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Turkish domestic SUV will be unveiled in next Friday

Turkey-billion-dollar international climate fund was invited to the battery program

Washington-based Climate Investment Funds (CIF) President Mafalda Duarte told AA correspondent that climate change has become the most important agenda item in the world and that more ambitious goals are needed to prevent climate change.

Underlining that there should be no hopelessness in this regard, Duarte emphasized the importance of providing support to the countries that have started the energy transformation, in order to build more renewable energy capacity and reduce carbon emissions.

Duarte, in this context, Turkey has stated that in terms of energy conversion is a very good example, he said:

"We have achieved so far 450 million dollars CIF and $ 4.3 billion in renewable energy in Turkey, including from different sources and to invest a significant amount of efficiency projects. This capacity of 30 million tonnes denied carbon emissions and provided 16 Gigawatt per hour to save energy. Continuation of this energy conversion supposed to and we will continue our investments in Turkey. on the other hand, we are launching the initial budget for a storage program is $ 250 million. this is our program will be expanded in a short time. Size of our Global Energy storage program will reach $ 1 billion, we want to take place in Turkey. Turkey With our initiative, which is the largest storage investment program in the world, we have reached an additional energy storage capacity of 17.5 gigawatt hours by 2025 in the participating countries. and we aim to provide more energy access to 6.5 million people. "

Duarte noted that storage is critical for the further integration of renewable energy sources into the system and that battery systems are needed for the expansion of small-scale distributed energy systems.
The first model is expected to be released in 2022, so roughly 1,5 years...
Are there already pictures or videos of TOGGs at -35 degree in North-Sweden or at +50 degree in the Californian dessert? Is there a configurator online already? I can't find any further information, could someone please help.
The first model is expected to be released in 2022, so roughly 1,5 years...
Are there already pictures or videos of TOGGs at -35 degree in North-Sweden or at +50 degree in the Californian dessert? Is there a configurator online already? I can't find any further information, could someone please help.

Nothing, just how the car is going to look like and the specs. But never seen in the wild so far.
news about the TOGG, in German only I'm afraid.

in German only

The first prototypes are on the streets - in Germany!:o:
TOGG instructed the EDAG engineering company from Fulda/Hesse with the development of the car:

"The company from Hessen is responsible for the vehicle development of the SUV. The design specifications - inside and outside - come from Italy from the Pininfarina company. Edag converts the idea into functionality and everyday technology - at the location in Fulda.

250 engineers are working on it, as Edag reveals. From the chassis to the ashtray, everything was conceived in East Hesse. A technical prototype with Fulda license plates is already on the road.

Edag is not as well known as the car brands for which the company works behind the scenes. However, the international engineering service provider enjoys an excellent reputation in the industry. In the 2019 financial year, the company generated sales of 781 million euros. Almost 8,500 people are employed (as of the end of 2019).

Edag serves vehicle manufacturers from Germany and abroad. Harald Keller, Head of Vehicle Development, said: "It's a great order because we see Turkey as a growing automotive market" - both in terms of production and with a view to suppliers. On the question of influence from politics, Keller said: "It has no effect on our work. We ignore the issue."


So the engineering is German, the design Italian and the batteries Chinese, whats turkish about the TOGG?
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