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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
I know the vision to be the top ten economy in the year of 2023, but it was not a subject in this discussion.
The subject in this discussion is this.

The current government should not brag about turkey being the seventeenth economy in the world, since turkey was always on the seventeenth place since the eighties.

Well sinan while you're at it. Is the statement above true or false.

We were in not Top 20 in 80's... but I agree with the bragging part. We were 18th in the year 2000 and 17th in year 2005.

List of countries by largest historical GDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We were in not Top 20 in 80's... but I agree with the bragging part. We were 18th in the year 2000 and 17th in year 2005.

List of countries by largest historical GDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

İ'm not lying to you guys. İt really was 22th back in 2001.

Data comes directly from the World bank.

But I want an answer for this.
Is Turkey's economy since the eighties on rank 17 ? Has the economy jumped 5 ranks up since the year 2002 .

Ok, Turkey was not 17th but 20th thats not a really huge difference.
The economy doesnt just grow it can also shrink, you take 2002 as reference 3 years after a disastrous earthquake and one year after a huge economic crisis in Turkey. What do you think what will happen today if same earthquake happens again, economy will still grow, or another crisis?

In the end of the day we was 20th in 1980 and 17th today, Erdogan is the first person who said we will enter top ten, not me or another guy from PDF, and i dont believe in Erdogans propaganda of entering top ten in 2023 because of this facts, its that simple.
Ok, Turkey was not 17th but 20th thats not a really huge difference.
The economy doesnt just grow it can also shrink, you take 2002 as reference 3 years after a disastrous earthquake and one year after a huge economic crisis in Turkey. What do you think what will happen today if same earthquake happens again, economy will still grow, or another crisis?

In the end of the day we was 20th in 1980 and 17th today, Erdogan is the first person who said we will enter top ten, not me or another guy from PDF, and i dont believe in Erdogans propaganda of entering top ten in 2023 because of this facts, its that simple.

Japan, İndonesia, China and İndia. All had disastrous natural disasters. Some of them were much bigger than Turkey. Can you tell me how these four countries are doing currently?
İf a crisis hits you, you need a very good management or else the entire nation will get screwed up. A great example for this would be Argentina.
İ don't understand why you insist on making comparison with the past. Past results don't mean jack in the future. Or else we wouldn't praise anyone for it's achievements until he reaches the statue of the ottoman empire in it's golden age.

İ have said it before, İ'll say it again. İn the term of AKP the economy of the nation went up 5 places in the world economy. And this is their achievement and this is also why they keep getting votes. Simple as that!

Anyways let's end this discussion. İt seems were getting nowhere. İf i broke your heart in some way, İ'm sorry.
We need more technological development, entrepreneurship.

We need to make micro chips, 4k screens, processors, software, automobiles, engines.


Look at South Korea, Samsung is probably worth 3X as koç Holding. Look at Japan, I can name you hundreds of brands, Toyota, honda, Sony, Panasonic. South Korea, LG, Samsung, Kia and so many.

We need to invest more in technology, research and development.

Our Aim should not make stupid and unrealistic goals like AKP that trick idiots who have no idea of the world. Ask people in the street what is our economy growing they will say like 9+% most of them while it's growing 3% last quarter, what a joke. What is '' failing '' America growing? Like 2%. What is Europe growing like 1%. We need to grow atleast 9% so we catch up quickly and become a rich country and in top 10 economies.
We need more technological development, entrepreneurship.

We need to make micro chips, 4k screens, processors, software, automobiles, engines.


Look at South Korea, Samsung is probably worth 3X as koç Holding. Look at Japan, I can name you hundreds of brands, Toyota, honda, Sony, Panasonic. South Korea, LG, Samsung, Kia and so many.

We need to invest more in technology, research and development.

Our Aim should not make stupid and unrealistic goals like AKP that trick idiots who have no idea of the world. Ask people in the street what is our economy growing they will say like 9+% most of them while it's growing 3% last quarter, what a joke. What is '' failing '' America growing? Like 2%. What is Europe growing like 1%. We need to grow atleast 9% so we catch up quickly and become a rich country and in top 10 economies.

Since we are idiots who don't know anying of the world. You must be the one that knows everything about the world.
İnstead of using caps locks to get some attention, İ highly suggest you come up with a solution. :)

Today is my trololololol day :)
Japan, İndonesia, China and İndia. All had disastrous natural disasters. Some of them were much bigger than Turkey. Can you tell me how these four countries are doing currently?
İf a crisis hits you, you need a very good management or else the entire nation will get screwed up. A great example for this would be Argentina.
İ don't understand why you insist on making comparison with the past. Past results don't mean jack in the future. Or else we wouldn't praise anyone for it's achievements until he reaches the statue of the ottoman empire in it's golden age.

İ have said it before, İ'll say it again. İn the term of AKP the economy of the nation went up 5 places in the world economy. And this is their achievement and this is also why they keep getting votes. Simple as that!

Anyways let's end this discussion. İt seems were getting nowhere. İf i broke your heart in some way, İ'm sorry.

