISAR systems are effective against aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and air-to-ground missiles.


Some sources say, it is Hisar-O and not A.
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