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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
Why are those inbred retards not burning other currencies too? The Lira lost 50% of it’s value in the last weeks against ALL other World currencies too- including the Pound of war torn SYRIA.

Concentrating only on the USD and looking for an external enemy to blame for the failure of Erdogan’s policies is a way to hide the truth from the Turkish public using their anti- American feelings.
Yeah typicall comars...

If you want put the Iphone in your a$$, after buying it for 1000$ nobody cares.

0:58 This old comar says: i want tear it (Dollar) apart, i want throw it away, but we don't do such disrespectful things because "Allahs" name is written on it (Dollar).
Then he ask another man "is Allah written on it?" "do you guys know it?"
Yeah typicall comars...

If you want put the Iphone in your a$$, after buying it for 1000$ nobody cares.

0:58 This old comar says: i want tear it (Dollar) apart, i want throw it away, but we don't do such disrespectful things because "Allahs" name is written on it (Dollar).
Then he ask another man "is Allah written on it?" "do you guys know it?"
He is referring to ''In God we Trust'' inscription on dollar notes.
Well nice excuse not to burn those sweet dollars though. :enjoy:
If Turkey managed agriculture like the Netherlands do, with the same technology and productivity sure. But agriculture is largely still the same as 20 years ago. Farmers dont have the funds to improve and probably dont know how anyway.

Where exactly is the problem?
Where exactly is the problem?

I know from my own experience that my family members that do have fields dont have the funds to invest in better tech for example they basically live from season to season. They are not very educated either to be honest and do things like their parents did and so on. The only thing that helps them is that they have cooperatives and a little bit more bargaining power that way but thats all the help they have.
Read this about turkish debt ( verify it if you dont believe it )

The ratio of current account deficit to gross domestic product to remain below 5 percent by the end of the year, adding the ratio of public net debt stock to the national income rate is 28 percent, while it stands at 49 percent in emerging economies with an OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) average of 111 percent.

"The rate of borrowing stock in the private sector to the national income is still very low at 65 percent. This rate is 95 percent in the average of developing countries," he continued. "In addition, with ratio of household borrowing to the national income remaining at 17 percent, Turkey is far behind the developed countries' average of 36 percent and the world average of 59 percent."

The ratio of total indebtedness is 137 percent in Turkey, 211 percent is the developing countries' average and 318 percent is the world average. In all these parameters, we are far behind the developed countries, the OECD and the world average," Albayrak said.

Its quoted from turkey's finance minister all data can be found on related European and turkish data
Where exactly is the problem?

Like @what said above as well, Turkish farmers lacks the necessary knowledge and equipment to create automated farming systems. I have travelled all across Europe and especially in countries like France, Germany and Italy; I have seen that throughout the highways and even beyond what eye could see towards the horizon, they had automated fields. Especially in Italy, I've seen that almost all the vineyards have been automated to a certain point. This allows them to mass produce grapes and, consequently, make cheap wine.
In Turkey, most of the farms I've seen so far (of course there are certain automated farms with advanced technologies) have been based on hard labor. I live in Ankara, in the capital of Turkey, and there is a wheat field near my house. Almost every year, I watch farmers use really old tractors to till the crops, spread the seeds by hand, collect the product with the slowest and oldest harvest you would ever see, and then burn the stubble. Then each year, they complain about the low yield and how the prices are not in their favor etc. Meanwhile, Italians take the same amount of yield each year, time after time.
Turkey has enough land to feed itself and probably more than half of the entire Europe. But due to lack of all the necessary tools and know-how, Turkey just won't reach that same level of expertise in agriculture. I

In Netherlands, they fill the ocean to make lands for farming. If they can farm so much without even having enough land to plant, think of what Turkey could have done and still can!
When you're arriving in France, you can see fields and fields of crops, even before you land at the airport. I lived in the Auvergne region of France for a while and every time I went out of the city into the countryside, I was amazed by how much land has been planted. I know that the climate of Europe plays an important role in its agriculture. It rains in Auvergne almost throughout the year. But Turkey is rich with water. Even in the east, projects like GAP has allowed simple farmers in places like Şanlıurfa and Mardin to produce incredible yields. However, if you go to the east, you would also see that despite all the irrigation channels created by the GAP project, people just don't plant everywhere because it is hard labor and they lack the necessary tool and equipment, as well as education.
Turkish manufacturing activity shrinks for fifth straight month in August

Well no shit Sherlock. Purchasing power is going down the drain rapidly, so of cource production will go down too as most of our GDP comes from domestic consumption.

But it is saddening to see that our exports went down too, especially when TL is now much cheaper.

I still think the same way though, we need to adopt EURO as our official currency and then stay away from world geopolitics for pro-trade policies.
Eh, he is the same guy who wanted to give south-eastern anatolia to PKK in order to "fix the terror problem", and then he gave the idea of forming Turan with Georgia o_O He is either a retard or armenian scum pretending like a Turk, either way he is hopeless.
Eh, he is the same guy who wanted to give south-eastern anatolia to PKK in order to "fix the terror problem", and then he gave the idea of forming Turan with Georgia o_O He is either a retard or armenian scum pretending like a Turk, either way he is hopeless.

What Turan union with Georgia, son... Don’t lie like an old gypsy. Better go to the doctor for him to asign you some new pills or something, Mr. Know it All. You are losing your sanity a bit more with every passing day. o_O
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After you wanted to give east anatolia away, one member asked you that "how can we connect with rest of the turkic states without eastern anatolia", you said that you will form a Turan with Georgia and they will be the bridge instead of south azerbaijan-eastern anatolia :omghaha:

It's not just me btw lol, at least dozen Turks in this forum mocket up with your retardation until Cabatlı removed your posts :sarcastic: You are either heavy retard, or armenian scum pretending like a Turk. Dare to divide our territorial integrity one more time, doesn't matter if it includes any action or not, you will take a looong vacation :)
you will take a looong vacation :)
Think you are hot shot or something like that ? Threatening members with ban ?

Although you not having that kind of tool in your pocket, try to make point with conversation not by oppression. He have right to express himself just as you do.

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