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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
It seems im unable to create a thread - I'll just add it here and hear your opinion on this matter, since it is in many ways an economical/political matter.

Why does Turkey not take an initiative in establishing a coalition of the most developed muslim Sunni nations. Ultimately Turks are not descendants of Arabs. We are in essence an Asian nation - and our interests in many ways coincide with those of the most developed Sunni Developed Asian Nations that is Malaysia and Indonesia. Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia, if we look from economical perspectives are the only Muslim sunni majority countries that is developing a robust economy, almost entirely independent of posessing any oil and gas (Pakistan - also a muslim majority non-arab country could be part of this coalition, but they need to get their shit together). Work ethics and discipline (look at Japan/Korea) seems to be of uttermost importance for growth.

Let us be honest here, Turkey is not being accepted into EU because we are esentially a Muslim country that for centuries have fought and in history defeated the European Christians, and suffered defeat. The European Union is strong, not only because of geographical proximity, but because they agree to work towards a common goal, which in return makes them stronger and bigger rewards tend to be generated.

Any opinions?
It seems im unable to create a thread - I'll just add it here and hear your opinion on this matter, since it is in many ways an economical/political matter.

Why does Turkey not take an initiative in establishing a coalition of the most developed muslim Sunni nations. Ultimately Turks are not descendants of Arabs. We are in essence an Asian nation - and our interests in many ways coincide with those of the most developed Sunni Developed Asian Nations that is Malaysia and Indonesia. Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia, if we look from economical perspectives are the only Muslim sunni majority countries that is developing a robust economy, almost entirely independent of posessing any oil and gas (Pakistan - also a muslim majority non-arab country could be part of this coalition, but they need to get their shit together). Work ethics and discipline (look at Japan/Korea) seems to be of uttermost importance for growth.

Let us be honest here, Turkey is not being accepted into EU because we are esentially a Muslim country that for centuries have fought and in history defeated the European Christians, and suffered defeat. The European Union is strong, not only because of geographical proximity, but because they agree to work towards a common goal, which in return makes them stronger and bigger rewards tend to be generated.

Any opinions?

Do you want to replace D8, why?
Do you want to replace D8, why?
Although the intentions behind d8 was and is important i don't think it will provide much cohesion among its members. There is way too much difference. Im writing on phone atm so im not at liberty to do research on d8. But as far as i remember you have nations like Nigeria Pakistan Iran etc. Countries like Pakistan and Nigeria are sadly way too underdeveloped. And we don't have much common interest with Iran atm.

Turkey Malaysia and Indonesia are somewhat equally developed and are all sunni majority countries. An investment of higher cooperation with these countries would provide us an entirely new powerhouse and a model for the rest of muslim countries.
Maybe we will see something resembling this in a few decades - especially considering the growth and potential of Indonesia
When it's only a few countries you don't have to name a union or anything. Just go ahead and offer cooperation on particular matters of common interest and there you are.
USA, Britain and Australia are 3 countries as well, but they have constructed similar interests in their anglosphere world politics. I am well aware of the huge difference in economic output and power generally when it comes to countries like Turkey and Indonesia, but there is potential.
I'm not suggesting you give them a specific union or name under one umbrella. But i still think it is a viable option. Right now we are in the NATO camp led by the US and we almost always have to follow their strategic moves around the globe. Seems very limiting.
We are sadly not in a geographical location like Japan, hence we have to deal with many different problems facing our country and immediate sorroundings. If we were as homogeneous as Japan/Korea and did not have neighbours as ours we would be in a much better position altogether for growth.
USA, Britain and Australia are 3 countries as well, but they have constructed similar interests in their anglosphere world politics. I am well aware of the huge difference in economic output and power generally when it comes to countries like Turkey and Indonesia, but there is potential.
I'm not suggesting you give them a specific union or name under one umbrella. But i still think it is a viable option. Right now we are in the NATO camp led by the US and we almost always have to follow their strategic moves around the globe. Seems very limiting.
We are sadly not in a geographical location like Japan, hence we have to deal with many different problems facing our country and immediate sorroundings. If we were as homogeneous as Japan/Korea and did not have neighbours as ours we would be in a much better position altogether for growth.

They are ANGLO SAXON ethnics and have access to Echelon. They are the greatest pact on the globe. You forgot Canada.
USA, Britain and Australia are 3 countries as well, but they have constructed similar interests in their anglosphere world politics. I am well aware of the huge difference in economic output and power generally when it comes to countries like Turkey and Indonesia, but there is potential.
I'm not suggesting you give them a specific union or name under one umbrella. But i still think it is a viable option. Right now we are in the NATO camp led by the US and we almost always have to follow their strategic moves around the globe. Seems very limiting.
We are sadly not in a geographical location like Japan, hence we have to deal with many different problems facing our country and immediate sorroundings. If we were as homogeneous as Japan/Korea and did not have neighbours as ours we would be in a much better position altogether for growth.

