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Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

Can someone explain the importance of this developement to me?

Replacing the current foreign chipsets which they use in their electronic equipments.

For example Atlas Potable radio 4900

"Possesing ARM based Processor"

I think it is save to say that every equipment which Aselsan produces needs this.

About RISC-V

"RISC-V (pronounced “risk-five”) is a new instruction set architecture (ISA) that was originally designed to support computer architecture research and education and is now set to become a standard open architecture for industry implementations under the governance of the RISC-V Foundation. The RISC-V ISA was originally developed in the Computer Science Division of the EECS Department at the University of California, Berkeley."

Aselsan is a Silver Member
So strictly speaking it's not exactly a genuine Aselsan architecture/technology. Don't get me wrong, I'm not dismissing this. It's very good for Aselsan to adopt such open-source technologies as needed but I just wish the media didn't introduce such developments as genuine, new, authentic Turkish technology.

This is akin to Turkish media saying we've developed a new computer operating system a few years ago because they came up with a new Linux distro named Pardus. There are hundreds of different distros and Pardus really isn't any special other than featuring Turkish as its default language.
I am waiting the day that turkey will produce graphics card.Will be a great achieve
I'm very skeptical about this claim. The initial investment cost of Mass production of a silicon semiconductor is at least One billion dollar. And It needs whole new factory which designed for this purpose. We would have known long before production started. I have been interested into advanced microprocessors for a long time including their designs, history and their manufacturing. But This tweet seems to me either BS or misunderstanding (only design of Risc architecture chips Not manufacturing silicon semiconductor chips).
So strictly speaking it's not exactly a genuine Aselsan architecture/technology. Don't get me wrong, I'm not dismissing this. It's very good for Aselsan to adopt such open-source technologies as needed but I just wish the media didn't introduce such developments as genuine, new, authentic Turkish technology.

This is akin to Turkish media saying we've developed a new computer operating system a few years ago because they came up with a new Linux distro named Pardus. There are hundreds of different distros and Pardus really isn't any special other than featuring Turkish as its default language.

It will be Aselsan's architecture and technology. Using an existing instruction set doesn't change that at all. In fact, using a different instruction set would make the thing almost useless as none of the existing software chain could be used to develop software for it or run on it.
Whether it is fully researched and developed by foreigners or not, is really irrelevant. Aselsan being a silver member of EECS Department in the described university is making strides in gaining the necessary knowledge in development and production of these chipsets. These might come off as "baby steps" for some and because it is not fully developed solely by Aselsan, might not become appealing however, Aselsan has made the initiative to make concrete steps to become self sufficient in this area. Being a spectator in the institution today will eventually enable Aselsan to gather sufficient knowledge to make its own in the coming years.
It will be Aselsan's architecture and technology. Using an existing instruction set doesn't change that at all. In fact, using a different instruction set would make the thing almost useless as none of the existing software chain could be used to develop software for it or run on it.

You really can't deviate that much from the existing architecture, maybe rearrange modules within the chip set. But the moment you build a new block it has to be added within the ISA to support it and than modify the compiler so it knows it has such and such instructions. Its better to stick to something which is acknowledged by many than trying to do something unique.
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DAG observatory to be opened in 2020

Anadolu Agency

The Eastern Anatolian Observatory, built in Erzurum and expected by scientists with curiosity, is expected to be operational in 2020.

Governor of Erzurum Seyfettin Azizoğlu, Rector of Atatürk University Dr. Ömer Çomaklı examined the construction of the observatory, which was built in the town of Karakaya Tepeleri, at 3170 meters above sea level, and in which there will be a telescope that is unique in the world.

Governor Azizoglu, after the examinations, told journalists, Erzurum'nın so far reminded of the livestock as a city known.

Azizoğlu expressed that the city has become a city of industry and science after this, said:

"It will be the largest observatory in Turkey, and it will be among the two most important observatories in the world, seeing the future, going beyond the age, and nobody imagined it, but this is about to happen. we will begin to observe, and all the scientists in the world will benefit from this observation. "

Rector Prof. Dr. Çomaklı thanked President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım for their support in the construction of the observatory.

"This project is Turkey's largest investment research project supported by the Ministry of Development, where all the observatory stations with a diameter of 4 meters and equipment and laboratories will be able to perform maintenance, a research center, "he said.

Eastern Anatolia Observatory Project Coordinator Astrophysicist Assoc. Dr. Cahit Yeşilyaprak said that the construction was difficult because of the system to be found in and on the observatory, he said:

"We will have the first light in 2020 and bring this telescope to the astronomy, space, and science community ... Turkey's largest 4-meter diameter single-piece telescope ... Apart from the region where the human eye is sensitive, it is Turkey's first ultraviolet telescope, which has around 10 or so 4-meter class telescopes around the world, but with the few optics and the latest technological features we have added, this will be the only telescope in the world.

Yeşilyaprak stated that they would bring a technology at the top level in 4 meters optically to Turkey and all the design, software part was made by the Turkish team.

"Here at this latitude longitude there is no telescope on earth in this diameter," said Yeşilyaprak,

"When we look at all of the big telescopes we have in Hawaii and Chile where there is daytime and this is the night so it has become an attractive place for the continuation of the projects there. All of the world's astronomy and science museum has the eye to this telescope. longitude and latitude. It is the most important criterion from astronomical point of view that the snowfall in Erzurum is too much but the humidity is low and the weather is cold. It is ideal for cold weather because we are going to make an infrared observation and snowfall is important because it cleans the atmosphere.

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Anadolu Agency

MS Spektral, a Turkish firm located in Technocity at Hacettepe University, has developed an “infrared monitoring system” that can latently capture the image of an enemy from a distance of 10 kilometres in darkness.