The only developed country under them is Japan, wich is highly industrialised and has a almost a perfect disaster management, unlike us. The other 3 are huge countrys with a huge population you cant compare these countrys with Turkey.

No doubt about that AKP has a good economic management but i dont belive that we will enter top ten, just look at the list with top ten countrys its allmost impossible.

Btw, i misunderstood you no sorry needed.
Since we are idiots who don't know anying of the world. You must be the one that knows everything about the world.
İnstead of using caps locks to get some attention, İ highly suggest you come up with a solution. :)

Today is my trololololol day :)

There is many solutions but it won't work with this government ever because their mentality isn't suitable. For them it's all about trying to be a hero and building more mosques. We need a total mentality change.
There is many solutions but it won't work with this government ever because their mentality isn't suitable. For them it's all about trying to be a hero and building more mosques. We need a total mentality change.
Try to work with wat you have and not what you want to have.
Lets say we have a different government and not the AKP.
Give us some ideas on how to improve things or how to go forward.
The only developed country under them is Japan, wich is highly industrialised and has a almost a perfect disaster management, unlike us. The other 3 are huge countrys with a huge population you cant compare these countrys with Turkey.

No doubt about that AKP has a good economic management but i dont belive that we will enter top ten, just look at the list with top ten countrys its allmost impossible.

Btw, i misunderstood you no sorry needed.

Well my friend,

İ also don't believe we can get to top 10 in the next year. 4 years ago there was a great potential to achieve this, but in the current economic climate it seems impossible to achieve this. Unless there will be some great event that will make it possible again.

Neverthless we will keep growing, we'll also move up in ranks. But top 10 ? Nah not in the next 10 years.
Try to work with wat you have and not what you want to have.
Lets say we have a different government and not the AKP.
Give us some ideas on how to improve things or how to go forward.

Make educational reforms and make Information Technology a compulsory subject and more focus on it, provide extra funding for people who want to make start ups, make a national program of engines and many many more things.
Make educational reforms and make Information Technology a compulsory subject and more focus on it, provide extra funding for people who want to make start ups, make a national program of engines and many many more things.

Most of the things you stated are all ready being implented. People that have a good feasibility report, which also contributes to the export and economy are all ready getting free money and nearly to zero interest rated loans.

Currently there's a tender going on for our first national car. Not to mention that it was going to be given to Koç, our man with the most experience on car industry. He rejected it and made a statement of " producing a domestic car is like suicide".

İncreasing the R&D expenditure has all ready been set as a aim to produce more durable and cost efficient products.

Come up with something new, that's not being implented all ready.
Most of the things you stated are all ready being implented. People that have a good feasibility report, which also contributes to the export and economy are all ready getting free money and nearly to zero interest rated loans.

Currently there's a tender going on for our first national car. Not to mention that it was going to be given to Koç, our man with the most experience on car industry. He rejected it and made a statement of " producing a domestic car is like suicide".

İncreasing the R&D expenditure has all ready been set as a aim to produce more durable and cost efficient products.

Come up with something new, that's not being implented all ready.

The first national car of Turkey was Devrim made in 1960, please be sure before writing anything.

No one here should try to discover America again; just look at the Bric countries in respect of their strategical development plans for the next 5-10-20 years. here is a link to compare The Bric countries with Turkey, written by Mahfi EĞİLMEZ:

Tablo ve grafiklere baktığımda üç alanda çok net bir başarı görüyorum: Enflasyon, faiz ve bütçe dengesi. Bu üç alandaki başarının temelinde bütçedeki başarı yatıyor. Bütçe açığı düştükçe enflasyon, enflasyon düştükçe faiz düştü. Büyüme ortalama olarak başarılı sayılır. Bunlara karşılık işsizlik ve cari dengede başarısızlık söz konusu.


... and then we continue with the result of the 9. 5-year development plan of Turkish government (2007-2013):

•2014-2018 dönemini kapsayacak 10. Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı’nın çalışmaları başladı.

•Halen yürürlükteki 9. kalkınma planına bakıldığında ise hedeflerin kağıt üzerinde kaldığı, dönem için öngörülen yıllık ortalama GSYH büyüme hedefinin yarısına dahi ulaşılamadığı görülüyor.

•7 yıllık bir süre için hazırlanan 9. Planda 2007-2013 döneminde yıllık ortalama yüzde 7 büyüme hedeflenmişti. 2007-2012 ortalamasında büyüme oranı yüzde 3.3’te kaldı.

•2013 için öngörüldüğü gibi yüzde 4’lük büyüme yakalansa bile plan dönemi olan 2007-2013 itibariyle yıllık ortalama büyüme yüzde 3.4’te kalacak.

•Plan dönemi için tarımda yüzde 3.6 öngörülen yıllık ortalama büyüme, yüzde 2.2, sanayide yüzde 7.8 öngörülen oran yüzde 3.8’de, hizmetlerde ise yüzde 7.3 öngörülürken yüzde 4’te kalacak.