Indonesia and Malaysia are not former Turkish colonies like USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the 53 Commonwealth countries are of The Great Britain. If we have a good move to make we can offer Indonesia and Malaysia and any other relevant countres to join us in our move. We don't need other arrangements and declare the world that we stand togather. We already wish to cooperate with them in the military and humanitarian areas, and all areas where cooperation will be productive. No problem with that.
Indonesia and Malaysia are not former Turkish colonies like USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the 53 Commonwealth countries are of The Great Britain. If we have a good move to make we can offer Indonesia and Malaysia and any other relevant countres to join us in our move. We don't need other arrangements and declare the world that we stand togather. We already wish to cooperate with them in the military and humanitarian areas, and all areas where cooperation will be productive. No problem with that.
So we should indefinately continue on the US' locomotive?
So we should indefinately continue on the US' locomotive?

No we should not. But we must create alternatives.
I would agree if they would accept as next US-State.
But either EU nor USA will accept us as partners.
They see us only as a slave third world country.
So we should indefinately continue on the US' locomotive?

We do whatever we can on our own account. And we can do many more things than we could do in the past already. We can even attempt to make our own fighter plane and all kinds of weapons. What else do you want? Do we have anything to gain from a cooperation with the other states. Well if we could sell some TFX to those countries with the same cooperative model USA is selling F35 to us that would be the best cooperation. Otherwise we are a world apart and not really have that colocation advantage like one would have when trading with neighboring countries. And yes we seem to be cooperating in the automobiles area as well.
Azerbaijan's investment in Turkish economy to reach $17-20 bln

Azerbaijan's Economy and Industry Minister Shahin Mustafayev has revealed the government's plans to increase the volume of investments in the Turkish economy.

Speaking at a meeting with a Turkish delegation headed by Trade and Customs Minister Cenap Asci, the minister said that Azerbaijan's investments in the Turkish economy will reach $17 billion to $20 billion by 2020.

Currently, this figure exceeds $6 billion.

Mustafayev noted that the political and economic ties between Azerbaijan and Turkey have reached the strategic partnership level due to the political will of the presidents of the two countries.

The minister also stressed great opportunities for the further development of cooperation between them.

Asci, for his part, said that Turkey attaches great importance to the construction project of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway, which will contribute to deepening relations between the two countries.

Azerbaijani-Turkish relations have remained strong due to a common culture and history and the mutual intelligibility of Turkish and Azerbaijani languages.

Turkey was the first country in the world to recognize Azerbaijan's independence in 1991 and has been a staunch supporter of Azerbaijan in its efforts to preserve its territorial integrity and realize the economic potential that arises from its rich natural resources in the Caspian Sea.

Economic projects jointly implemented by Azerbaijan and Turkey, particularly in the energy sector, have made a significant contribution to the development of the strategic partnership between the two countries.

One of these major joint energy projects is TANAP, which is being developed by SOCAR in collaboration with Turkish Botas and the energy company TPAO, and will deliver gas from the Shah Deniz field to the Turkish-Greek border from eastern Turkey.

The cooperation -- not only in transportation of energy resources, but also in their exploration -- is believed to bring the fruitful partnership of the two countries to a new level.

According to the State Customs Committee, trade turnover between the two countries decreased by 15.8 percent to $954.66 million in January-August 2015. Turkey ranked fourth in total trade turnover volume with Azerbaijan, taking roughly 6.78 percent of total trade volume.

Currently, there are more than 2,600 Turkish companies in Azerbaijan, and around 1,600 Azerbaijani companies in Turkey.

Customs control procedure on BTK railway to be simplified

Later, Asci told Trend that the customs control procedures on the BTK railway will be simplified.

"We will mutually exchange information on cargo,” he said. “The customs control results of one side will be recognized by the other side. We do not plan to replace the carriages and unload the supplied goods under customs control procedure. This will significantly speed up the process of control."

Asci also touched upon passport control procedures for future passengers of the BTK railway and said that it is possible to simplify this procedure in the future.

"Initially, the passport control procedure will be carried out at border crossings,” he said. “It will be held at an accelerated rate. In the future, it is possible to conduct passport control procedures at arrival and departure points. But it is important for the relevant bodies of the two countries to agree on the mutual recognition of the passport control results."

Asci also stressed the necessity to simplify cargo transportation via the BTK as they are the main objective of the project.

"Thanks to this project we will be able to transport cargo from Asia to Europe and vice versa,” he said. “Therefore, it is important to simplify customs procedures. But we will take measures to simplify passport control procedures for passengers."

The BTK is an ambitious regional project with a peak capacity of about 17 million tons of cargo per year. At its initial stage, however, the railway will transport roughly one million passengers and 6.5 million tons of cargo, providing for the development of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and other countries.

The 105-kilometer Akhalkalaki-Marabda-Tbilisi railway branch of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars project is being constructed, while the existing railway's Akhalkalaki-Marabda-Tbilisi section is under renovation in Georgia, which will help it to increase its capacity to 15 million tons of cargo per year.

The BTK railway, financed by Azerbaijan's state oil fund SOFAZ, is being constructed in the framework of an agreement signed by the governments of Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey.

Azerbaijan's investment in Turkish economy to reach $17-20 bln - AzerNews


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