Onur Haliloğlu, top executive of MS Spektral, indicated that the product was used to detect targets at a long distance particularly in border areas, and said: "The device is capable of detecting human beings from kilometres away. One of the most important features is that it can illuminate a distance of 10 kilometres with a laser light source and capture the images of target stealthily."

Haliloğlu also pointed that the system could be used to detect illegal migrants wishing to enter a country by sea.
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In the first phase, YITAL plans to develop the production processes of critical technologies for the country and to produce gyroscopes / accelerometers, uncooled infra-red detectors, radar signal processing circuits and national microprocessors.

YİTAL 'milli şirket' oldu

TÜBİTAK Başkanı Ergin, "Yarı İletken Teknolojileri Araştırma Laboratuvarı'nın, 'YİTAL Mikroelektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ' unvanıyla ticari bir şirket olarak 'güvenilir yarı-iletken üretimevi' statüsünde yoluna devam etmesi hedefleniyor" dedi.


Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu (TÜBİTAK) Başkanı Prof. Dr. Arif Ergin, Yarı İletken Teknolojileri Araştırma Laboratuvarı'nın (YİTAL), "YİTAL Mikroelektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ" unvanıyla ticari bir şirket olarak 'güvenilir yarı-iletken üretimevi' statüsünde yoluna devam etmesinin hedeflendiğini belirterek, "Şirketin TÜBİTAK Gebze kampüsünde kurulacak fabrikasında, ilk aşamada ülke için kritik öneme sahip teknolojilerdeki üretim proseslerinin geliştirilmesi öngörülüyor." dedi.

Ergin, AA muhabirine yaptığı açıklamada, "YİTAL Mikroelektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ" unvanıyla şirketleşen, TÜBİTAK Yarı İletken Teknolojileri Araştırma Laboratuvarı faaliyetlerine ilişkin değerlendirmelerde bulundu.

YİTAL'in 1983 yılında TÜBİTAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi (MAM) kapsamında yarı iletken teknoloji alanlarında araştırma yapmak amacıyla kurulduğunu hatırlatan Ergin, söz konusu laboratuvarın halen TÜBİTAK Bilgi Güvenliği İleri Teknolojiler Araştırma Merkezi (BİLGEM) bünyesinde faaliyetlerine devam ettiğini anlattı.

Ergin, YİTAL'in, Türkiye'nin yarı iletken teknolojilerinde sahada kullanılmak üzere tümdevre üretimi yapılan tek merkezi olduğuna dikkati çekerek, "800 metrekarelik laboratuvarımız tümdevre üretimi için gerekli olan tümdevre tasarımı, maske üretme, pul işleme, pul üzerinde test, kılıflama, devre testi ve yaşlandırma süreçlerinin tümünün gerçekleştirilmesini sağlayan altyapıya sahip." diye konuştu.

"Kimlik kartları YİTAL tasarımı"
TÜBİTAK Ulusal Elektronik ve Kriptoloji Araştırma Enstitüsünde (UEKAE) geliştirilen kripto cihazları milli algoritma içeren kripto tümdevrelerinin, 1999 yılında ilk kez YİTAL'de tasarlanıp Türkiye'de üretildiğini anımsatan Ergin, "YİTAL tasarım ekibi, sayısal tümdevre tasarımındaki yoğun tecrübesini ve güvenli devre tasarımı bilgisini bir arada kullanarak, Türkiye'nin ilk Milli Akıllı Kart Tümdevresi'ni de tasarladı ve tasarlanan tümdevreler kimlik kartların kullanıma sunuldu." ifadesini kullandı.

Ergin, Silahlı İnsansız Hava Araçlarının (SİHA) temel mühimmatı olan Mini Akıllı Mühimmat (MAM-L) ve ATAK helikopterlerinde kullanılan Cirit gibi füze sistemlerinin arayıcı başlıklarında kullanılan yarı iletken detektörlerin, YİTAL'de geliştirilen fotodetektör teknolojisiyle üretildiğini ve bu sayede söz konusu detektörlerin yerli üretimle savunma sanayi firmalarının kullanımına sunulduğunu söyledi.

"YİTAL AŞ'nin sermayesi 17,5 milyon lira"
Yarı iletken ve benzeri teknolojik malzemeleri içeren mikro ve nano boyutlu aygıtlarla ilgili faaliyet göstermek amacıyla, yüzde 51'i ASELSAN'a, yüzde 29'u TÜBİTAK'a ve yüzde 20'si Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı'na ait olmak üzere "YİTAL Mikroelektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ" unvanlı şirket kurulduğu aktaran Ergin, şirket sermayesinin 17 milyon 462 bin 500 lira olduğu ve kuruluşunun tescil edildiğini kaydetti.

Ergin, YİTAL'in ticari bir şirket olarak "güvenilir yarı-iletken üretimevi" statüsünde yoluna devam etmesinin hedeflendiğinin altını çizerek, "Şirketin TÜBİTAK Gebze kampüsünde kurulacak fabrikasında, ilk aşamada ülke için kritik öneme sahip teknolojilerdeki üretim proseslerinin geliştirilmesi öngörülüyor ve dönüölçer/ivmeölçerlerin, soğutmasız kızıl-ötesi detektörler, radar işaret işleme devreleri ve milli mikroişlemcilerin üretilmesi planlanıyor." değerlendirmesinde bulundu.

YİTAL'in TÜBİTAK bünyesinde bilimsel faaliyetlerine devam edeceğine değinen Ergin, laboratuvarın yarı iletken teknolojilerdeki gelişmelere öncülük edeceğini ve bu alandaki insan kaynağının nitelik ve nicelik olarak artmasına katkı sağlayacağını vurguladı.

Very impressed with domestic Turkish industry's

Top quality need to keep price down

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