•Sabit sermaye yatırımlarında 9. Plan dönemi için yüzde 9.1 olarak öngörülen yıllık ortalama büyüme yüzde 3’lerde, mal ve hizmet ihracatında yüzde 11.2 olarak öngörülen yıllık ortalama artış yüzde 5 dolayında kalıyor.

•Türkiye, 2000 yılında kişi başına milli gelirde 62’ci ülkeydi, 2012’de 63’üncülüğe düştü.

•9. Plan’da 2013 itibariyle yüzde 7.7’ye düşmesi hedeflenen işsizlik oranı, bu yılın Şubat sonu itibariyle yüzde 10.5 oldu. 2013’te yüzde 50’yi aşması ve dönem ortalamasında yüzde 49.8 olması öngörülen işgücüne katılım oranı Şubat sonu itibariyle yüzde 49.6’de; 2013 sonunda yüzde 46.8’e ulaşması öngörülen istihdam oranı da yüzde 44.4’te kaldı.

•2013’te 210 milyar dolara ulaşması hedeflenen ihracat (fob) 2012 itibariyle 152.5 milyar dolarda kaldı, 2013 Programında ise yıllık 158 milyar dolar olarak hedeflendi. Bu veriler, AKP’nin “2023’te 500 milyar dolar ihracat” hedefinin ne kadar gerçekçi olduğunu ortaya koyuyor.

•AKP, 9. Plan döneminin son yıl olan 2013’te yıllık enflasyonu (TÜFE) yüzde 3’e düşürmeyi hedeflemişti. Ancak bunun da gerçekçi olmadığı ortaya çıktı; 2012’de yüzde 6.2 çıkan yıllık enflasyon için en son hedef yüzde 5.3.

•AKP hükümeti ve bürokratları, yaptıkları kalkınma planında Türkiye’nin nüfusunu dahi doğru tahmin edemediler. Planda, nüfusun 2013 ortalamasında 79 milyona ulaşacağı öngörülmüştü. Şimdi ise 2012’de 74.9 olan nüfusun 2013’te 75.8 milyon düzeyinde gerçekleşeceği tahmin ediliyor.

now There is 10. development plan; however, if they cannot predict and get based their prediction on the calculation and then fail ; why should someone here defend the current government by saying ''come up with new things' ?
The first national car of Turkey was Devrim made in 1960, please be sure before writing anything.

No one here should try to discover America again; just look at the Bric countries in respect of their strategical development plans for the next 5-10-20 years. here is a link to compare The Bric countries with Turkey, written by Mahfi EĞİLMEZ:


... and then we continue with the result of the 9. 5-year development plan of Turkish government (2007-2013):

now There is 10. development plan; however, if they cannot predict and get based their prediction on the calculation and then fail ; why should someone here defend the current government by saying ''come up with new things' ?

For the national car part, it was meant as our first national car, which will also go to production and hit the markets.

İ don't need to compare my country to other countries. With some aspects we will be better, with other aspects they will be better.
Although it proves one major thing. Developping economies will always have their flaws until they actually get developped.

Now lets get to the last source. A very interesting one here. İt seems to have been able to spot non-achieved predictions of the government back in 2007, but somehow managed to not to be able to see the achieved ones. A splendid anti government article in this context, not to mention some lies in the source you quoted (by the author).

First of all a 5 years plan is a plan, it never gets achieved fully. İt would be strange to achieve this, since Turkey would probably be the first nation to be able to fulfill a entire plan. Not to mention the global crisis that hit back in 2009 made many countries fail on their 5 years plan. You're blaiming a global failure to a single government.

Oh the lie İ was talking about.
How the heck is this possible "Türkiye, 2000 yılında kişi başına milli gelirde 62’ci ülkeydi, 2012’de 63’üncülüğe düştü."?
For the national car part, it was meant as our first national car, which will also go to production and hit the markets.

İ don't need to compare my country to other countries. With some aspects we will be better, with other aspects they will be better.
Although it proves one major thing. Developping economies will always have their flaws until they actually get developped.

Now lets get to the last source. A very interesting one here. İt seems to have been able to spot non-achieved predictions of the government back in 2007, but somehow managed to not to be able to see the achieved ones. A splendid anti government article in this context, not to mention some lies in the source you quoted (by the author).

First of all a 5 years plan is a plan, it never gets achieved fully. İt would be strange to achieve this, since Turkey would probably be the first nation to be able to fulfill a entire plan. Not to mention the global crisis that hit back in 2009 made many countries fail on their 5 years plan. You're blaiming a global failure to a single government.

Oh the lie İ was talking about.
How the heck is this possible "Türkiye, 2000 yılında kişi başına milli gelirde 62’ci ülkeydi, 2012’de 63’üncülüğe düştü."?

i came up with the figures (Facts actually) between 2007-2013, you come up with 'lies,flaws, global crisis'' etc. arguments instead of refuting me with some figures.

This just draws the line between you and me; unlike you, i consider the Country first and then think the government or other things; i am idealistic, so you do not expect me to praise the government; i am not an AKP follower, so i leave it to people like you to praise the government.

it is really sad that some people try to praise the government instead of trying to seek for the best for the country.
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