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Turkish drones for Saudi Arabia

Most media in the world have zero clue about military deals. Arab media is no different. They are recycling old news. 100's of such deals have supposedly been signed with 100 of different countries. In reality only 20% or so have amounted to anything concrete and I am well aware that such deals and cooperation takes time to implement but this news is obviously not authentic and no main military news source (respected) is reporting it.

SAMI (main government owned defense company) signing a deal with a private Turkish company (every private military company in Turkey is under a close watch and control of the government = Erdogan) of all companies in the world in 2020 when ties between the two governments are at an all-time low? Makes sense.

BTW no need to post the SAMI Twitter tweet either, the guy running that Twitter account appears to be clueless/uniformed given past history.

Reminds me of the nonsense story of Gulf News (Emirati newspaper), an article written by some expat or whoever wrote it, claiming that KSA will buid a drone in 2021, when such a thing has already been done 10 years ago and by several defense companies, universities (KAUST) etc. Entire drone families exist today. Such reporting is a joke.
Poor you :D
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it's been a long time that i was waiting for this comment, your (Turkish) defense industries is half of ours. you produce ~300 military equipment we produce 760. just in one year US seized 1000 anti tank missile shipment to Yemen, take to the account the amount they couldn't.
you can talk about Iranian defense sector whenever you could make a jet engine, a plane, a long range air defense, a long range cruise missile, a pinpoint medium range ballistic missile and......
for now you can sit and watch and enjoy or envy, you are not in a position to talk about Iranian defense sector.

you military is 90% chest thumping and 10% European help.

copycat Iran is noting to compare with Turkiye ..... in military , economy and industrial

You Persians keep copy Soviet missile technology via N.Korea,China and Ukraine , nothing more

Iran took Ballistic Miissile technology from N.Korea
Iran took Cruise Missile technology from Ukraine
Iran copied Chinese Anti Ship Missiles

and other copycat iranian weapons are based on outdated Soviet and American weapons

also cheap persian propaganda like garbage QAHER-313
btw Iran made weapons dont have international quality certificate

Turkish Military Projects which only in 1,8 billion Islamic World

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@The Eagle Please take care of "Iran strong", "mine is bigger", "I am the best" troll team from such threads please ! This thread has nothing to do with their systems. It seems they have a pain for a reasons I don't know. Maybe, The success of Turkish systems on other's land might trigger their superior complex but At least We should keep them away from threads related with Turkish systems.
@cabatli_53 Actually I was just browsing and saw the Turkish member comment regarding Iran and just replied. I did not focus on the topic of the discussion. Sorry for making that off topic post bro.

On topic:

This useless Iran vs Turkey aside. Saudi Arabia should go for a product from a fellow Muslim country. If Muslim nations worked together rather than against each other, we'd have even these so called "advanced nations" lining up for our products. I respect Turkish quality when it comes to their hardware. Saudi Arabia would not make a wrong choice going for their products.
This useless Iran vs Turkey aside. Saudi Arabia should go for a product from a fellow Muslim country. If Muslim nations worked together rather than against each other, we'd have even these so called "advanced nations" lining up for our products. I respect Turkish quality when it comes to their hardware. Saudi Arabia would not make a wrong choice going for their products.

Yup, I am agree on you. I am sick and tired with that foolish division as well. Here in South East Asia relation between Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei is very good and strong and I hope similar thing to happen as well in Middle East.

Abdullah ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The Muslim is a brother to another Muslim. He does not wrong him, nor surrender him. Whoever fulfills the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs. Whoever relieves a Muslim from distress, Allah will relieve him from distress on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever covers the faults of a Muslim, Allah will cover his faults on the Day of Resurrection.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2310, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2580
Saudi Arabia Decides to Localize Drone Production
May 2, 2020

Saudi Arabia has reached an agreement with Intra Defence Technologies to domesticate drone production. Within this framework, approximately 50 drones will be developed in Saudi Arabia in the next five years. A total of USD 200 million is planned to be invested in the process, which will begin with the production of six platforms in 2021. Intra President Salman bin Nasser Al-Shathri said 60 per cent of the project’s operations will be handled by Saudi enterprises, and 60 per cent of its output will be destined for export, according to local media.

The drones, which will be produced, were first exhibited at the Dubai Airshow in 2019. Intra Defence Technologies' Asef Drone can be equipped with Roketsan's MAM-L and MAM-C ammunition. The company also advertises the Karayel tactical UAV, developed by Turkey's Vestel Defence.



Saudi Arabia start to build Combat Drones from 2021


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has granted a license to a local company to manufacture military drones first unveiled at Dubai Airshow-2019, starting next year.

On April 27, the General Authority for Military Industries approved for Infra Defense Technologies to build 6 drones in 2021, and 40 within a span of five years. The project is scheduled to begin operation during the first quarter of 2021, with an expected investment amounting to $200 million.

“The project for the maintenance, manufacture and localization of unmanned aircraft systems reflects the general strategy of the authority and is based on its three pillars: industry, research and technology and procurement,” GAMI Governor, Eng. Ahmed al-Ohali, said.

Intra President Salman bin Nasser Al-Shathri said 60 percent of the project’s operations will be handled by Saudi enterprises, and 60 percent of its output will be destined for export, according to local media.

The Asef drone is armed with Roketsan MAM-L and MAM-C munitions. At the airshow, the platform was equipped with a Hensoldt Argos II EO/IR pod to provide day-and-night surveillance capabilities.

The company also advertises the Karayel tactical UAV, developed by Turkey's Vestel. Intra representatives told Jane's at the Dubai Airshow last year that the company was primarily orienting its marketing efforts for the Karayel towards the Saudi military, and potentially exporting the platform to Brazil and Kuwait.

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