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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
Neither Erdogan nor AKP created powerful Turkish Republic!!
Turkish Republic has always been at the top of the list.
Look even in 1980ies , we are 15th economy in the world. Dont underestimate our republic!
From 2000 to 2010 we werent in the list thanks to Erdogan:)

Then the most important fact is , growth of GDP in Turkey from 2000 to 2010 subjected global economical poltics of USA. USA had inflated money all markets untill 2010ies then nowadays they stopped money flew.

Look ,how paralel is Turkish GDP growth with WORLD.

turkiye dolar.png

dunya dolar.png
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There isn’t many countries on this list of developing middle income economies (with the exception of SK, Qatar, UAE, Saudis) that are worse than us...

Turkish lira is now down to 4,56 for a USD and 5,32 for 1 EUR. Let’s see how much it will go down until June 24th. :D

Like great minds of our time say: Dolar uctu gidiyeaahh. :sarcastic:
Turkish lira is now down to 4,56 for a USD and 5,32 for 1 EUR. Let’s see how much it will go down until June 24th. :D

Like great minds of our time say: Dolar uctu gidiyeaahh. :sarcastic:

You could mean the high exchange rate should reduce the imports, but they don’t.
2017: 1€ = 3.9TL
2018: 1€ = 5.49-...TL

Good for us gurbetcis/tourists...
My view on this economy bs
1) exchange rates of dollar and lira are not an indicator of the turkish economy
Many factors affect the rate and only if it lasts long term It would be harmful

2) account deficit is because turkey is buying it's energy and the prices are getting higher ( mainly oil ) by 2020, some projects would be completed and would cut the deficit by over 15 billion at least
High deficit is actually a signal that Turkey has all this money that it manages to import over 40 billion than it exports ( in simple terms lol )
3) the central bank of Turkey is owned by Rothchild family and they are not happy with Erdogan so they are increasing interest rates ( which is bad from inflation to liquidity etc )

Tho I get why they are mad after all he publicly went against the "interest lobby"

They are creating a boggy man in the form of a weakening economy so they hurt Erdogan and his Re-election chances

Turks on 26 June will probably make the most important choice of their lives ever since turkey won against the coup
the central bank of Turkey is owned by Rothchild family and they are not happy with Erdogan so they are increasing interest rates
are u stupid ?? they didn't raise the interest rate cuz they were hoping erdogan will find investors whom bring investment into turkey so they could keep up with the dollar now that he is failed and inflation is higher then growth and turkish economy is shrinking central bank trying to fill the gap by increasing interest rate cuz they cant keep it up . many factor like military coup , terrorist attacks decreased tourism which brought dollar in and turkey spend more then 10 billion dollar on 3.5 million Syrian refugee turkey is not a oil rich country to have constant income in dollar
- Lira goes down the sh*tter but economy is doing great. :yahoo:

- Our huge accound deficit is because we import oil and gas. :cheesy:

- Turkish Central Bank is owned by the Rotchilds and the Faiz lobby who try to harm Erdogan before the elections. :sarcastic:

In the end:

It seems there is no money even a penny in the safe of central bank of Turkey.

Erdogan had started a campaign to fund his election rally. He demands money from his voters.

Well the economy has totally collapsed...
My view on this economy bs
1) exchange rates of dollar and lira are not an indicator of the turkish economy
Many factors affect the rate and only if it lasts long term It would be harmful

2) account deficit is because turkey is buying it's energy and the prices are getting higher ( mainly oil ) by 2020, some projects would be completed and would cut the deficit by over 15 billion at least
High deficit is actually a signal that Turkey has all this money that it manages to import over 40 billion than it exports ( in simple terms lol )
3) the central bank of Turkey is owned by Rothchild family and they are not happy with Erdogan so they are increasing interest rates ( which is bad from inflation to liquidity etc )

Tho I get why they are mad after all he publicly went against the "interest lobby"

They are creating a boggy man in the form of a weakening economy so they hurt Erdogan and his Re-election chances

Turks on 26 June will probably make the most important choice of their lives ever since turkey won against the coup

Don't know to laugh or cry at this comment
Guys can someone really give us a brief objective analysis (Please put your political support aside) why turkish economy especially lira is going down ?!
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