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Turkish military very unhappy with Chinese missiles, mad at US


Jan 28, 2012
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NATO member Turkey's selection of Chinese missiles in late September to meet its long-standing requirement of long-range air and missile defense systems over rival US and European bidders continues to be a point of tension with the alliance, which raised its objection to the Turkish choice on the grounds that these systems would neither be compatible nor interoperable with that of the alliance air defense network, hence causing weakness in Turkish security as well.

It is, however, not only NATO in general and the US in particular who have voiced their unease over Turkey opting for Chinese missiles but also the Turkish military, which is allegedly very unhappy that it might finally acquire “second-hand, not battle-tested and cheap Chinese missiles,” as opposed to US-made Patriot missile systems. After all, this is the Turkish military, which has highly advanced jet fighters such as US F-16s in its inventory, while its country is a partner to the US-led Joint Strike Fighter (F-35) new generation aircraft, of which it plans to buy 100.

The Turkish military is reportedly also mad at the US because its companies were not encouraged to offer more high-technology transfers to Turkey to undercut other bidders, i.e., China and an Italian-French consortium, whose missiles are not battle-tested either.

According to sources knowledgeable about the meeting of the Executive Committee (EC) of the Turkish Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM) held on Sept. 26, during which Turkey announced, to the surprise of many, its decision to start contract talks with China's Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC) for the co-production of surface-to-air missile defense systems, Chief of General Staff Gen. Necdet Özel did not make any comments at all over Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's choice of Chinese missiles.

Turkey announced on Sept. 26 that it would start contact negotiations with China's CPMIEC for the local production of its FD-2000 missile defense system over rival systems from French-Italian Eurosam SAMP/T and US Lockheed Martin-Raytheon's Patriot systems.

However, Turkey later disclosed that should contract talks with CPMIEC fail, it would go ahead with talks with Eurosam, the runner-up in the tender, and then with US companies, the third choice in the bid, if talks with the Europeans do not yield results.

Erdoğan recently broke his silence on the Turkish choice of Chinese missiles, citing CPMIEC's offer for high-technology transfer that will boost the Turkish capacity to develop highly sophisticated missile systems as well as its price of about $3.4 billion. Hence, Erdoğan said, China offered the most competitive terms and would allow co-production in Turkey.

Despite the fact that Gen. Özel stood indifferent to Erdoğan's decision to opt for Chinese missiles, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) are reportedly very unhappy with the fact that Turkey may acquire Chinese missiles.

Reliable military sources told Today's Zaman that the Turkish generals meeting with visiting US Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Jim Miller last week had in fact made known their unease over the Turkish selection of Chinese missiles and had reportedly voiced their anger with the US over what they termed its failure to come up with a high-technology transfer offer.

In addition to NATO's reaction to Turkey for its choice of Chinese missiles, US Ambassador to Turkey Francis Ricciardone said last month that Washington was very concerned about the prospect of a deal with a company from China, which his country has imposed sanctions on for selling arms and missile technology to Iran and Syria.

iirc Aster SAMP/T was the prefered choice of the military after tests.
not a good place to post this kind of news :p:.... the chinese horde will be really mad now.....just a few days ago they went overboard by this selection by Turkish Forces... So after all it was not the technology what was the criterion for the selection.. just pure politics only..
Erdogan chose the chinese crap because he was unhappy with obama not attacking syria.
BTW todayszaman is one of turkey's most reliable news source.
:lol: the Yankees were humiliated that their weapon system got burnt by our weapons system, now they want to save face and say it was 'political' decision.

First they pressured Turkey now they want to restore credibility in the Yankee weapons systems otherwise everyone will choose our weapons :lol:

Yankee propaganda mouthpieces are world class. 
Oh how I hope we sell out air defence systems to Iran.

Lets see how the Yankees react :lol:

Transfer our cruise missile technology, mine technology, air defence technology, ballistic missile technology, drone technology, anti-satellite technology to Iran.

Since our weapons are 'cheap and unreliable' the Yanks won't have anything to worry about when we sell our weapons technology to Iran

Wish Chairman Mao was still alive, you bet your arse he would have fully cooperated with Iran by transferring them our weapons.

Very happy that we are exporting our weapons all over the world. Time to take away Yankee dominance in another area. Let the Yankees squirm :coffee: 
Erdogan chose the chinese crap because he was unhappy with obama not attacking syria.
BTW todayszaman is one of turkey's most reliable news source.

Turkish media is controlled by the CIA. Unless we hear from the turkish president himself with video, then believing any newspaper is laughable.

