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Turkish military very unhappy with Chinese missiles, mad at US

The US Patriot system may be, just may be, better, but the execution is poor due to the low morale and poor workmanship.

Just look at the recent ObamaCare fiasco. The health care system costed up-to-now $600m to develop which is ridiculously expensive. It crapped out on the first day when the system went online. Only about 240 people got registered on the first day. Now they have to hire another "expert" to fix the system. And it won't be ready for another month. On top of that, even if the system can do what it is supposed to do, the security risk is VERY high. In other words, it can be broken into and the data be stolen.
The system failed the test the day before it was launched KNOWINGLY.

If there is any indication the US can do anything right....

Having the money to make shiny things doesn't mean they will work, and work properly.
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Talking about "free press", after so many scandals about the US spying, is so hilarious.
I wonder if there is ever "free press" anywhere in this world since the modern era, or "free press" is just a propaganda created by the West to denounce their enemies. It seems that the people in the West are free to show their opinions, provided that they must be in the line of their government. Not much different to the Soviet press.

As a matter of fact, we do have a quasi free press when it deals with internal matters or matters that happen within our cultural or ideological sphere. But looking at the recent NSA scandal, here in Germany, it has become so evident even for the not interested masses that our free press has its limit. Anything that comes close to questioning our system will be suppressed and the system has not problems to even sacrifice an elected president if it helps to keep the system alive.
Back from my walk....continue with my rants on the US supa dupa missle system.....

Air Force officers left nuclear missile bunker door open TWICE
  • This year two Air Force officers caught leaving open a 'blast door'
  • The officers, known as missileers, are custodians of keys that could launch nuclear hell
  • The blast doors are never to be left open if one of the crew members inside is asleep
  • Leaving the door open gives access to intruders, compromising secret launch codes
  • It reflects a mindset far removed from the Cold War days when the U.S. lived in fear of a nuclear strike by the Soviet Union
  • The crew members and commanders were reprimanded and given administrative punishments
  • It comes less than two weeks after two senior commanders of nuclear forces were fired over 'loss of trust'
  • Maj. Gen Michael Carey was fired on October 11 in response to an investigation into personal misbehaviour
  • Carey took command of the ICBM force, based at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, in June 2012
  • On October 9 the second-in-command at U.S. Strategic Command, Vice Adm. Tim Giardina, was relieved of command over alleged gambling issues

US nearly detonated atomic bomb over North Carolina – secret document
Exclusive: Journalist uses Freedom of Information Act to disclose 1961 accident in which one switch averted catastrophe

US nearly detonated atomic bomb over North Carolina – secret document | World news | The Guardian

Can you really trust the US managing their military arsenal.

As far as I know F35 not battle tested.
F22 not battle tested.
F16 were used against mis-matched foes.

My conclusion is the US is a cotton tiger.
WTF is wrong with this forum?

All the words are stretched across and can't read things properly.
Folks often forget that in the last five decades the USA military just attacked the weak countries which posed a very unbalanced military powers and having very weak air missile defense.

I try to list those victimized countries as below (in reverse order started from the latest):

What kind of similarity that you see in those countries above?

USA USA USA .... :usflag: :guns: :usflag::guns:

“Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business." - the neocon, Michael Ledeen

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