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Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

40mm ammunition against concrete wall??
Or you just send every where your t72s?
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Look another French 105mm variant
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Wait last but not least there is the bloody British gun!!!!

Green Mace
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So you want a Rooikat?

Should have just said that.
But my favorite is ARES platform with 60 pieces 75mm cased telescope ammunition.



Edit: unfortunately rooikats turret doesn't have auto and rapid fire capacity.
İ found the 76 caliber of rooikats too powerful and large. There are another 76mm low pressured and smart cartridges which i just shared above.
İ am just trying to tell about crewless turrets.
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Using AntiTank Guided missiles which are more expensive than buildings in middle east??? Sometime you just need cheap suppression fire. Using tanks in city aren't smart if 90mm FSV gives enough fire power.
Again I would like to underline the terms " crewless turret, auto loading rapid fire with medium caliber , urban warfare , tactical wheeled vehicles".

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Using AntiTank Guided missiles which are more expensive than buildings in middle east??? Sometime you just need cheap suppression fire. Using tanks in city aren't smart if 90mm FSV gives enough fire power.
Again I would like to underline the terms " crewless turret, auto loading rapid fire with medium caliber , urban warfare , tactical wheeled vehicles".
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Why not oto melara?
Modern one

And this
Too big and large platform for urban warfare also coplicated design and long caliber are for just AA missions. Also they have limited ready to fire ammunition capacity.
I can't imagine those beatiues in the middle of the Syrian streets against some terrorists positions.


There are several 76 mm calibers. This one is too long so more powerful and has big recoil. İ mean low pressure guns with crewless turrets with more ready to fire ammunition capacity.








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Good Question...

Guess we are waiting for BMC to publish a picture of a IFV and 8x8 so they can order a couple thousand of those and then until they go into production sooo around 2060 we will finally see modern IFVs and 8x8s? Around the same time BMC maybe will finally get the serial production started for Altay.
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What vehicles will be added in 2020 to the inventory of the land forces ?
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