This is the problem with middle eastern countries (except Iran), they are all Yankee vassal states.
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source that somehow the HQ-9 does not meet requirements and the military is very unhappy about it?
they could have choosen the s-300 if in fact the military was unhappy with the hq-9 since the s-300 is publicly acknowledge as one of the best, and since its russian, it would still put pressure on the west.

all claims made by the article is based on "Reliable military sources" and "reportedly" which leads me to believe that that article is full of it. it being bs of course.
@UKBengali is going to froth at the mouth after reading this

As for the chinese posters,they're going to scream propaganda,that's their job after all,however embarassing it might be,nevermind that this is a turkish source,it's pretty natural for the turkish press to have insiders in the Turkish Armed Forces but don't expect the 50cent army to understand how a free press works.
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This is absolutely hilarious!
An obscure source citing 'knowledgeable sources' and 'reliable military sources' but no solid rhetoric from anyone of importance in the Turkish military.

The poster Surenas suffers from crotch fungus. According to knowledgeable sources available to me the OP is also known to have severely beaten up his mother and grandfather over an argument over whose turn to take out the garbage. Reliable interviews with neighbors who wish to remain anonymous also reveals that the OP has been spotted on several occasions climbing over the fence at night to steal Chickens, mangoes and petrol siphoned from pried opened fuel tanks.
This is absolutely hilarious!
An obscure source citing 'knowledgeable sources' and 'reliable military sources' but no solid rhetoric from anyone of importance in the Turkish military.

The poster Surenas suffers from crotch fungus. According to knowledgeable sources available to me the OP is also known to have severely beaten up his mother and grandfather over an argument over whose turn to take out the garbage. Reliable interviews with neighbors who wish to remain anonymous also reveals that the OP has been spotted on several occasions climbing over the fence at night to steal Chickens, mangoes and petrol siphoned from pried opened fuel tanks.

Indian Trolls love to use any source even if the content has no truth in it to bash China.
I hope the American systems are as good as the ones battle tested and sold to Taiwan. They were truely world class indeed.
not a good place to post this kind of news :p:.... the chinese horde will be really mad now.....just a few days ago they went overboard by this selection by Turkish Forces... So after all it was not the technology what was the criterion for the selection.. just pure politics only..
Seems you are very happy, outsider?!

Erdogan chose the chinese crap because he was unhappy with obama not attacking syria.
BTW todayszaman is one of turkey's most reliable news source.
Oh, I think you should focus on "advanced" weapon, to decide import which one next time, this is thread about chinese "crap" weapon!

@UKBengali is going to froth at the mouth after reading this

As for the chinese posters,they're going to scream propaganda,that's their job after all,however embarassing it might be,nevermind that this is a turkish source,it's pretty natural for the turkish press to have insiders in the Turkish Armed Forces but don't expect the 50cent army to understand how a free press works.
Speaking of screaming propaganda, how can we match indian and other "democratic" western countries, you had said "free press works", but seems youself don't understand it, negative and positive is always there, don't talk shit here, whether H9 is good, not you big mouth can decide, we are the player, but you, just always be outsider, sad!
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Chinese Missile system is one of the world best systems and in some cases they are leaders in technologies i.e Anti Satellite Missiles, Anti Aircraft Carrier Missiles, transporter erector launcher (TEL) Missiles etc
@UKBengali is going to froth at the mouth after reading this

As for the chinese posters,they're going to scream propaganda,that's their job after all,however embarassing it might be,nevermind that this is a turkish source,it's pretty natural for the turkish press to have insiders in the Turkish Armed Forces but don't expect the 50cent army to understand how a free press works.

Talking about "free press", after so many scandals about the US spying, is so hilarious.
I wonder if there is ever "free press" anywhere in this world since the modern era, or "free press" is just a propaganda created by the West to denounce their enemies. It seems that the people in the West are free to show their opinions, provided that they must be in the line of their government. Not much different to the Soviet press.
@UKBengali is going to froth at the mouth after reading this

As for the chinese posters,they're going to scream propaganda,that's their job after all,however embarassing it might be,nevermind that this is a turkish source,it's pretty natural for the turkish press to have insiders in the Turkish Armed Forces but don't expect the 50cent army to understand how a free press works.

I didn't know Fox and CNN was communist.

Cause if what they say about India is true, then well....

A turkish source is apparently the most truthworthy dude since jesus christ, but our Government's official announcements are lies?

A lot of Democratic countries have free speech, now tell me, how much do you believe your media?

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