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Turkish drones for Saudi Arabia

That's the problem....common enemy is not israel is it
Israel is not the only enemy. First we need to get our house in order. Kill the rats hiding among us masquerading as Muslims and then proceed to hunt the jackals.
Dude, Syria is a joke. Even ISIS beat them on many occasions in the past. Their worthy air assets like the S-300 is under the control of Russians and they will never lock on Turkish targets. Targeting Israel or Turkey with S-300 is a red line for the Russians.

Syria itself operates the S-200 only.

Libya is even a bigger joke, need to explain more ?

Looks like someone is butt-hurt down here. So much envy in his post.
Joke or not but Syria is the closest a UCAV have seen actual action against an enemy that can potentially shot them down. And i dont think we can find an example of drone warfare in modern skirmishes as Turkish operations in Syria and Libya.
Other then that US have been bombing the rag tag Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Alqaeda in Yemen.
I mean Counterinsurgency and Battlefield level operarions is a day night difference.
So have we, now wait for our own MALE UCAV.
Israel is not the only enemy. First we need to get our house in order. Kill the rats hiding among us masquerading as Muslims and then proceed to hunt the jackals.
That means your rulers...not leaders as they couldnt lead their way to a bbq
It's Backstabbing your own ppl with giving licenses
I didnt mean it like that at all. I was being sarcastic. Im saying even though we dont see eye to eye with the current saudi regime we should be open for military cooperation hoping that saudis will eventually will find us an indispensable partner. Turkey dont have anything against saudis, its the saudi who have the chip on their shoulder and who tend to conspire against us.
Anyhow maybe defence trades between militaries will make one less potential enemy
flying canon eos drones sugerrockets photoshop bm and fighter jets, various epoxy resin mock ups.. and side to side north korean rockets..

ask the israelians and that rukarl guy.. they know you better than us..
No source or anything?

This news is not making sense for me. Why would Saudis go for an unproven UAV which is not even being used by it's own military while they have all the money the set-up JVs with their favourite Western Companies.

Why Turkish government would give export lisence to Vestel inorder to set-up a shop in a country which attacks Yemen. For several times Turkish government critisized Saudis for their actions in Yemen.
Welcome to Realpolitik... Where the Masters throw bones for the little guys to offer a show...

Each side is using their people to do the dirty job... to keep the "Gov Agenda" up and running... while they do their Biz...
And tbh... Good for them... Those who love to be used shall be used...

People on this Forum and IRL should understand that... In front of Power/Money/Politics... Moral,blood,sacrifice,values HAS NO MEANING... and that the case for every front... be it TR with RU, or Israel.. The Us,, China, KSA, UAE and etc... and Vice versa...
Excellent news thanks to “smart” saudis Turkey will have third UCAV producer with stable financial situation without spending 1 cent
Fake news. Makes no sense either as KAUST, other Saudi Arabian universities and private military companies have been/are manufacturing locally made drones already. Drones used actively in Yemen.

SAMI (state-owned military company) is/has been working with European, Chinese, African (South African), US and other partners in regards to drone technology.

Excellent news thanks to “smart” saudis Turkey will have third UCAV producer with stable financial situation without spending 1 cent

"Smart" Turkified and Arabized Muslim Macedonians like you should quit daydreaming. KSA is not Qatar (for the time being only) nor is KSA going to fund any of your firms when there are many better alternatives that already cooperate with KSA.

since ottoman era hoping huh? :)

KSA was never a part of any Ottoman entity (which was never a strong centralized state let alone homogenous). The Sharifate of Makkah and Madinah (Hijaz was the only historical region with ties to the Ottomans and that too only in name (nominal) and with little presence or influence in day to day dealings. The ruling dynasty was local as well and 99.99% of the population was local. Every educated Arab is also well aware that the 350-400 year long Ottoman presence (themselves heavily Arabized on almost every front - most of the population being of Arab origin as well, lol) in some areas of the Arab world (less than 1/3 of the Arab territory) was a dark age with zero development so we don't owe you anything. It is your Erdogan and his Arab wife that have got a recent obsession about Arab affairs, not the other way around.
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When you can’t handle truth then start writing fake saudi barbarian history Hahahahah
What a sore loser
Take the L bitch
It seems the level of arrogance some Iranian members reached is unmatchable. One member is appearing in a thread that has nothing to do with Iran and claiming that Nothing is Turkish in Turkey, All NATO. Other one is appearing with a claim of "%90 chest thumping, others European help". Guys, You should better get lost from threads related with Turkey and concentrate on your individual programs/problems to make a better strength propaganda with more professional mock-ups. Turkey and Iran is not inside the same league and never will be. Being a country like Iran is the last thing I can wish in my life time and Our roadway that we are following in quality standarts, performance criterias and production methods have lots of impossibility for Iran so let us do our best while you better care your own individual business, economical problems, oil prices, Yemen issues, Gulf problems, Israel policy, coming US agression in your own threads. @The Eagle
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Most media in the world have zero clue about military deals. Arab media is no different. They are recycling old news. 100's of such deals have supposedly been signed with 100 of different countries. In reality only 20% or so have amounted to anything concrete and I am well aware that such deals and cooperation takes time to implement but this news is obviously not authentic and no main military news source (respected) is reporting it.

SAMI (main government owned defense company) signing a deal with a private Turkish company (every private military company in Turkey is under a close watch and control of the government = Erdogan) of all companies in the world in 2020 when ties between the two governments are at an all-time low? Makes sense.

BTW no need to post the SAMI Twitter tweet either, the guy running that Twitter account appears to be clueless/uniformed given past history.

Reminds me of the nonsense story of Gulf News (Emirati newspaper), an article written by some expat or whoever wrote it, claiming that KSA will buid a drone in 2021, when such a thing has already been done 10 years ago and by several defense companies, universities (KAUST) etc. Entire drone families exist today. Such reporting is a joke.
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